
Chapter 93 Sign the paper

“Yes mom, I will do as you said”

“Paul do you understand what you are saying?” Mr. Brown told his son.

“Are you willing to give up Christy?”

“Yes dad, if I have to let her go, then  let her get well and be able to take care of herself. Am willing to do anything that mom wants”

“Good, first thing tomorrow morning you will receive the money, then you will go back to working for the company but you must leave that girl as soon as the operation is done”

“Yes mom”

Paul was just saying yes mom, yes mom to everything she said making her to think maybe Paul has a plan.

“Look,” she turned to Paul and said.  “ You will have to sigh before I give you that money, come over to the house tomorrow my lawyer will be here, if you fail to do what you said then you will have a case with me in the court of law”

“But mom,”

“Enough, don’t but mom me, do it or leave it”

“Ok I will sigh”

“Good, tommorow then, have a good day” she walked into her room and close the door behind her.

Paul thought his mom has changed a lot, this is not the woman I use to call mom, why did she hate Christy this much? What has Christy ever do to her?”

He went back to the hospital.

“How far? How did it go?” Bridget ask as soon as Paul enters the hospital room.

“Everything will be fine, I will get the money tomorrow”

“Yes, yes, I knew it, you can’t be broke” Bridget said.

“If I said am broke doesn’t mean am poor, I was only broke”

“Whatever, but at least the operation will be carried out” she said so happy for Christy.

“Have you guys eaten? Paul ask seeing his daughter sleeping already”

“Yes, we’ve eaten, am not that broke” Bridget said but Paul was not just in the mood for jokes.

“I need to go home, we will come back in the morning”

“You don’t have to go with her, I can take care of her”

“Ok, thank you Bridget, what would I have done without you?”

“You are welcome, but please don’t leave Christy no matter what” Bridget said as Paul was about leaving.

“I wouldn’t, I promise”

Paul went home and keeps thinking if he was doing the right thing.

“Sighing to leave Christy is no joke, what if mom carried out her threats against me when she finds out am only pretending so I can get this money for the operation?”

Paul could not sleep through out the night, he wanted to drink but left the drinks at the table because he didn’t want what happened the other day to repeat itself.

Early next morning Paul is in the house waiting for the lawyer.

The lawyer came and the papers were sighed, his mother transfer the money to him and he hurried back to the hospital.

The doctor roll her into the operating room and the operation began.