
Chapter Painful Facts

So you brought those people into

my house to insult me right.

    "No ma, am sorry" Christy start

 to beg shaking like a leaf.

    "Mom please leave her alone, at

 least for today, you promise them

 that you will not beat her again try

and keep to your word" Bridget said.

    "So you are now telling me what

to do in my own house ehh,  Bridget,

don’t make me add you to her


    Now get out of this room," she

ordered Bridget out of Christy’s


     "Now you are going to tell me

 everything you told those people

 about me, start talking."

    "Ma I didn’t not say anything bad

about you to them."

    "And you expecting me to believe


   "Mom, please don’t beat me I

 didn’t say something about you."

She started to cry.

    "Look at you? I haven’t start

beating you and you are already

 crying, later they will say am a bad

 woman, it is your mother that is a

bad woman. Don’t worry I know what

 I will do to you". She said and left

Christy’s room.

    After she left Bridget rush into

 Christy's room.

    "Christy please don’t be angry with

me ok, am not among mom’s

maltreatment to you".

    Christy look at Bridget and she

knew what she wants.

    "Don’t worry I have given you my

word, whenever I see Sharon I will

let her know that you want to be

 friends with her."

Ok thanks, she said happily and try to

 hug Christy but she push her away


Ohh.. sorry, I will be in my room,

don’t you have her phone number?

She ask as she was about to leave

the room.

No, I don’t have her number.

Shit.. Bridget wanted to yell at

Christy telling her how she is so

 stupid and fond of doing that but

she remembered she needed a favor

 for her.

Is ok, just tell her when see her.

I will, can you go now?

Yes, she left Christy alone, and

Christy start searching for her phone

 the one Bridget exchange with the

iphone Paul gave to her.

But the phone is nowhere to be found.

Danmit, Bridgetttt…. Am so going to

kill you if you don’t give me my phone.

She went straight to Bridget room.

Where is my phone?

What phone? I thought you left with

your phone Bridget said.

OMG, am finish, I didn’t go with any

phone I left it in my room.

Maybe mom have taken it, but not

to worry, I will get it back.

Please Bridget bring it back for me

 and I will make sure to tell ken to

give me Sharon’s number.

Really? Just wait I will get it for you.

Ok thanks Bridget, Christy thank her

sincerely from her heart because

 Bridget has been of help to her

 even though she is helping her with

the wrong motive

Within seconds Bridget brought out

the phone from where she was

hiding it and brought it to Christy.

Thank you so much, she thank her and promise to get Sharon’s number for her.

    Where did you guys go? Paul’s mom confront them when they are about

to enter the house.

Ohh.. sorry dear, we went for a

morning drive, I thought of taking

Paul with me, I hope you don’t mind.

Whatever, must you rob it on my

 face? She said and walk away,

breakfast is ready join me at the

dinning table.

Yes mom

They eat in silence, but Mr. Brown

 spoke first, honey is anything the


Nothing, just eat your food I want

 to go and visit Sharon mom, we

have very important discussion

that concerns you Paul.

Me? Why?

It has been agreed to you and Sharon

will be getting married after your


What? Paul almost throw out his

 food out of shock. He turned and

 look his dad.

You are not saying anything dad.

Well ask your mom.

What do you mean ask your mom?

I have work so hard to see you

through in school, I don’t want you

ending up with a nonentity.

Mom what are you talking about?

Me get married to Sharon? That

 is impossible.

Nothing is impossible my dear, she

 is well brought up, comes from a

good family.

No..no..no.. mom you don’t

understand, there is no way am

 getting married to Sharon, dad say something. Ohh.. I see, is that why

she came to our house?

Now you know, his mother said,

and I believe you like her, I see the

way you look at her and always

takes her outing.

Huh… mom you don’t understand,

Paul keep saying, he didn’t know

how to explain what Sharon is to

 them. He even saw her as the

queen of the night no..no..no… this

 can’t happen to me.

Dad talk to mom, because am not

doing this, he got up and left the


Do you really have to do this? Mr.

Brown ask his wife.

Yes, is important that he gets

married to a girl that has better up

 bringing and not all this girls I see

 on the street. At least I know who

 Sharon is and I know her mother,

they are well respected in this town.

Speak for yourself woman, you

don’t know what this kids know, he

 said because of the experience he

 had with Paul, he never thought

 that Paul could bring a girl into

his house and ask him to help out,

he’s even in love.

But I don’t need to tell you that he

 said within him.

I know Sharon, I saw when she

was born, and I also know that my

 friend has done a good job bring

 her up with so manners and good


Well, we don’t know that yet, why

 don’t you give him more time to

 come to accept it.

Am not rushing him, he still have

 to finish school, I only want him

 to get use to the idea.

Paul went to his room feeling this

 sharp pains in his heart, he feels

sick right now, he didn’t feel like

going out he just wants to be indoors.

He lay on his bed and feels like

crying but his phone rang and it

was just the right person, he

 needed to hear this voice to

 calm down.

Hello Paul, is that you?

Yes my love he said, making Christy

 look at the phone to make sure

 she was calling the right number.

Why are you sounding like that?

Your voice sounds different

 Christy said.

That is because I miss you

already, I want you to be with me.


Yes, Christy I love you and I want

 to hold you all night long.

Huh… Christy keep saying not

knowing what to say. Because

 Paul was making her to have

this chilling feeling all over her.

What is he trying to do? Am

beginning to feel funny inside.

What did you say? Paul ask.

Ohh.. nothing.

So what are you saying about

what I said.

What are you saying? Christy ask

 as if she wasn’t hearing all the

things that Paul was saying.

I said I need you and my heart

has started to ach again, I believe

is because of you.

Huh.. is it aching too much?


Is it because of me? She ask again.


     So what do I do now? Am lock

up in this room I can’t come out.

Can you take some medicine I

think it will help.

     No Christy, medicine can not

heal this pains, my heart needs you.

So what do I do now?

    Just say you love me and kiss me.

But how do I do that since am not

there with you?

Just say it on the phone and I will

be ok.

    I love you Paul, and my heart

needs you too. She kiss him on

 the phone, then she heard footsteps.

I have to go now, my mom is coming.

Ok, take care of yourself ok, and

 always remember that I love you.

Paul said and kiss her back then

she drops the call.

Paul felt good again, knowing that

Christy loves him too, he promise

 himself that no matter what

happens he is not going to give

up on Christy. And as for Sharon

there is no way he can consider her.

Just then his father knock on his


Paul is me, open the door.

Dad, he opens the door and went

back to bed.

His father enters the room and

takes his sit.

How are you feeling?

Not good dad.

Dose it hurts so much?

Yes dad, I don’t like that Sharon

 not to talk of loving her.

But she is your mother' s choice,

can’t you reconsider?

No dad, I can’t stand that girl, you

 know who I want dad.

Yes I know. He said because while

coming here he over heard Paul’s

phone call with Christy, and he

knew that his son is very much in

love with this girl.

Ok, but you need to take it easy

with your mom, you don’t need to

be disrespectful to your mom

 because of this ok.

Ok dad, thank you.