
Chapter 37 Weekend

“I see, you are looking for someone to use right? Hmmm, I thought as much, Christy has always been a fool and people like you always use her for their personal gain, sleeping with her every seconds without giving her anything.”

"Wow.. " Paul was surprise at the things coming out of Bridget’s mouth.

“Just give me the money let me go if you want to see her.”

“Ok”, Paul brought out the money and gave it to Bridget, she took the money and get up to leave.

“Make sure you don’t get her pregnant”, she turned around to warn him.

“What!!! Pregnant?” Paul has never thought of that.

“Hmmm, I think she is right, I will take note of that.”

Paul welcomed Christy whole heartedly into his house and walk her from the sitting room to his own room.

“Wow.. your house is beautiful.”

“Thanks” Paul said smiling.

“And where are your parents wouldn’t they be angry?”



“Yes, that is because mom and dad are outside the country and wouldn’t be coming back till next week so we have the whole house to ourselves, now what do you want to eat?”

“Anything Paul anything, in fact entering here is enough food for me, am not hungry  any more” Christy said smiling like a little girl who just visit Disneyland.

"You like it here? Paul ask still smiling, because anything that makes Christy smile is what makes him smile too, "seriously? Like seriously? Am so in to her", Paul murmured  to himself.

" Let me take your bag in", Paul took Christy’s hand bag to his room, while Sharon just pip through her room door looking at how Paul was happy seeing Christy.

"Hmmm, yea, he likes her that much, but am supposed to be angry, so why am I not?" Sharon ask herself.

Paul rushed into the kitchen to prepared something for Christy.

"Paul…Paul.. where are you?" Christy start looking for Paul.

"Am here, in the kitchen"

"Wow.. is this a kitchen?"


"Hmmm.. is so beautiful, one can even sleep here" she said.

Paul laugh out loud and Sharon heard him.

"Yea, I think he is so happy, first time I heard him laugh since I entered this house."

She walked to the sitting room and back to her room.

"Wait!, I think I saw someone" Christy said, "Is that not Sharon?"

"Yes, is her."

"You live together?"


"So what is she doing in your house,? and she looks like she lives here."

"My mom’s visitor, look my mother and Sharon’s mother are the biggest of friends way back in their school days, so Sharon has access to this house, she is staying in the guest room."

"Really? Then I have to go and greet her, she helped me a lot."

"No..no..no..no.. don’t go to her."

"Why?" Christy ask surprised.

"Just wait, I will go with you to see her, let me finish with the cooking then we can both go to her."

"Are you afraid of something?" Christy ask.

"Yes.. No.. I haven’t seen her this morning so we can both greet her together."

Sharon heard their conversation and just laugh.

"Paul is an asshole, will I eat Christy? He is afraid of me now huh..  whatever."

"Ok, if you said so, what are you cooking? Let me help you."

"No just sit here and watch me do my thing."

"Hmmm, so you know how to cook?" Christy ask.

"Yea, Paul nod even though he has never cooked before in his life. He puts oil into the pot and then water follows immediately

"What are you doing Paul?, hahaha give me that" Christy took over the cooking.

"Am I not doing it right?" Paul ask.

"No, your not hahaha, thank God I ask" Christy said.

"Yea, thank God you came, I would have eaten poison today" Paul jokely said.

"Hmmm, you are a good cook" Paul said while eating.

"You like it?"

"Yea, I love it, you will be cooking for me every…." He pause and looked at Christy.


"Nothing", he didn’t want to put ideas in Christy’s head just yet.

"Ok can we go and see Sharon, I need to thank her for last time."

"Why do you want to see her so badly?"

"So I can thank her for the dress she bought for me last time."

"Hmmm, is that one a dress?, don’t worry I will just buy you another one and then you can give it to her, that is not a dress if you ask me". Paul said not realizing that Sharon was there already.

"Paul you don’t have to be rude" Christy said looking at Sharon.

Paul turn and saw Sharon standing at his back.

"Well, am only saying the truth, you don’t need a dress like that Christy, you are far better than that."

Sharon just smile at Paul, not wanting to start an argument.

"Hi Christy how are you.?"

"Am fine, come sit here" Christy made a space for Sharon  to sit beside her and Paul makes a face.

"Long time" Sharon ask looking at Christy smiling.

"Yea you too, am sorry I have be going about so many things I didn't have time to ask Paul about you."

"Really? That is not a problem, so what are you doing here?"  Sharon ask suddenly as if she didn’t know Paul and Christy are dating.

"He is…he is.. he is my boyfriend" Christy manage to said.

"Oh.. really? And am here thinking he is my husband to…"

"Shut-up" Paul yell at Sharon

"Let’s go", he took Christy out of that place and into his room.

"Paul want is going on and what is Sharon trying to say.?"  Christy ask panicking.

"Sit my love"  Paul cup Christy's face in his hands “listen to me, don’t ever listen to what Sharon tells you, she is a liar ok?”

Christy nod but still don’t get it.

"But she was trying to say she is your wife, are you married to Sharon?" Christy ask but felt stupid for asking seeing that Paul is not putting any ring on and he is still young to be call someone’s husband.

"Do I look married to you?" Paul ask 

"No, but what is she saying? am scared Paul".

"Don’t be, she shouldn’t scare you at all. But you need to do me one favor, stay away from Sharon, she is not what you think she is."

"Really?" Christy remembered that Sharon has be looking at her in a way she can’t describe. Is that what Paul is saying? She ask herself rather that to Paul.

"What is wrong with him?" Sharon ask the empty sitting room but since she didn’t get any response she walk to her room.

"Anyways, I wanted to leave the both of you alone to love yourselves but not anymore, am going to get you Paul and  as for Christy I only pity her, I didn’t want to hurt you but Paul is giving me no choice." 

"Wait here, I will be right back," Paul told Christy and left the room to go and see Sharon.

"Sharon opens this door."

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"You can help me by keeping your mouth shut, what nonsense were you trying to say back there?"

"But is the truth”

“what truth?”

“You are my husband to be, and she is just a girlfriend.”

“For goodness sakes Sharon, I don’t love you” Paul almost whisper clipping his teeth together.

“Who cares, I love you and both our parents wants us to get married”.

"Am just wasting my time talking to you” Paul said angrily and walk back to Christy.

"Heyy.. he said smiling, are you ok?"

"Yes, am fine, thanks"

"For what?"

"For loving me", Christy said smiling.

"Come here," he hugged her. 

"I will always love you no matter what, you promise me you will never leave me no matter what."

"I promise Paul, I will always be with you, you make me feels save."

Paul smile hearing that from Christy.

"And I will do more, I will protect you from anyone and anything that wants to hurt you."

"Thank you Paul, you have shown me that I can trust you."

"Do you want us to go out?" Paul ask.

"No, let’s stay indoors, I like it here. Lots of crazy people out there."

"Really? You don’t like the places I have taken you to?" Paul ask

"No, I have always liked them but today, let’s stay here, don’t you have any movies to watch.?"

"I think I have one or two."

"Ok, let's watch together."

"Yea, I will watch with you", Paul has always wanted to do this with Christy and today, he has the chance to do that.

He turned on the TV and the first thing they saw was war film.

"I don’t like that" Christy said, “pass.”

“This one”


“Ok this one”


“Which one do you like..” Paul ask.

“Keep on flipping” Christy said.

“Ok this one.”

“Ohh.. no..” Christy shouted

“What? You don’t like porn.”

“No, please take it away, pass..”

“No, I want it here” Paul said making Christy to run to the bathroom

“Where are you going?, I will get you..” Paul said joking and laughing.