
Chapter 91 Good Friend

“So?, why are you behaving as if you don’t have the money?”

“Bridget that is because I don’t have the money”

“Your not serious are you?”

“Am serious Bridget”

“No, your not” Bridget thought for a second, how come the big boy Paul is crying for just five hundred thousand, I mean he is the owner of a very big hotel, no, he is playing prank on me, I wouldn’t fall for this.

“Listen, I understand if you no longer love Christy because of her condition, but please for God sakes she is carrying your child, who do you expect to bring the money?”

“I know you don’t understand. Bridget am broke”

“Hahaha, no, no..no..no.. you are not serious right now, the Paul I know can not just be broke. Except you are telling me that you no longer want her”

And what gives you the impression that I no longer want her? She is my wife but am telling you am broke.” Paul started to get angry at Bridget.

Fine, I will go home and tell my mother what is happening” she got up to leave but Paul held her.

Please don’t tell your mother anything, I don’t what her to come here and start shouting. I will look for a way out of this.

“But my mother has to know before it’s too late”

Nothing will be late, just trust me on this, give me five days and if am not able to something then you are free to tell your mom”

“Five days?”

“Yes five days” Paul said.

“Fine, you better be fast about it” she went to sit beside Christy again hoping and praying that things go well with her.

She don’t want anything to happen to Christy after all Christy is the only sister she’s got.

Paul left to look for money, he went to his current office but they said he has no right to ask for such amount since is just been a year he started working there.

Paul called James but he could only provide a hundred thousand.

Patrick’s phone is not reachable because he left the country.

Guy, you can’t keep doing this, you have to go home, there is no point suffering when you have more than enough.

“You don’t understand, my mom will laugh at me, she would say I told you so, guy do you understand at all?”

“I understand you perfectly well, but what needs to be done, needs to be done. She’s your mother and you can not outgrown your mother.”

“I know my mom will easily accept me back but what about Christy? She will ask me to leave her again.”

“So which do you prefer? To let her die or to say yes to your mom’s request on one condition?”

“What are you talking about?”

If she wants you to leave Christy then she must give you the money for the operation, all of it, only then will you leave Christy.

“What? Are you insane?” why will I leave her?”

“Ok, do you have the money?” James ask Paul.

“No, I don’t”

“Good, then let her die, maybe you will be with her in heaven, guy am telling you what to do to get this money and you are talking nonsense”

“Calm down, I still need to think about it”

“There is nothing to think about, the money you are looking for is in your parents hands get it”