
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

First of all, This is a Novel where there is Harem. So you are warned if you didn’t read the Synopsis. I will be using some forced romance and Cliches to my advantage to take Harem members. This will be AU with MCU plotline but the Superheroes’ power levels will be on the Comics side that will give me plenty of room to manoeuvre. Yeah Yeah, Mutants will be involved when I find them convenient to do so. If you don’t understand the powers of something or someone, go to Wiki please. Don’t bother me with useless chit chat. I will obviously add some characters that I want and May even add some OCs. So don’t moan about it. To the real Synopsis: A teenager of about 16 years old was going home from watching the Latest Marvel movie late at night with his Parents when they turned to an Alley way and encountered a robbery. From there, the situation Continues and our MC gets reincarnated. Disclaimer: I do not hold the right to any of the Marvel’s characters. I only hold the right to my Plot and OCs. Picture is not mine, you can ask me to remove it if you are the owner. I am currently Writing Gold Experience(GER) in DC. Will start updating this after that finishes.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

19. Training 2

"First, we will do some stretches. I will help you stretch muscles a bit before we get to physical training". Ivory moved forward and gave King instructions and corrected his posture from time to time as well.

King did stretches for a full one hour. He had to move his body in various different directions to stretch and increase the flexibility of his body.

"You are doing good Your Highness. You should be able to fully stretch out your body in about a month's time". Ivory nodded his head in appreciation when he saw King's progress with the stretches.

"Your tender body makes it easier to adapt to the stretches unlike adults, whose body has hardened and is harder to fully stretch out". Ivory commented further and King suddenly felt a chill up his.

He covered his front with his arms and distanced himself from Ivory immediately like he was protecting his small body from a wolf.

"Cough Cough". Seeing King's reaction, Ivory thought about his words and coughed violently.

He literally choked on his saliva when he thought about what he just said.

"Sorry, I said something there. Please continue your stretches". Ivory changed his face back to normal and said naturally like nothing happened.

"Chastiefol, keep a lookout". King instructed Chastiefol and got back to training.

Ivory's lips twitched when he saw how vigilant King was from him.

"Ahem, your Highness. Please follow my lead and perform the Martial Arts routines with me". Ivory gave a small cough to gain King's attention and got into position.

He started performing the Katas of Martial Arts slowly in front of Alex.

Alfheim Martial Arts focus their attention on using the natural forces around you to your maximum advantage.

The Martial Arts invigorates the Chi inside your body and allows you to control nature to some extent and make it help you in your strikes.

Like Ivory was in a open place with dust and wind. So his every Kata was stirring the wind and the earth in the surroundings.

The nature was responding to his moves and it all looked mystical to King.

King was truly fascinated by the display and couldn't wait to also get into the practice and learn this.

"Your Highness, you will do this first and it will also help you stir your Chi". Ivory stopped his movement and looked back at King.

King nodded his head and started to imitate Ivory's movements from what he had seen.

His moves were jerky and awkward. He didn't have the fluidness behind his moves that Ivory showed in front of him.

"Keep your arms a bit higher than that and move your legs apart a bit more". Ivory instructed him on his mistakes from time to time.

King made quite a lot of progress in such a short amount of time.

His movements weren't as fluid but he could still move pretty well after practicing the moves for a while.

"Now your Highness, let's do some physical training and you will have to practice the Katas every morning with an instructor". Ivory said and started to guide King to do various physical exercises one by one.

"Pant pant". King was panting hard from all the exercises.

His arms and legs felt like jelly and he could fall right there if he even took a step forward.

His body was full of sweat and his combat suit was sticking to his body like glue.

It was like he had taken a shower with his clothes on. He was drenched from head to toe and even his hair were sticking to his face.

"Your Highness, let me wipe your sweat". Diane quickly came forward and wiped King's sweat with a hand towel.

She carefully tapped his forehead with the hand towel and wiped from his face with careful movement.

King also stayed silent and let her do her job silently.

Ivory smiled at this and also waited for Diane to finish wiping King's sweat before continuing again.

"Thank you". King thanked her for the help and looked over to Ivory again.

"Your Highness, now please sit down and try to meditate and calm your mind. This is to train your mind and willpower". Ivory said and spoke to King gently.

King nodded his head and closed his eyes. He tried to clear the thoughts in his mind but it was proving difficult.

Ivory would give him some instruction from time to time to help King with the endeavour but there was only so much he could do.

All of it depended on King's own thoughts and determination.

King spent a while before he was finally able to clear the thought sin his mind but it only lasted five minutes before they grew back again.

King was a bit stumped by this but couldn't really do anything and stood up from the place.

"That's it for today Your Highness. From tomorrow, you will do the same with a different instructor". Ivory said with a smile and looked at King kindly.

"Certainly, Uncle Ivory". King nodded his head in affirmation and agreed.

"Please take Your Highness to the medicinal bath already prepared in his room". Ivory said gently to Diane and turned to take his leave.

Diane nodded her head and looked at King in turn. He just shook his head and flew towards hi s room on Chastiefol.

Diane trotted behind him without meaning to get on Chastiefol at all.

Both of them went all the way to his room and entered the bath together.

"Your Highness". The maids were already informed by Ivory through magic and they were ready for King's arrival.

"Hmm". King nodded his head and eagerly looked at the bathtub.

There was a blue coloured liquid flowing inside the bath and it looked truly viscous.

The maids went ahead and removed king's clothes before he walked into the Bath to soak.

Diane in the meantime just looked at all this with a puzzled face.

She was diligently trying to remember every detail fo the process to do it in the future.

Although she is too young for this kind of thing. So the Maids won't allow her to handle these things just yet.

She might mess up with her small arms and that could lead to trouble.