
Chapter 98 Sharon is back

“Have a sit” Paul offer Sharon a sit.

“Thank you” she said placing her expensive handbag on Paul’s desk.

“Nice office” she looks around and back to Paul.

“So how is life treating you?”

“Am good, and you?”

“As you can see am doing great” Sharon said smiling at him.

“Hmmm, thank God” Paul said hating the way she carry’s herself.

“What about your wife?, I heard she is having trouble remembering who you are to her?”

“And who told you that?”

“Your mom, she came by and she was talking with my mom and I heard everything”

“Well she will be fine” Paul said hating to discuss Christy with her.

“Hmmm, so she loves you that much that her brain is fighting so hard to forget you”

“What do you mean?” Paul ask remembering now that Sharon is a doctor.

“Maybe she was thinking about you too much at the time she had the accident”

Paul listen with so much interest, Sharon maybe right he thought.

“So when do you think she will get back her memory? Because all the doctors are saying the same thing”

“Like they said, you have to wait”

“How long do I have to wait?”

“For as long as it takes, but I also heard you divorce her already”

Paul kept quiet, he didn’t want to tell Sharon what he did, because there is no way he is going to stay away from Christy. He is going to wait for her for as long as it takes.

“Why are you not saying anything?”

“What do you want to hear?”

“Is ok if you don’t want to tell me, but are you free tonight?”

“No, I have to go back home for my daughter”

“Ok, but just a little drink together, it wouldn’t hurt” she makes a baby face and Paul got confused.

He thought about it, he is very lonely this days and is getting to him, going out a little wouldn’t hurt.


“Ok, drinks on me” Sharon said.

“No problem, I know you are a big girl so am not bother, you are equal to the task” Paul said smiling at Sharon for the first time.

He made a call telling the nanny that he wouldn’t be coming home early so she has to take care of the house.

“Ok sir”

They both went out to a very expensive hotel and Paul was like.

“Wow.. you really have good taste”

Sharon just smile at him without saying anything.

They keep drinking while Sharon keeps ordering.

“Let’s dance” she said.

“Ok” Paul got up to dance with Sharon. But he started feeling uncomfortable while dancing.

“Are you ok?” Sharon ask.

“Yes am fine, I just want to use the restroom”

Paul went to the restroom and keeps walking up and down the room.

“Paul you can’t do this, you need to get a hold of yourself, Christy will be ok soon, you can’t take want James told you” he keeps talking to himself.

When he has finish talking to himself, he came out.

“Are you sure you are ok? Should we go home?”

“No am fine but if you want to go home then we can go”

“We just got here?” Sharon said pointing at the table.

“Yea, let’s continue”

Sharon knew that Paul wasn’t comfortable but she still wants to stay because she has missed him a lot.

“How I wish he will say yes to me, then I would have given him the love that anyone can’t give to him, but he insists on Christy” she said within but smiling at Paul.

“Why is she smiling at me? I hope she didn’t put something in my drink?, Because I don’t trust her”. He sip of the drink looking at Sharon.

“Is he beginning to like me” Sharon ask herself, still smiling at him.

“Enough, I don’t want to give her the impression that I like her” so Paul spoke first.

“So how is work?”

“Work is fine”

“I heard your mom handed the hospital over to you”

“Yes she did, and am so happy”

“Hmm that’s a good one” he said thinking that is time to leave.

“I think we should go, is getting late”

“What about all this?” she pointed at the drinks still on the table.

“We can just leave it there” Paul said not wanting to get drunk.

“But I want to drink”

“Ok, go ahead” he didn’t want to stop her, if he don’t want to drink then at least he shouldn’t stop someone else from drinking.

Sharon drank and gets drunk for the joy that Paul agreed to go out with her.

“Sharon is enough, we need to go now”

‘Just a little more”

“No, your drunk, let’s go” he took her to the car and she fell inside the car, Paul took her bag and throw it inside the car and drove off.

He took her to his house since Sharon did not tell him which hotel she was lounging in the city.

Paul didn’t want to wake up everyone so he quietly took Sharon into his room and lay her on the bed.

“Sharon…Sharon..” he called but she didn’t answer.

Paul went to take his bath leaving Sharon there, but to his surprised Sharon entered the bathroom without notice.

“What are you doing?”

“Can’t you see what am doing?” she ask walking closer to Paul.

“Ok, I know what you are doing but no…no..no, I can’t do that”

“Why?, Christy is not here, in fact she wouldn’t be here for the next six months or even upto one year, are you willing to wait for that long?”

“Yes, I will wait”

“Are you sure?, Then why are you been uncomfortable?, I can see that you need it more than I do”

“Sharon stop” Paul said as he is beginning to get hit up.

“Just this once, is not going to kill her, Christy will do the same if it were you”

“No, she won’t, and please stop talking about her, if you are going to do this then don’t talk about Christy” Paul said so weak.

“No problem” she said and walk closer and closer to him but Paul didn’t stop her.

She kissed him and he responded.

He remembered what James told him, “surely it won’t be so hard to get someone else while waiting for Christy.

So he blocked every thought about Christy because he didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

So Sharon and Paul had it all night, with Paul blocking Christy out of his thoughts.

Early next morning Paul asked Sharon to leave with the excuse that he has to travel for business.

“I will call you when I get back”

“Are you sure you will call me?”

“Yes, I will”

“Ok,” she kiss Paul but he didn’t kiss her back.

“Do you need anything?” Paul ask and hand her money but she refuse to take it.

“Am ok, I have enough money” she said not feeling very happy because Paul just changed this morning.

Instead of going to work Paul drives all the way home to see Christy.

“She’s at work” the mother said.

“Work? Christy work? Where?”

“Yes, she now works, this is the place” she hand Paul a flyer of the place, Christy use to bring home lots of those flyers.

Paul took it and went in search of the place.

“Please am looking for Christy” Paul told the receptionist.

“She is inside the workshop, let me go call her”

“Please do” Paul said wondering what kind of job Christy would be working here, she doesn’t have experience for fashion designing.

The girl came back without Christy “Please sir who are you?, She wants to know who you are before she comes out”

“Ok, tell her is Paul her husband”

“Husband?” they all shouted. “you have a husband, and you didn’t think to tell us you are married?; and we are here treating you like a small girl” they all said laughing at Christy.

But Christy didn’t say a word, she got up and left them.

“Hi… Paul rushed to hug her, she wanted to push him away but the respectionist and some customers are there so she allowed Paul hug her.

“Can we talk outside?” Christy ask politely not wanting to embarrass him in front of people.

“Sure” he said, but Paul knew what is coming and he is ready for anything.

She took him outside and began to question him.

“Why do you always come looking for me? How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t know you?, Can you please stop coming here to look for me?

“No, I can’t stop, I just can’t stop Christy, I love you and nothing can change that, I need you back”

“As you can see, am busy with work, so you can go, we will talk about this some other time” she said wanting to discharge him.

“So when are you coming back because am going to wait for you at home”