
Chapter 73 Sagga Night

“Mom, is that true” Paul so angry.

“Son is not true, believe me”

“I don’t expect you to lie Mrs. Brown” Bridget Mom said.

“Shut up woman” Mrs. Brown trying to shut Bridget’s mom.

“Do you hate me that much that you have to pay someone that so much money to make my life miserable?” Paul ask his mom.

“Your life can not be miserable because of her”  she points at Christy.

“Mom can’t you understand? He took her aside and said.

“Mom, am in love with that girl, please allow me to show you that am not wrong”

“No, I can’t leave things in your hands, I don’t want to wake up one morning and everything is gone”

“What are you talking about mom?”

“Gold diggers, that’s what am talking about, they are poor for crying out loud, they need money and will kill to get it if you let them”

“Mom I can’t believe you”

“You are not born to believe me, just let me help you, am your mother and I know what is best for you”

“No, you don’t know what I want, how will you know what is best for me?”

Turning back Christy and  are gone.

“Where did that woman go?” Paul’s mom went after her.

“Come out of that room, and leave my house”

She went inside the room and start pushing Bridget mom out of the room.

“Mom please stop,” Paul held his mom while Christy held her mom.

“Leave me alone”

“No mom, you just have to stop, this are your visitors, you don’t have to fight them”

“They are not my visitors, they can never be my visitors” she keeps shouting.

Just then her phone rang.

Is like Paul called his father.

“Hello honey, what are you doing now”

She didn’t answer him.

“Go ahead, tell him your fighting” Paul told her.

“Nothing, am just sitting at home”

“Ok, how is your granddaughter?”

“She’s fine”

She is smart right? Do you like her?”

“Yes she is, and I like her”

“Let me talk to Paul”

“Paul is not around, she end the call”

“Mommy, mommy, please stop this, you are too beautiful for all of this, doesn’t fit you” he puts his hand across her shoulder.

She smiles a bit, because she likes it when her son praise her beauty.

She turns to look at Christy and mother.

“There is going to be another day”

“You can’t do anything, if your son wants to marry my daughter then so shall it be”

“We will see”

Paul woke up from bed because of the noise coming from the sitting room, he looked at the time, is 10 pm.

Who could be making this noise at this hour?

“Get out of my sitting room” Paul mom said.

“Am not going anywhere”

“Give me that remote”

“Am not giving you any remote, I came here first”

Paul stood at the entrance of the sitting room watching his mom and Bridget’s mom arguing over a TV remote.

Christy came out to join him and they both stood there folding their hands.

Christy was kind of glad that someone is defending her.

“This is my house, and the remote is mine”

“This is my soon to be son-in-law house and the remote is his”

“Oh for goodness sake where did this mad woman come from?”

“You will see madness in another level” 

“That is how gold diggers do, they don’t want to leave even though you are driving them away”

“Yes, let me dig, you can you dig? You think is easy to be a gold digger” Bridget mom ask making Paul want to laugh but Christy warns him against it, so he kept quiet.

“What is there to be proud of?, You should hid your head in shame and not to be proud that you are call a gold digger” Paul’s mom said.

“If that’s the new occupation you gave than why not? I will accept it”

“I think they are getting along” Paul said to Christy.

“Yea, I think so”

“So let’s go to my room, and leave them to keep fighting”

“Why?” Christy ask in surprise, she didn’t think Paul could say that seeing how the house is so hot at this time.

“You want to know why? Before they finish fighting we are having another baby” Paul whispers to Christy.

“Will you stop joking around” Christy said and start to walk away from Paul but he followed her begging her to come into his room.

“I can’t do that”

“Buy why?”

“Now that your mom is here bringing down fire?”

“Just ignore them, I need you”

“Paul you’re not been serious right now”

“I am, I miss you a lot, and I need you”

“Stop Paul” they heard a shout at the sitting room and Christy ran to see what is happening but Paul stopped her.

“Look at me, I need you more than them”

“They are fighting Paul” Christy said trying to avoid Paul’s eyes.

“They’re not, my mom won’t fight, but I can’t say for yours”

“So want do you think they are doing?” Christy ask trying to find a way to leave.

“Arguing I guess, can we just do our own argument at my room?”

“No Paul I don’t want to argue with you”

“Are you sure? Because me, I want to argue with you” he said smiling.

“Stop it Paul, why do you always do that?”

“Do what?”

“Why are you always so sweet?” Christy ask Paul.

“Because am with you, I can be a lion if am with the wrong person”

“Are you sure”

“Yes am sure”

“So why do you love me this much?” Christy ask Paul.

“What!,” He wasn’t expecting that kind of question.

“Well, I don’t know, but I can only show you”

“Do you want me to show you?”


“Come with me,” Paul took Christy into his room, went to his Waldrop and brought out something.

He ask Christy to turn around, and she did.

Paul kneels down and ask her to turn around again and she did.

“Will you marry me”

“Yes, yes.. yes.. I will marry you”

Paul put the ring on her finger, he got up and carried her to his bed, Christy’s eyes open wide.

“Don’t worry, am not doing anything, just stay with me today”

Christy nods “but what about our mothers? Christy ask because by now they must have kill each other”

“Then we will go a bury” them Paul said laughing.

Please stop joking, that joke is expensive, I don’t want anyone dead.

“No one will die, except that you want to kill me” Paul said.


“I said I need you” Paul whisper to her again.

Christy felt cold chill all over her, but no, she is afraid of his mom.

“I want to go Paul”

No, you are staying with me, I promise not to touch you, but if you change your mind” he added.

“No, am not changing my mind”

“Is ok, so sleep ok”

“Yes” Christy went to sleep, but Paul went to check up on his mom, she is now in her room sleeping”

“Hmmm, mommy…mommy she never gives up, am sorry mom for all the trouble,  I didn’t mean to. But this is what I want” he said and close the door.

Early in the morning Paul’s mom saw Christy coming out of Paul room.

“Good morning ma,” she bow to greet her but she didn’t answer, she walks a away.

“Wow.. Christy gave out a sign of relieve, she thought that Paul’s mom was going to bounce on her.

She saw Christy again at the kitchen but was just looking at her hand.

“Is that an engagement ring?” she thought but didn’t ask.

“Maybe I should call Sharon to come over here before this girl completely takes over her husband.”

“Mom, am sorry I have work to do,” Sharon said over the phone.

“Are you serious? This girl is about taking what belongs to you”

“Paul doesn’t belong to me, am sorry” Sharon said and hang up the phone.

“What! Is this Sharon or someone else?”

“Why do you say that?” Fineface ask Sharon

“Can’t you see? Paul has never been mine, I now know that I have been forcing myself on him. You made me realize that, you made me know that there is love for me somewhere that doesn’t include Paul.”

“You’re right, but the problem now is your mom who thinks that Paul is the only man for you”

“Yea, but I can handle my mom”

“Are you sure is Sharon that just talked to me? Paul’s mom keeps wondering. She sounds different, anyways I don’t blame her, is all Paul’s fault, if I were her I would do worst.

Bridget mom is busy enjoying herself in another woman’s house, she doesn’t give a damn.

“When are you going and leaving my house alone? Paul mother ask.

“When am done”

“Done with what?”

“Digging all the gold here” she reply.

Paul just walked out of his room, he is about going to work when he met the two women at the sitting room.

“Son tell this woman to leave my house?

“Are you ready to leave ma?” Paul ask Bridget mom.

“No my son, I came to the city to see my son and all my children, are you driving me away?”