

[Timeskip few weeks after the fight]

…are you still going on with that experiments of yours " asked Ancient One to the boy (Rimuru) infront of him.

"Yes and I can see some improvements too" he replied while continuing doing his work.

Ancient One then just stood still while observing Rimuru who is busy his experiments with the [Eye of Agamoto]. after Rimuru finished, he spoke "I can see that you can now control small amount of time even without that thing. but always remember no… …

before he could complete Rimuru replied "Yeah…yeah, not to do something stupid which may bring trouble for everyone around me.

I know gramps I won't do anything stupid…something like reversing time and saving someone's life".

Ancient One stare at him with an doubting manner listening his last word but didn't comment.

After a brief silence. Ancient One spoke "So, when are you leaving??".

Rimuru was confused at first but soon shocked was written on his face, then he exclaim "how did you know I'm planning to leave, Old Man?" to which the Ancient One just replied casually saying that he could just guess/sense it.

"So… when is it??" he asked. "After two days" replied Rimuru. there was a slight change on his face which was soon covered with his usual one.

two days soon pass by and the day for Rimuru to leave arrived.


After Rimuru bit his farewell to the people in Kamar-Taj. he went to meet his Gramps for the last time before leaving and soon found him in the library.

"Hey… OldMan I'll be leaving now. take care" he said.

"…it's already time *huuh* So where will you be going?? asked Ancient One to which Rimuru replied "I'll be traveling around the world enjoying the beauty and food and meet some friends along the way".

"Well then take care. don't forget to visit the Sanctum the people there wanted to meet you.

Oh! and take this with you. it want to come along with you" said Ancient One.

As soon as he said that something came flying and covered Rimuru back.

knowing what it is, Rimuru exclaim "Gramps I can't walk around wearing this". as if understanding what he said it tightened around his neck.

Ancient One laughed amusingly, that thing they are speaking of is [Cloak of Levitation] which had finnaly choosen Rimuru as it's master. not much to his suprised as he expected this. {A/N: the Cloak is sentient}.

"think of the Cloak changing to something else you will feel comfortable to wear" he said. Rimuru didn't ask why and just did as he was told. bright light covered his body and as it dim the cape was no where to be seen instead now there was a jacket with black and red colour along the edges.

Rimuru was really surprised this time "Wow… I never knew it could do something like this" he said. to which his Gramps just laughed saying it was never needed before.

then finnaly saying his farewell he teleport and left. the place which he live for the past 3 years after arriving in this world.


[Somewhere around Mumbai,India]

A boy with silver hair and blue eyes, face too cute that it he might be confused for a girl was walking around the busy street of Mumbai looking for something.

Well it is non other than our lovely slime Rimuru.

"I heard that a big green guy was seen around here. I hope I could meet him" he thought as he continue looking around, enjoying.

Rimuru then stay stay a few days in India searching for the Green guy but eventually stop as he couldn't get any clue about him.


Then he travel to other countries, meet some of his friends which he made during this past 3 years while visiting some beautiful location during his free time and meet the people of Honk Kong Sanctum.

during his stay in Hong Kong, he heard news of a [Hammer] which appeared out of nowhere and cannot be lifted by anyone. many people tried but they eventually failed.

He was interested in that hammer. he wanted to know if he can lift it or not. so he plan to go looked for it after meeting his first friend at New York.

After everything was done at Hong Kong, he did not want to waste any time and directly teleport himself to New York.


[New York]

…On the street of Manhattan,New York. Rimuru could be seen walking around.

Currently, he was enjoying the beauty of the street of New York city. while he was walking he saw something very amusing.

Infront of him, the door of a shop open and a man with black suit came out from it. humming and dancing while pointing his index fingers towards the girls on the street. then while still dancing (acting cool) he walk towards him.

Rimuru move aside but that man still knocked on him.

???: Watch where you walking…KID" said the man .


{A/N: Not edited. and support the novel}.

so here it is. Support and rate this novel.

point out if there is any plot or other mistakes.

and how can I improve my novel.

and who do you think is this man.

and who will be his friend from New York???

ztri_srcreators' thoughts