
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

First of all, This is a Novel where there is Harem. So you are warned if you didn’t read the Synopsis. I will be using some forced romance and Cliches to my advantage to take Harem members. This will be AU with MCU plotline but the Superheroes’ power levels will be on the Comics side that will give me plenty of room to manoeuvre. Yeah Yeah, Mutants will be involved when I find them convenient to do so. If you don’t understand the powers of something or someone, go to Wiki please. Don’t bother me with useless chit chat. I will obviously add some characters that I want and May even add some OCs. So don’t moan about it. To the real Synopsis: A teenager of about 16 years old was going home from watching the Latest Marvel movie late at night with his Parents when they turned to an Alley way and encountered a robbery. From there, the situation Continues and our MC gets reincarnated. Disclaimer: I do not hold the right to any of the Marvel’s characters. I only hold the right to my Plot and OCs. Picture is not mine, you can ask me to remove it if you are the owner. I am currently Writing Gold Experience(GER) in DC. Will start updating this after that finishes.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

18. Training

Currently, a meeting was being convened in the Throne room and all the high level officials of the kingdom were present.

"Your Majesty, we have gotten the invitation of Asgard's new king Odin's coronation ceremony. It will be held in a month's time but the situation seems a bit turbulent at the moment". A minister stood up and bowed his head while talking.

"Hmm, what does the spies have to say?" Aelsa looked at the information minister of the castle and asked.

"Back to your majesty. Our Spies have said that Odin is training his daughter intensively during these past 5 years". The minister stood and said with a small bow.

"From what I remember. His daughter should be of the same age as Elaine. What has gotten him so urgent to train his daughter like this?" Aelsa was puzzled and muttered to herself with her eyes closed.

"If he is this hurried then it can be nothing good. I feel a bad premonition from this. Try to find out his true motives as soon as possible and keep our armies ready. We might have a war coming". Aelsa's eyes flashed thoughtfully and she looked at the Ministers below with a majestic aura coming out of her.

"As you command". The information minister bowed his body and immediately left the room to arrange the work.

Aelsa nodded her head and got into thoughts. 'The war for the supreme might be coming soon'. She lamented the war because it will only bring death and destruction to their realm.

They don't really want to gain hegemony over all realms because it doesn't really matter to them.

They are already one of the upper three realms along with Venaheim and Asgard. So it is inconsequential to them.

They have never like fighting and killing but they are not helpless in this regard either.

They are one of the upper three realms for a reason. They have the strength to hold this position and stay neutral which is why no one messes with them easily.

"Let's finish this discussion here and tell me the situation in the Realm". Aelsa waved her hand gracefully in a show of ending the discussion.

Everyone started to report different matters to her seriously and asked for advice on various things.

"Your Majesty, I shall take my leave. The Young Prince should be coming to the training grounds any minute". A young looking knight stood up from his chair and reported with a bow.

"You may leave". A small smile graced her lips when she heard of King's matter and waved at him to take his leave.

All the other ministers in the room were a bit envious of the young knight for getting this important duty.

The knight gave a salute and took his leave with a brisk and confident gait.

Soon, the room was back to its hustle and bustle with the ministers reporting the news one by one to Aelsa.

King had also finished his tea by now and was making his way over to the training field with Diane following behind him.

She was like a shadow and followed behind him silently at all times.

He asked her to come over on Chastiefol but she tactfully refused it.

So he slowed his speed and let her follow comfortably behind him.

They soon arrived in the Knights' training grounds. This place is used by the Royal knights of the castle to train and the ordinary knights have a separate training ground outside the castle.

King looked around at the massive Training grounds that can host at least more than a thousand people at the same time.

It was a place made from dirt ground to cushion falls and provide a bit more safety to the training.

There were weapon racks on the very edges and there was no weapon that you could not find here.

There was literally everything that could be considered a weapon.

"Your Highness". A knight strode over from behind him and saluted as soon as he saw him.

"Oh uncle Ivory, you are here". King beamed up and quickly greeted him when he saw Sir Ivory Honeyshot coming up from behind him.

"Your Highness, I don't deserve the title". Ivory said humbly with his hand on his chest and his body in a half bow.

"Let's start the training quickly". King selectively ignored Ivory's solemn bow and quickly flew over to the weapon racks.

He selected a boar spear and flew to the middle of the training grounds.

'My specialty will be long range but knowing close range and how to properly wield a spear will help me put diversity into my attacks'. King thought to himself like an adult as soon as he touched the spear and got into training mode.

It was like a switch had flipped in his mind as soon as he got serious about training with Ivory.

"Your Highness, you will not be learning this yet". Ivory put cold water on his head as soon as King was raring to go.

"Huh". King hitched in place and looked at him dumbfounded when he heard his words.

"First, we will learn to stretch your body to increase flexibility and do some strength training necessary for you". Ivory said and strode over to a different rack with weight tools.

"These are all magically enchanted bracelets and anklets that you will wear after you get good with being able to handle your own body weight first.

There is also a vest but that can only be used when you are at least 10 years old or it will harm your body". Ivory said and introduced the bracelets and Anklets to King thoroughly.

"Okay". King said with a bit of deflated look on his face.

He has been looking forward to learning some spear moves from Ivory but all of that didn't come to fruition.

He had to do exercise first before he could even touch a weapon.

"Don't worry Your Highness. With your aptitude, it won't take you long to adapt to it". Ivory assured him a bit with a smile and then got down to business.