
In marvel with a system of star guardians.

Sofia was a young orphan in New York who, when she turned 14, regained her memories of her previous life and gained a system of Star Guardians. "Wait a minute, why of all the universes did it have to be Marvel???"

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

I reincarnated?

"I reincarnated?" I spoke under my breath with a face of genuine surprise that didn't match the noisy surroundings as the orphaned children younger than me sang happy birthday along with the orphanage caretakers.

Today was my 14th birthday and as usual at the orphanage whenever a child turns 14 or 15 they have a little celebration party so the orphans can at least have good memories.

It was a very simple party, the cake was homemade but well made, there were no fancy decorations apart from a few balloons and the kids put on party hats to celebrate, the best part would be after cutting the cake which was kind of a big feast.

However the moment the celebratory chant started something happened to me, my memories of my past life flashed back causing my once joyful face to freeze and stand still as if I couldn't believe what was popping into my mind.

"Are you okay sofia?" Martina the head caretaker of the orphanage noticed my frozen face and cold sweat pouring down and asked with concern, I turned to her and tried to say something but before I could I felt my vision darken and I fell to the floor.

The last thing I heard was the surprised screams of people in the cafeteria.


Some hours later.

" Ouch, what a headache!" Sofia grumbled right after waking up feeling her head hurt a lot, the memories of her previous life came all at once making her confused about a lot but a few minutes later the headache subsided and she was able to think rationally once again.

"I really have reincarnated...." She grumbled as if that fact was still unbelievable, "And worst of all, I'm in the Marvel Universe on top of that!" Sofia said with a bit of desperation in her voice as she thought of the villains and monsters the land would have to face in the coming years.

We were at the beginning of 2009 well the year that iron man and the Hulk would emerge and events would begin, seeing the birth of these legends that would save the universe their reincarnation was not even noteworthy.

" What now? If I try to warn them to prepare against an alien invasion in the worst case scenario I'm ignored and treated like crazy, and even if I managed to warn I could irreversibly alter the future bringing enemies even worse than Thanos ! And I have no power!" Sofia swore and put her hands on her head as she ruffled her hair.

(Sofia has long brown hair, dark pupils, reddish-white skin, and is a beautiful young woman in development although she does not yet have breasts.)

However, just when she was losing her mind about what to make a noise sweeter than the most delicious honey in the world, it rang in her ears causing her to open her eyes with a genuine smile of happiness.

(DING! Star Guardian System successfully installed!)

(Welcome hostess.)

A robotic female voice rang in her ears and a screen resembling a game's menu appeared in her mind.

(Star Guardian System

Host: Sofia

Age: 14

Level: 1 (Xp 0/100)

Star Familiars: None



Strength: 11

Speed: 13

Intelligence: 27

Constitution: 10

Luck: 40

Attribute points to be distributed- 0

(The average of a healthy adult human being who practices daily physical activities is 20)


Inventory: Star Guardian Starter Pack


(Be a good person!

Description: Do good deeds and become someone better!

Type: Undefined mission.

Rewards: Star Points and XP based on the difficulty of the good deed.)

(In search of power!

Description: This is where your journey begins and for that you need a Star Familiar, open your Star Guardian Starter Pack.

Type: Single mission.

Rewards: 200 Star Points and 100 XP.)


Healing potion - cost 20 star points.

Star Familiar Summon Capsule - Cost 3000 star points.

Empowering Gem- Cost 500 Star Points.

First Star Fragment - Cost 50,000 Star Points.


"There's my golden finger!" Sofia said excitedly looking at the menu screen in her mind and how a former League of Legends player immediately recognized what her system was all about.

"That's it! As I recall, the Star Guardians are pretty strong to the point that they can threaten entire worlds! I was lucky!" Sofia almost screamed as she stretched her arms up in celebration and unable to contain her spirits immediately focused on her Starter Pack and a notification rang in her ears.

(Would you like to open the Package?)

" Yea!" She said almost with her heart coming out of her mouth as an animation of the package opening and her imagination began to flow, "Which familiar turns? I hope there comes a strong one like Kiko da Ahri, or Ran da zoe, of course I wouldn't mind matter if it came to Pix or Zephyr." Sofia's imagination flowed and soon the package was fully opened.

(Starter Star Guardian Pack-

Star familiar Shiro and Kuro!

Star Uniform Jinx!

Strengthening Potion (Gain +5 to a random stat)!)

"Shiro and Kuro!" Sofia exclaimed surprised and excited and with a noise of Puff two fluffy kittens appeared in front of her one black and one white and at that moment Sofia felt what could be described as a feeling of indescribable familiarity.

"Hello Shiro and Kuro!" She greeted the kittens and reached out to pet them making them both make cute excited sounds and Sofia let out a wide excited smile as she played with the kittens.

(Level up!)

(You gained 3 attribute points)

The system notification interrupted their cuddle session making the kittens make noises of disappointment but before Sofia could calm him down the sound of the door opening was heard and Shiro and Kuro teleported in front of her.

"Ah" Sofia exclaimed and then turned to the door in time to see Martina entering the room accompanied by a middle aged doctor, " Sofia you are awake, thank God we were all worried about you!" Martina said and walked towards Sofia and started checking her to see if she had any problems.


End of the first chapter.