
Chapter 6 A day after Christmas

    "I don’t understand, what are

you guys laughing about?,  I

 haven’t even said anything to

this girl so why will she say no

 to me?"

"Really, and you were running

 after her the other day like that".

Patrick said.

"See I was just trying to make her

 understand that I didn’t mean

 to insult her about what I said

of her background."

"Yes,, what were you saying about

 her background back then."

"Mann... Forget that, I don’t wish

 to talk about that any more".  

"Yea, least I forget, I saw you with

 her on Christmas night sitting on

 top of your car, holding hands.

What where you doing with her.?"

Patrick ask Paul.

"How is that your business?"

"Is my business because I like her."

"If you like her, then why disturb 

me? go ahead am not in a position

 to speak for her."

James, looked at Paul

"But why are you sounding like that?" 

James ask Paul.

"Like how?"

"As if you have something to do

 with this girl."

"Look, am leaving if you guys don’t

want me here", he got up to leave.

"No..no..no.. they both held him


"Is ok, I will leave you alone but please

don’t interrupt me when am

 talking to her."

Paul turn to look at Patrick.

"What is he talking about"? he

 wanted to say something but

 pause, because he hasn’t accept

 the fact that what he was feeling

 for Christy is love. He only knows

 that whenever she looked at him

 his heart start beating fast.

"Fine, I don’t have anything to do

with her,  we are just friends".

"Just friends! Hahahaha James

and Patrick laughed at him.

"I don’t like what you guys are

 doing, what did I say wrong that

 is making you laugh at me?"

"Nothing dude, you are just funny,

how can you be just friends with

 that pretty thing?". James ask, and

what about the other one, she

 looks sharp who is she?" James

ask Paul but he refuse to answer.

"I think is the sister to Christy".

Patrick cuts in

"How did you know that?" James


"Because she came asking me if

 I have seen her sister and Paul."

Paul turn, "what? When?"

"At the party yesterday, and I said

 no, even though I saw the two

 of them sitting like lovers, he

still can’t admit."

"Ok, am done here" Paul got up to

 go, because he can’t take it


He enters his car and drove off,

getting home he went straight to

 his room.

"Paul dear what happen, why is

your face not bright.?"

"Nothing mom."

"No.. don’t tell me nothing, you are

my son, the only son and you

 cannot me sad when am here,

tell me what you want and I will

 make sure you have it."

Paul just smile at his mom, how

 I wish you know what I want, you can’t

help me on this one, is not

 something you can buy," he

said within himself.

"There you go", his mom said

 seeing him smiling again.

"Just keep smiling ok, this is a period

where you don’t need to be sad,

do you want me to take you to

the most expensive place in town to shop?

Let’s go I  want to spoil you a bit,

is been long I did so."

"No mom, thanks but I don’t feel

 like going anywhere, am tired I

need to rest."

"Rest? Ok, if you insist when you

are ready to go let me know".

"Ok, mom, and thank you for been

 my mom."

"What about me?" his father ask.

"And you too, thanks dad for been

my dad."

"You are welcome, if you are not

going to go with your mom to

 this expensive trip then do come

 with me to play tennis, I promise

 is more fun that going to

expensive shopping."

"Are you challenging me?" Paul’s

mom turn to her husband.

"No, am not, am only telling him

 the truth.

Come son let me let you in a

 secret", he holds Paul’s hand.

"Women like expensive trips and

 like spending money, but we men,

we like to play football, tennis,

swimming. If you go about

 expensive trips it will make you

look like a woman. Do you want that."

"No.. Paul said making a face.

"That is my son".

"So what are you saying, that he

should not come with me?"

"No… that is not what am saying,

am simply asking him to choose

if to be a man or a woman."

Paul looked between his mother

 and father. If he said he wants an

 expensive trip his father will

 mocked  him, and if he said

Tennis, his mother will

be sad. So he has to make a

 wise decision.

Mom and dad looking at Paul to

see what he will do.

"Well, mom, dad, I will get back

to the both of you later, a man

must make his own decision,

and I cannot make a decision in

 a hurry, so give me time."

Hahahahah they both laugh at him.

You are now practically a man,

his father said, I like that, we

will be waiting.

Paul went to his room but

couldn’t sleep, he thought about

Christy and Patrick, does

it mean Christy was not with

 Patrick all this time? But Bridget

 said she went with Patrick, if

 she wasn’t with Patrick then

were could she have be?"

He brought out his phone to call

her but ohh.. I don’t have her

number, does she even have a

 phone? Paul keep wondering

and thinking about Christy.


Christy got busy cleaning the

house while Bridget got busy

making Christy angry.

"Do you want to know where we

 went to and what we did?" Bridget

 ask Christy trying to get a reaction.

Christy just smile, "whatever you

 guys did and where ever you

 went with him is not supposed

to be my business."

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"What? Me, jealous, no.."

"Then you have to listen to me if

you are not jealous."

"Ok, go ahead what happen?"

Christy stop her cleaning and

pay attention.

"He took me to a very special

place and bought a lot of things

for me, you need to see how he

was treating me like a princess".

"Hmm.. I think that is great."

"Really? You think so.?  So can I

 go out with him again?"

"Why,.. why are you asking me?,

he is already going out with you

 and buying things for you and

treating you like a princess, why

 do you need permission from me?"

"You know what? You are right,

he is now my man." She said

 and jump up.

Christy just make a face and

 continued with her cleaning.

"He even kissed me" she said as

 she open the front door to go


"What? Kiss her!, did Paul really

kiss her? That guy is nothing to

write home about, he ask me to

be his friend, he even said he

likes me, and within a second

he is kissing Bridget, I don’t want to

see him ever again. And as for

Bridget, I will beat that girl black

 and blue if she continue to

 annoy me in this way."

"What are you doing now"? Her

stepmom ask

"Cleaning ma".

"Stop cleaning and go to the

 market for me."

"Ok ma," Christy stopped cleaning

and hurried to the market.

Paul could no longer  take it.

"I have to see Christy and know

how she is doing."

Christy felt like someone is

 following her, she turned and

there was Paul waving at her.

"Wait, Christy wait."

She start walking fast away from Paul.

"What are you doing? come let

me drop you."

"No.. thanks I have legs."

"I know but I still want to drop

you off."

"Stay away from me". she said.

"Why? What is going on? I came

 yesterday to pick you up but you

were not at home where did

 you go to?"

"None of your business, just stay

away from me."

"I can’t Christy I want to talk

to you about something."

"I don’t want to hear, go and tell

 it to Bridget."

"What? Bridget? I don’t have

anything to do with Bridget."

"But you bought all those things

for her."

"Yea, but I can explain, is not

what you are thinking".

"And how will you know what 

am thinking?"

"Christy please just give me a

chance to explain things to you."

"I said I don’t want to hear."

She ran and disappear into the

corner of the market.

Paul waited but she is not coming

 out. So he drove off.

He want home but is like he is

 losing his mind. Why is Christy

doing this to him? He has never

liked a girl the way he did for

Christy, why is it so hard to get

to her?

"I will just stop seeing her and

her sister, that will give me back

my sanity."

"Why are you always worried

 this days"? He heard his mother’s

voice behind him.

He turned and saw his mom

 with a very beautiful girl coming

 towards him.

"Who is she?"

"This is Mr. Williams daughter,

the one studying abroad, she just

 came back to the country and

 she decide to visit"

"Ohh.. that is lovely, what is your



"Wow.. welcome Sharon."

"Thank you", she said with this

 very sweet voice like the voice

of any angel.