
In Naruto As....Well Naruto

First time writing. English Not my first language. Go easy on critism Short version Boy......Truck.....Dead.......God.......Naruto. Mc is 19 years boy so will do things on whims and not much of a planner like yami-sama In between Evil and Good. Cruel to many and Good to loved one type And VIRGIN And Updates When I'm free Tags : R18, Mature , Smart Mc , Non manipulative Mc , A bit paranoid too, Action , Adventure , AU , timeline can differ And System, A bit of comedy, Dark later on. Any similarities between this nd other fanfic is coincidence since i hve sm idea from other fic and my own. This maybe a slow story, I try to describe Important events in details. First 2 chapters are not that well written, so bear with it. I don't own ANYTHING.

Laziness_IsThe_Key · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

It's Getting Fun....

Next day I'm going to the training ground kakashi called us. I reach there and see sakura and sasuke waiting while kakashi is leaning against a tree and reading icha icha book. I make my towards them without a care in the world.

" Hey guys, How you doin'~?" I greet them with ' My' classic greeting. Sasuke and sakura glares daggers in me in response, if looks could kill they would still be too weak, Muhahaha.

Kakashi stares me for a long minute, my guess coz of my hairstyle, Its almost same as minato.

( A/N: cover photo)

" Naruto, Do you know what time i called you guys here?" Kakashi asked me

" I think it was 7 in the morning." I reply to which he nods

" And what do you think time is now?"

" 10:15 " I answer to which he frowns

" A shinobi should know the value of time, every second counts for him." Kakashi says and now Sakura and sasuke are glaring daggers in him.

" Oh I apologize for that, Actually An old woman on my way here needed help and being a gentleman i am, i stopped to help her, then a black cat crossed my path and I had to take another way, so i got late." His eyes went wide at my first 'reason' then he deadpan at my second 'reason'.

" Sigh, Let's start the training." Kakashi says defeated.

" About time " Sasuke muttered

"What will it be?" Sakura asked

" It's very simple, all you have to do is take these bell from me before noon. I will set the timer for 2 hours." He shows the bell and sets the timer.

" Wait a second, there's only 2 bells and we are 3, how are we all suppose to pass?" Sakura asks worried that she may have to part ways from sasuke-kun.

" Those who don't have a bell will get no lunch and not only will i tie him to that stump, i will also eat infront of you.

There are only 2 bells so atleast one of you will fail and be sent back to the academy." Kakashi explains the rules of the exam

" If you want, You can use shurikens and kunais, you won't succeed unless you come at me with the intent to kill. We will begin when i say start. Now START." As he said that we all hide .

" THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR A SHINOBI IS TO BE ABLE TO HIDE YOURSELF." He said like he is giving a lecture to students.

' Guess i hid pretty good. Now lets see what you got kakashi.' I think with barely containable excitement on my face.


I learned two things about inner peace while training with iruka sensei

1. I love fighting. A thing from my childhood in previous life which probably upgraded in battle maniac,hehe.

2. I love showing pricks their places. So i may or may not have hidden sadistic side in me which may or may not want to crush and humiliate the white haired emo.


3rd Person POV


Just as kakashi is thinking everyone is well hidden, Someone interrupts his thoughts.

" I can't let you feel lonely now, can I" Naruto's cheery voice is heard by everyone

" You are a weird one, aren't you?"

" The only thing weird here is your hair and of course sakura's forehead. Now let's see how far I've come and how far I've still left to go, shall we?" Kakashi raises his eyebrow at that.

Naruto starts running towards Kakashi, who in turn places his hand in his pouch. Naruto doesn't halt and advances on. Kakashi takes out icha icha book from his pouch.

" Shinobi fighting lesson no. 1 TAIJUTSU

I will teach you about it." He says casually while reading book totally underestimating Naruto.

Naruto reaches near kakashi and throws a kick towards Kakashi who just blocks it with his forearm without any effort. Naruto then goes for a jab which kakashi dodges by sitting and his hand goes over kakashi's head but Naruto crouches down fast with his elbow bending and aiming for kakashi's head. Kakashi vanishes from his spot and reappears behind naruto.

" Never let a shinobi go behind your back."

Kakashi does a tiger seal

"Naruto run away, you are going to get killed" Screams sakura.

" Too late. HIDDEN LEAF FORBIDDEN TAIJUTSU TECHNIQUE : THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH " Screams kakashi and pokes Naruto's Ass.

BUT Just as his fingers were about ravage Naruto's sacred Booty...That came out wrong, Anyways, Jst as it was about to happen Naruto vanishes in a puff of smoke surprising kakashi and everyone else.

' A shadow clone. He is not as stupid as i thoug-" but kakashi's thoughts were again interrupted by the same voice

" Hahaha did you really think i would come out without knowing the strength of an enemy. I'M THE REAL DEAL, DATTEBAYO." Naruto says leaning against the tree, looking cool.

' Guess i speak too early.'

' Tsk. show off.'

' Naruto...He is actually pretty cool right now.'

Were the thoughts going through others mind.

" Shall we go for real this time." Without waiting for kakashi's reply Naruto makes 7 Shadow clones and started running towards Kakashi but out of nowhere a shadow clone caught kakashi from behind, then all the clones capture kakashi from all side and Naruto throws a punch to kakashi's face but just as the punch was about to hit, it stops and kakashi is nowhere to be found, instead there's another naruto in kakashi's place.

Naruto then dispels other clones and there is only him left. Naruto notices a bell near tree and smiles widely, he makes his way towards it and just when he was about to take the bell.

He is hanging upside down, his leg is caught in trap and then kakashi's voice is heard.

" Think before you use a jutsu, it can be used against you. Oh and also, Don't fall for obvious traps." Kakashi finishes To which Naruto just smiles and says or screams much to kakashi's amusement.

" ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR A SHINOBI... DECEPTION. Oh and also Don't expect your enemy to be fair.

Its getting fun playing with you Kakashi." Saying this Naruto vanishes in puff of smoke, implying this too was a shadow clone.






(A/N: First fight chapter, How was it And I'm also working on DAO OF CLIFF. MUHAHAHAHA.

