
In Naruto As....Well Naruto

First time writing. English Not my first language. Go easy on critism Short version Boy......Truck.....Dead.......God.......Naruto. Mc is 19 years boy so will do things on whims and not much of a planner like yami-sama In between Evil and Good. Cruel to many and Good to loved one type And VIRGIN And Updates When I'm free Tags : R18, Mature , Smart Mc , Non manipulative Mc , A bit paranoid too, Action , Adventure , AU , timeline can differ And System, A bit of comedy, Dark later on. Any similarities between this nd other fanfic is coincidence since i hve sm idea from other fic and my own. This maybe a slow story, I try to describe Important events in details. First 2 chapters are not that well written, so bear with it. I don't own ANYTHING.

Laziness_IsThe_Key · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Rules? Those are for kids...

" ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART FOR A SHINOBI... DECEPTION. Oh and also Don't expect your enemy to be fair.

Its getting fun playing with you Kakashi." Saying this Naruto vanishes in puff of smoke, implying this too was a shadow clone.

' It's like he is playing, with a jonin. How strong are you, Naruto." Sasuke thinks and clenched his fist.

' He is so cool right now.'

" I'm starting to like you guys." Kakashi says

" Of course you do, what's not to like." Naruto said in his usual cheery tone, appearing some distance away from kakashi.

" Well" He continue " Now that warm up is out of the way, let's get serious shall we."

Saying his part Naruto starts running towards Kakashi, this time with a speed greater than before.

' He faster than before' Other 3 think at the same time.


[Song playing Hey mama]


' It's one of the best song for fighting, if you follow its rhythm your attacks will be both fast and slow, atleast that's what i think.' Naruto said in his mind.

Naruto throws a Right punch at kakashi, who blocks it with his Left palm, Naruto Proceeds to kick Kakashi but kakashi throws a punch to his stomach which Naruto blocks but barely.

" You are not bad, for an old man"

" You too are better than expected."

this stalemate goes on for a while, then Naruto jumps back to make some distance.

" Kakashi....You are Worthy

I will show you my S-Rank Jutsu." Naruto said pointing at kakashi.

" S- Rank huh"

"Uh huh"

Naruto makes 2 clones who stands at his left and right. They Make some hand signs

" S-Rank Jutsu.....ZA WARUDO" All 3 naruto points their hands at kakashi with open palms.

A gentle breeze pass through the Field.

" Hehe, It's still work in progress" Naruto spoke rubbing back of his head embarrassingly.

Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi trips at their place.

" Will you look at that, still in progress but already taking out jonin. And Kakashi" Naruto continue, after being sure he has his attention " Don't let a ninja get behind you." Just as he finishes A clone attacks kakashi from his back, Kakashi seeing the clone twists his body so bell is not at clone's side.

But the bell was never the clone's aim. He grabs his pants and pull it down. A few seconds pass and Naruto burst out laughing.

" HAHAHAHA, Damn Kakashi, you wear a teddy bear print underwear. Hahaha" Seeing Naruto laugh Sakura also burst laughing and sasuke is controlling his laughter.

Then suddenly naruto senses danger and Kurumi speaks

' Brat, you have made him serious, Now you have to use that move or you will be severely injured." Kurumi spoke to Naruto

' Alright, but It was Worth it.'

" S-Rank Jutsu...Nigerundayo" Naruto Dashes towards the forest.

Seeing this as a chance sasuke throws shurikens and kunais at kakashi, who does not dodge them and let himself be hit, but then he changes into a log.

" Substitution, Now he knows my place." Sasuke Said and starts running.

' I have to look for Naruto, this is a team battle' Sasuke search for Naruto.

' That was quite good if i say so myself, now there's still time left....' Sakura scream is heard ' She fell for it again, Trash is trash'

Sasuke goes where the scream came from and finds sakura under genjutsu.

" I'm not like her, you know" He spoke to Kakashi who is leaning on a tree behind him.

" Say that after you get the bell sasuke-kun"

They start their fight, same as canon. Sasuke throws kunais at kakashi who jumps to the left and dodge them but one kunai cut the rope and trigger the trap, several kunai comes toward Kakashi at high speed, who jumps to the right to dodge but sasuke is already there and does a mid air roundhouse kick but his leg is caught by kakashi then he twists his body still mid air and punches kakashi but his punch too is caught by him. He makes some distance between them and does hand signs for jutsu

" Fire style : Grand fireball Jutsu" Sasuke throws a big fire ball from his mouth at Kakashi.

When fires dies out kakashi is nowhere to be seen

Then a hand comes out from the ground and captures sasuke's leg, then pulls him in the ground. After that Kakashi comes out from the ground.

" You know what they say, An exposed nail should be hammered." Alarm clock goes off indicating time is up.

At the end Sakura is tied to stump. Kakashi tells them what they did wrong like Sakura going to help Sasuke, instead of Naruto who was closer,

Sasuke who just assumed others will get in his way And Naruto who plays around too much.

He told them they will get another chance but Naruto and sasuke are warned to not share the food with Sakura, which Sasuke ignores, Sakura thanks him and looks at Naruto with expectation seeing which Naruto responses

" No hard feelings Haruno " Sakura becomes a bit upset at name Naruto calls her with " Since we are going to be teammates, you should know one thing" Naruto points at himself and continue "NARUTO DOESN'T SHARE FOOD" He finishes almost screaming the last part.

" It's not because kakashi said so, It's just i have learned to care about myself more."

At that, Kakashi makes his grand entrance and starts speaking.

" You guys....Pass. You heard it Correct" He explains seeing Sakura and Sasuke confused expression and Naruto still eating without any care.

"Those who break the rules and codes in shinobi world are trash but those who abandon their own are worse than trash."

" Rules?" Naruto speaks finished with his lunch " Rules are for kids, Man make their own rules and they are called Principles"

Others are surprised at what he said.

" After all, Rules are made to be broken." He said shrugging like it's common sense.

" Ahem from tomorrow we will begin our team missions. Dismissed."

They went their separate ways after that except Sakura who was still tied to the stump.



Naruto gets home and a message appear in front of him.

[ Achievement unlocked

Become an official Gennin

Rewards : S-Rank skill (NEW)

Talent (Singing)

Recipe for Chocolates]


" Eh, What's this?"

" Hello there, It's ROB here, I have given you a quest function."

" But didn't you said as i quote it ' No Systems'"

" Yeah, But I'm The GOD, I can do whatever the fck i want. This function will not show quest just notify you when you complete it."

" Sigh, Well Why would reject free rewards. Now what is this skill."

[ S-Rank Skill Opened


DESCRIPTION: Neither you nor the person will feel cringe unless its over 9000.]

[ Enjoy, Hahaha]

" Damn You ROB."








( A/N: How about Good reviews if you like the fic that is.)