
In MHA as a goat

An ordinary person suddenly got transmigrated in My Hero Academia as a.... goat?!! "omg, I'm in MHA! wait- why am I a goat?!! do I eat weeds now??" it seems our MC became a Cute little goat in MHA...Together with his new extraordinary siblings. "WHAT?!" but wait... "why is Izuku a villain now? why didn't All might make him his successor? WHAT IS GOING ON?!!" come and join our little MC to become the mightiest hero and the most cunning villain in the MHA world... *********************************************** Credits to the original artist of the cover. *********************************************** All of the MHA characters here are not mine except for my OCS.

popyStyko · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

CH 1

"WHY MEeeEeeeEh~"





*groan* slowly opening my eyes, I was met with an unfamiliar ceiling.

"*yawn* Ughhhh, this damn alarm is so annoying!"


'When did I get an alarm clock?'

I immediately got up and checked my surroundings which confused me more because what came into my sight was….weird.

The room I am in is so fancy and…white!

All of the furniture here is snow-white, the carpet, the bedsheets, even the…teddybears? 'What the fuck?!!'

'Wait, wait, wait, first of all, where the hell am I?? did I get kidnapped? Then why put me in a fancy room?'

I jump down from the bed as I noticed that all the things inside this room are…big?

'what in god's name is all this?!!'

'man, this place is freaky'

'I should get out of here'

'is there a door in this place? hmmm'

I looked around the walls and finally saw the door

'even the door's white huh.'

As I am walking towards the door, I walked past a mirror and briefly saw something inside it.

"huh? what was that?"

'Shit! am I really getting distracted right now?! get a hold of yourself!'

I continued walking towards the door and finally reached for the doorknob when I saw my arms.

'huh? is that- my arm?'

I immediately run towards the mirror, and

"oh my god... I'M A GOAT?!!"

[System : {Activate} switch to ON]

[Inputing the memories of the Original body to the host}

'huh?' A transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of me.





[100% : {Complete}]

[Proceeding the transfer in 3...2...1]


And then suddenly I felt an excruciating pain inside my head... memories, not mine, pouring inside my head, mixing with my own.

"ARRRGH!" I screamed as the pain was unbearable.

*tak tak tak tak* *BAM*

"Damian! are you all right?!!"

A beautiful albino chick with short white hair and ice-cold eyes suddenly burst into the room with a worried face.

"S-sister Ara-" I weakly called out her name before passing out.

[Input Memories : {Complete}]

'what the hell is happening, man fuck this shi-'
