
WHO ARE YOU?? (edited)

[Tony Mansion]

As Rimuru was surfing the internet, he was trying to gain as much knowledge as he could, so that he could evolve his [Unique Skill: Great Sage] even going as far as storing his smartphone on his stomach so that his skill Great Sage could get all the information from the internet but sadly wasn't possible as it could only analyse the smartphone itself and couldn't access the internet for information.

"Like it will be this easy to evolve a skill but I was sure that I could gain a few skills from the internet but I failed miserable as there is no enough information. it seems like the only way to gain skills is through books (Original) and predator".

As he was thinking, the telephone in his room ring.…

*Tring* *Tring*

*SFX* picking up the telephone, not awhile later he heard Tony speaking from the other side.

"Hello! kid. Are you ok? Why can't I reach you at your phone? " asked Tony.

"Well, my phone is in my stomach. so it may be coz of that".

Tony: "*-*"


"Hello, Tony. are you there?"

"*huuh*…well I call you to inform that I'll be traveling to Monaco with my assistant.

Oh! Pepper will also be there as our new CEO of Stark industries. Wanna come along?".

"Nah... I'll have to pass that on but I may visit you during your stay there or just call me if you need my help, I'll be there ASAP" I said as I have to deal with that symbiote soon and recently a news about Eddie Brock being fired was published. So, I don't wanna miss my chance. (thinking to himself).

"Too bad, I even planned for some cute girls for you. And don't worry about me I can take care of myself. Well then, see you soon kid. Bye!".


"Jarvis, can you search and help me track about this person called Eddie Brock who used to work in the Daily Bugle Newspaper".

[Yes, master Rimuru. I will inform as soon as I find his location]

"Thanks, Good night Jarvis" .

[Good Night]


Soon morning came by and nothing special happen, Rimuru spend his time surfing the internet watching the first episode of Games of Throne which was released last month.

[Master Rimuru, Eddie Brock has just been seen/located near the Church]

"Thanks Jarvis. You are a great help" I should have followed Eddie from the beginning instead of Peter as he is slippery and hard to keep tracking.

[You're Welcome, Sir]


On the street of New York, Rimuru could be seen walking huurily towards the church excited as finnaly he will get what he had planned for days.…

He was so much excited that he even forget that he could have just teleported there.

"I'm not doing this for my benefits only but also for the civilian as well as to save Harry" he thought with self righteousness but still couldn't hide the grin on his face.

But as he was walking he realised that someone was following him and because of his excitement he failed to notice earlier and was confused as that person was not trying to hide his presence too.

Then, he went towards an empty alley and exclaim "IS NO USE HIDING ANY LONGER, I HAVE ALREADY NOTICE YOU. SO COME OUT".

Suddenly, a figure appear out of nowhere and spoke "took you long enough, didn't it?".

"So who are you? Why are you following me?" I asked looking at figure in front of me, more precisely to say a man in a red suit with a mask.

The surrounding became silent and tension soon filled the place. I was waiting for his reply and after awhile finally he replied…

"I'm … Iron Man".

as soon as I heard him I give a hard punch on his stomach then I asked again.

"Tell me who you really are??".

"I AM…








Your friendl…

before he could finished his words I ran and give an uppercut but this time he block it. I don't why but listening him I immediately got more annoyed and want to beat the hell out of him.

"Wow.. You're a pretty strong kid, aren't you? Oh! I was scared there you know ".

I get more annoyed from his word, I know he wasn't afraid at all and was just teasing me, just now when I hit him I used most of my strength (without magic) but he didn't move an inch. I feel this person was no good at all. So I just teleported myself to leave as soon as possible. (finnaly remember to teleport).


After Rimuru left away, the man stood there looking where he just teleported away from.

Then after awhile, he finally spoke "Damn…where have he gone. I didn't knew he could teleport, like that blue spider. I have even miss my chance for my perfect entrance. Where will I find him again? Well I will somehow manage it".

Now, I'm sure that everyone out there is confused thinking who am I. *sigh* I didn't get the chance to introduce myself properly. "*_*"


{A/N: not edited and support this novel}.

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Who is this person?

ztri_srcreators' thoughts