
Chapter 74 Give us time

No ma, that can never happen ma, Paul said and turn to his mom.

“Mom, please allow her to stay and see her children before leaving.”

“Let her take her children with her.”

“Mom am late for work, see you when I come back and please both of you should just get along ok, love you mom” he kiss her and left.

“Did you see that? He kiss me, he loves me and he will do whatever I tells him.”

“My daughters kiss me too, huh.. and they love me also” Bridget mom reply.

“You don’t look like someone whose daughters kiss and love”

“And what makes you think so?”

“Just get out of my house,” they keep exchanging words making Christy want to leave the house for them.

“I must do what Paul told me to do, just keep quiet, if they want to fight let them fight.”

Sharon no longer care if Paul marries Christy or not, she is no longer going to bring down herself for any man,  She is going to live happy and singing even though her mother forbids her if talking about divorce.

“You are going to stay married, she said, I will not allow you to get divorce, my reputation is on the line.” This has been the song her mother sing for her these days.

“Hey. Sharon why the long face?”

Fineface again in Sharon office trying to chat her up.

“Fineface what are you doing here?, I thought you hate me by now”

“I can never hate you, is not your fault”

“No, is my fault, I try to force you do something you don’t want to do, and that is the problem I had with Paul”

“I am not Paul and I can not hate you” he walk closer to her.

“Look at me, am not mad at you for want you did, am only saying give us time”

Sharon raise her face to look at fineface. “ give us time?” Does it mean fineface love her? he is just pitying her because of her current situation.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Yes, am listening to you, but when will that time come”

“Very soon my dear very soon and we need to convince your mom to allow you get a divorce”

“Convincing my mom for a divorce will be very hard as she has this strong bond with that family” Sharon said wondering what it is that her mom has with Paul and his family”

Paul’s mom decided to leave the city and come back home to decide what next to do, because is obvious they are not ready to leave her house nor her son, something needs to be done fast.

“How did it go?” He husband ask.

“Not ok, those people has bewitched my son, he not talks back at me and takes side with strangers” she said wanting to cry.

“Is ok, I will visit too and see things for myself, but for now just let them be”

“I can’t let them be, they need to leave my house and my son, he is married for crying out loud”

“Where is Sharon?” She finally ask.

“I don’t see her often, some times I see her, some times I don’t”

“Did she sleep here yesterday”?

“I don’t think so” her husband reply.

“Will you blame her? When Paul is treating her like that”

Just then Sharon comes back, she has been picking her stuffs one by one without anyone knowing.

“Mom your back” she greeted.

“Yes my daughter how are you?”

“Am fine, how did it go?”

“Not fine, you allow that girl and her family take over my house and son, what were you doing Sharon? When I was younger I will not allow any girl beat me hands down, never”

“Mom is not what you think, I’ve try everything is not working can’t you see, just let us get a divorce”

“That is not going to happen, you are married to him and that is final”

“Is ok, I just need to rest am tired”

“Is fine, go ahead and sleep, am going to see your mom tomorrow”

“Is ok,” Sharon went to bed not minding what Paul’s mom and her mom are up to anymore, she is going to follow her heart this time, where ever it leads she is going to follow.

“Are you serious? And you let them stay in your house? This is not how I know you my friend” Sharon’s mom yells.

She is so angry right now, she has invested a lot in this union, all the contracts she has been giving her friend is because of the union, she is not going to let it go without a fight.

“You what? Just leave them for me, I will deal with them myself”

“What are you planning to do” Paul’s mom ask.

“Don’t worry, you don’t need to know, just sit back and watch me do what I will do”

“I hope she is not planning any evil?” Paul’s mom thought.

“You can go home, I have a meeting to attend” Sharon’s mom discharge her because she is too angry right now to face her friend.

“Ok, call me when you’re done with the meeting”

“No problem, I will see you”

“Ok bye”

“Nonsense, she yells at her absent. “ you take everything I have you and come here to tell me he is getting married to another woman”

“If Paul divorce my daughter, am going to kill him, he is the only man I want for my daughter, and if I leave that girl alone she wouldn’t want to marry, she will go back to her lifestyle, and which mother will be happy to have a daughter who do other girl, no Paul can’t divorce her, I will just die.”

She was still thinking when Sharon walked in with some things, walk straight to her room and drop them before coming out to meet her mother.

“Hey mom,” she hug her but she didn’t respond.

“Is anything the matter” Sharon ask

“What is that you kept in your room?”

“Is my stuffs mom”

“What happened to your husband’s house, why don’t you keep it there?”

She wanted to say “I don’t have a husband,” but she kept quiet, she didn’t want to start a fight.

“Talk to me Sharon”

“Is nothing, is not something I want to keep there, let them stay here for now, I will come back and take it”

“Ok, I hope there is no problem in your husband’s house and what are you doing with this new development of him wanting to marry another woman, what did you do to him?”

“I didn’t do anything mom, I told you from the start that Paul loves another girl but you won’t listen to me, now is about me doing something to him, are you serious mom?”

“Is ok, I was just asking, I hope you are going back to your house” her mother added.

“Yes mom, am going back,” she said not wanting to offset her mom because she has plan of staying in her house but as it is right now, that is not going to work, so she thought of calling fineface.

“Yes, am at home, where are you?”

“In the middle of nowhere, thinking of where to go”

“You want to come over?” fineface ask

“No, yea, if you want”

“Am cool you can come over”

“Ok thanks” Sharon turned her car and went to fineface place.

That night Sharon slept in fineface bed while he slept at the sitting room.

“Why do you always do that? If you are not coming to bed then I will leave” Sharon said.


“You are making me feel guilty,”

“Guilty of what? Am fine sleeping here, just on and sleep tomorrow we have a patient to operate on”

“Really? How serious is the operation?”

“Not too serious but I want you there”

“Ok, but I can’t sleep”

“Come let me take you to bed”

Fineface took Sharon to bed and cover her with the bedsheet.

“Please don’t go stay with me” Sharon begged. “ I can’t sleep here alone”

“Ok, go ahead and sleep am here”

He sat on the bed discussing with her until she fell asleep.

Fineface sat there looking at Sharon, she is so beautiful, what is wrong with Paul?, Let him divorce her fast so I can take care of her the way I want, I can’t come too close to her because of Paul”

He kiss her forehead before going back to the sitting room to continue his sleep.

Next morning they were in the operating room but Sharon was so absent minded that fineface has to ask her to leave and call in another doctor.

“I told you to stop worrying about this matter, is going to be ok” fineface said after he was done with the operation and came to see Sharon.

“I know but I can’t help it, my mom don’t even want to see me in my own house”.