
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Analysis - II

Let's check out this message.

[ Hello Alex, or Tatsuya, the name you go by nowadays. Hope you liked the gift I sent you. This will be the last time I am communicating with you. Well I want to make something clear to you.Well you see when Ultimatrix was made, various samples were needed for different species. Incase of humans we took the DNA from a world similar to yours where humans are born without superpowers. So as of now, Ultimatrix is recognizing your DNA as damaged while comparing it to base DNA and is working overtime to repair it. And I am pretty sure you took that into account while asking for Ultimatrix, instead of asking for a quirk that works like Ultimatrix. You must have some plans for DNA altering technology , not that I am gonna interfere. In short you will be Original Human or Quirkless as your world would say. But that doesn't matter does it ? You have the world's strongest 'quirk' if mastered properly. Use that well .

And yeah one more thing , your Ultimate transformation function has been currently locked. You must be aware that the DNA molecule possesses a form of consciousness of its own . This form of consciousness is distinct and different from neurological consciousness . You must also be aware how ultimate forms have been formed, by making those life forms live in extreme, harsh environments and force them to survive. By living in those harsh environments and surviving for millions of years, the DNA of Ultimate form's have a higher degree of consciousness than their counterparts. So like how life always found a way to survive and to be free, these ultimate forms will do so too if you are mentally not strong enough. And yeah you are currently not , despite being an reincarnator. Ultimatrix will unlock the ultimate forms when it concludes that you are ready.

Enjoy your new life and live the way you like. There will be no external interference. Here we say goodbye.




Tatsuya POV

Really , I can't hide anything from ROB. He figured out I need the DNA changing technology as one of my trump cards . A trump card in a world where people are basically useless without their quirk. So I am quirkless huh? Not that it matters now. Ultimate forms will be locked too. What sort of Master control is this !!

Now let's think about what to do about my quirk. I am not going to tell anyone about my system and Ultimatrix , not even my parents. It's not like I don't trust them. But to keep them safe, the less they know , the better. I don't want them to be a part of a dark and dangerous world. It takes a lot more strength to know how bad the world is and not be a part of it than to live through the illusion of safety. And I am damn sure they will become a part of this world and put themselves in danger to shield me .

Now about my quirk , what should I show to the public? I can't show them all my 10 forms with a multitude of powers. I am damn sure, All might who gets hot for All for One and has a very tunnel vision regarding when it comes to him, will link me and my family to him and will use his damn influence and contacts to keep us under surveillance or will directly interrogate me, which is in fact illegal, but he will get away with it being the No 1 soldier.

Let's see my form should be humanoid and nearly the same size as me. So greymatter ,Echo Echo are out of the picture. No to Diamondhead also. He's a walking treasure vault and human greed knows no bounds. Not NRG as well , it's whole body is covered with a armor , which is not organic and manmade, sortof . Swampfire is also a big NONO, not only its regeneration is my trump card, but it will attract a lot of attention for its ability to heal even after getting his head blown off.

A huge amount of people will want to study me, bisect me to know how Swampfire works, especially the rich , powerful and influential , who have everything in their life except time. They will easily use the media to rile up the public by giving them hope to make a cure for Cancer and various incurable diseases and turning them against me and my family. Not to mention the crazy doctors and their supposed breakthrough for the betterment of mankind.

That leaves me with XLR8, jetray, Humungousaur , BigChill and Amphibian. In transformation form I plan to use only one power. So if I use Jetray, I can only display my flight. So let's remove it.

I want to keep Humungousaur, whose brute strength is greater than All might,one of my trump cards. (Humongousaur is strong enough to lift a To'kustar, a skyscraper sized being made of a cosmic metal.)

That leaves XLR8, BigChill and Amphibian. Now out of these the one most similar to my parents is Amphibian. It has powers that are similar to mom's quirk, Anemone. Anemone - The user can transform their fingers into stretchy tentacles that can emit electric shocks.

So it's decided my 'quirk' in public will be Amphibian. I just have to make sure I don't phase through anything, don't show any of my powers except Electrokinesis. And I am sure we can play out my transformation as a mutation of sorts. Humans barely have any information about how we get quirks, how they mutate, how they change some body parts, how some of them defy even physics.

Now from tomorrow I will start on increasing my drawing talent as well as tell my parents about my 'quirk'.