
Chapter 94 The operation

“Calm down Paul everything will be fine, she is going to make it” Bridget try’s calming him down because if the way Paul keeps moving up and down the whole time.

Bridget pray to God for the first time in her life, she can’t even remember the last time she went to church but today is not a day to ask for church goers today God has to just do something anything will be fine, as long as Christy stays alive.

I have to call my mother” Bridget told Paul and he agreed.

Their mother was there within minutes.

“What happened to her?”

“Mom is not time to ask questions just pray”

She just started praying not knowing where to start.

After some hours the first doctor came out.

“Doctor how is she?” Paul rushed him.

“She’s fine, just wait here” he said and walk away.

Paul rushed back and one of the nurses came out Paul followed her.

“Nurse how is she?”

“She’s fine just wait for the doctor” the nurse said and walk away.

They waited again for some minutes and then the doctor finally came out.

“Paul, see me in my office”

“Ok sir” he followed him to his office.

“Sit down”

“Ok doctor” Paul sat down but was not himself.

“There’s a little problem”

“What is it doctor, is Christy ok?”

“She’s fine, but we lost the babies.”


“Yes, twins, she was with twins two boys, but unfortunately what you did to her hurt the babies and they couldn’t survive it”

Paul was so ashamed of himself right now, he can’t imagine that he had just killed his own children, he needed them so badly but because of one mistake and they are go.

“Is ok, don’t beat yourself, what has happened has happened. You just have to be strong  for your family”

“Family? I don’t think I have a family anymore” he said within him.

Three days passed and Christy regained consciousness.

“Christy.. thank goodness you are alive.” Bridget said and hug her.

“Who are you?” Christy ask Bridget.

“Am Bridget your sister.”

“Where is my mother?” She ask.

“She went home she will be back soon.”

Bridget rush to call the doctor.

“The doctor examined her”

She’s ok, She needs time to recover completely.

“But why can’t she recognized me? Bridget ask.

“The doctor went back to examine her”

“We have to run another text on her tomorrow.”

Paul came back to the hospital and he was told Christy had woken up.

Thank goodness my love you’ve woken up.” He try’s  to hug Christy but she pushed him away.

Who are you? Stay away from me”

The doctor ask Paul to calm down and they start running series of test on her

“Her brain is trying to block a lot of things in other to recover from the injury she sustain, is a normal thing as she will not remember lot of things. Give her time, because it seems she has gone through a lot”