
Chapter 89 Lost hope

Paul has completely lost hope of getting Christy back, she seem not to be getting any better.

    He is now staring at the reality of his actions to get married against his mother’s wish.

“Guy what’s up?” James gave Paul a hand shake. “Why are you looking like this? You can always go back home you know?,  nothing has change since you left home.”

“How do I go back?, I left everything behind, I thought I could do this on my own, guy am so frustrated right now”. He took a sip at his drink, not wanting to get drunk today.

“Take it easy guy, everything will fall into place”

“Yea, easy to say” Paul took another sip.

“So what should I do?” he ask his friend James.

“Go back home, I mean; you have everything money can buy, why go through this? Look at your wife and kid, they need your help right now and the only way to help them is to go back home and take what is yours and theirs” James was trying his best to knock some sense into him.

“I will think about it, but for now I need to talk to my dad first” taking another sip which is the last drop from his glass making it four bottles. James looked at him and is like he is getting high.

“Is ok mann--you are getting drunk, let me take you home”

“Am fine, just another bottle then am done”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, just give me another bottle”

James ordered for more drinks and they consumed everything.

Getting home Paul was so high that he can’t see clearly, he went straight to his wife and demanded to know who she is.

“Talk to me who are you and what are you doing here?” he staggered towards her.

     Christy did not say anything, she just kept quiet and looking at him, she was thinking the same thing, why is she here? what is this man doing here with this baby that is always calling her mommy?.

“Answer me; can’t you talk?” before Christy knew it he landed her a slap that send her flying midair across the center table.

    She hit her head on the table and pass out.

“What have you done? Bridget came rushing to lift her up”

“She’s stubborn” Paul said.

“Your drunk Paul” Bridget took Christy to the nearest hospital and she was admitted.

“Who does that to a pregnant woman?” the doctor ask angrily.

“Her husband, Sharon told the doctor.

   “He was drunk, not in his right mind”

“And he did this?”

   “He is not a bad person, I know he’s a good man he can never do this to her if he was in his right mind” Bridget said defending Paul.

“Good man you say, so where is he now?” the doctor ask wondering what kind of a good man puts his wife in such condition.

“He will be here, I know he will be here” Bridget brought out her phone to call him but he’s not picking up his calls.

“I see, the doctor said and walk out of the room. “she will be fine” he turned and reminded Bridget to keep calm.