
Chapter 45 Not Fair

Paul didn’t know what to do or how to argue with his mom, she has been working hard preparing him for this day, but why can’t she allow him to be with the one he loved?

He walk away not saying anything.

He began to think that life is unfair, he has never been in love before, Christy was the first and will be the last for him, but what he did not know was what the future holds for them.

[Paul and his dad]

Paul how are you preparing to go back to school? His dad asked him.

I don’t know, I will just go back I guess.

“Is next weekend are you not going shopping?

No thanks, I don’t need anything am ok.

You are not ok, I told you to stop thinking about it, go back to school and when you come back somethings will figure out themselves.

“Ok dad, but still I need to see Christy before I leave”

I can arrange that his father said.

Naaa… forget dad, I can see her anytime I want, I have my source you know, am just worried the way mom is going about this things”

You don’t have to blame your mom, every of her friends have their children marrying into wealthy homes, the last time I heard them talking about the future of their children it was big, so don’t expect your mom  to accept Christy into her house.

“But if you ask me Sharon is not that bad”

“Dad you don’t understand”

I understand you perfectly well, is not easy to let go of the one you love, I know all that and that is why I don’t get hard on you.

“Thanks dad”

“Your my son and I know how you feel but I wish I can say the same for your mom”.

“I don’t know how to explain this to mom, but I love this girl dad”

“I know, but you just need to take it easy on yourself. Go to school, keep your head down and study hard, Christy will wait for you if she belongs to you.”

“ right dad, thank you, I don’t know what I do without you. Paul shake his father.”

“I’ve been there before so I know how you feel.”

“So how did you handle it in your time?” Paul ask his dad.

“I can’t remember, but I was able to pull through” he said not wanting to share his love experience with his son is so embarrassing for him.

Christy was subject to more inhuman treatment by her stepmom for having discovered her relationship with Paul, “is not going to happen, not when and alive will I see her daughter get married to a rich family, that is how her mother took my husband from me, now her daughter wants to do the same right under my nose, never, it wouldn’t happened.

But I don’t know why Bridget is so foolish, how can she keeps siding with that girl while she takes a way want belongs to her. That Paul fits my daughter and not that stupid ignorant Christy, she keeps thinking and wondering how Christy was able to capture the heart of Paul.

“Bridget… Bridget…” she called.

“Yes mom am coming”, she rush to answer the call.

“You called me”

“Yes I did”


“What do you mean ok?” her mother ask angrily

“I don’t understand mom”

“How will you understand? I thought you are a smart girl, I don’t know that Christy will be smarter than you”

“I still don’t understand mom”

“How did it happen? How did Christy capture that boy’s heart?”

“ How am I supposed to know that mom, look he loves her, he loves her there is nothing you or I can do about it.”

“Shut up and listen to me, you are going to go there and make that boy love you, I don’t care how you do it, but just make it happen”

Bridget wondered where all this is coming from.

“I thought we’ve pass this mom, just let her be already.”

“Shut up your mouth”, she gave her a slap and Bridget held her face in her hand wondering if she could ever see again.

“Mom what did I do?”

“That is for your foolishness, you are not like me one bit, if it was me I would have taken that boy away from Christy a long time ago, but all you do is follow her like a servant” Mtcheeeew, she walk away angrily.

“What have I done?” Bridget ask and start crying because the slap was so heavy on her.

Christy was serving her punishment of falling in love with Paul, because if her punishment before was 50%, it has now increase to 80% and she has to do it without complaining.

Bridget looked at Christy, she didn’t want to add to her punishment because it was for her sake she received this slap. She just walk straight to her room to finish her parking, she is going back to school, but what about Christy? What would life look like for her when am gone? Hmmm I pity her, I just hope mom would take it easy on her.

Three days to go and Paul was still thinking of how to face Christy, what excuse does he have to give to her, the reason why he has not been picking her calls, but is important that I see her before leaving.

He picked up his phone and instead of calling Christy he called Bridget.

Paul what is going on and do you make Christy suffer like that?

Paul didn’t say anything.

Hello, are you hearing me?

She wants to hang up when Paul spoke.

“Yes am here”

“Are you dumb now, can’t you talk again?”

“Bridget am sorry is not like that, can I see Christy? Can you make her come out?”

“You know the answer to that question, so you need to send me money am going back to school but I need money, the money my mom gave me is not going to be enough”

That’s fine, I will send you money but just play your part Paul said.

“You know I always delivery” Bridget hang up the phone and rush to inform Christy.

“Really? Where is he?”

I think he is going to send you an address where you go and meet him”

“Ok, thank you Bridget”

“Anything for my dear sister” she said seeing the alert on her phone.

“Now when you hear your name just come out ok.”


She went to the sitting room where her mom was and sat down.

Mom do you like this program you are watching?

Yes why?

“Me I don’t like it, in fact I went to watch lord of the rings”

“And where are you going to get that?”

“Christy will go and buy it for me, and if she can’t find it let her not come back to this house” mom  I hate that girl”

“I thought you like her” her mom said not looking at bridge, is obvious she is still angry with her.

“Mom you will like this movie I promise”

“Fine, go and get it then”

Where is this Christy? Christy…. Christy… she called and Christy rushed out.

Yes Bridget, listen to me very well, I want you to go and buy me a movie called lord of the rings.

But that movie is old, I don’t think it will still be in the market” Christy said.

My friend shut up, who told you the movie is old? If you don’t find that movie don’t come back into this house, Bridget yells and gives her the money and a signal.

“Yes Bridget”

Look at her, stupid girl she didn’t even know what is call lord of the rings, her stepmom said and they both laugh at Christy.

What are you still waiting for? Get out of my face, Bridget shouted at Christy and she took off running to buy the movie.

Where will I see this movie? She thought, but just then her phone rang is Paul.

“Hello Paul How are you?, You refuse to pick my calls why?”

“Am sorry please forgive me”

“Ok, so where are you?”

He gave her the address and they met.

Paul hug Christy so tight he didn’t want to let go.

I miss you like mad he keeps saying.

“I miss you too, I thought you don’t want to see me again”

“That will never happen” he wanted to kiss her but no there are other people around.

How have you been? Paul ask.

“Well I’ve been suffering, since your mom came to our house to warn me about you my punishment has increased.”

“Am so sorry about that, have you eaten?”

“A little”

Ok, let’s go somewhere else, you need to eat ok.

“Yes,” she followed Paul to a restaurant and he gave her the best nutritional meal ever because it seems that Christy was a little bit pale.

Do you need to go to the hospital? Paul ask Christy.

“No why?”

“It looks like you are not feeling fine”