
Chapter 36 Novice! I like it

“Why are you always hiding from me? I don’t bite you know” Sharon said throwing herself on Paul’s bed.

“Why do you always do that? Stop throwing yourself on my bed.?”

“Why? You are going to be my husband soon, so I don’t see anything wrong in that”

“Stop saying husband because that is not going o happen.”

“Hmmm, tell that to your mom because they are very serious about it”. Sharon say trying to use the remote.

“Keep that, don’t touch it” Paul snatch it away from her. 


“Why don’t you do me a favor and tell my mom and your mom that you don’t want to get married to a man” Paul told Sharon.

“What the hell are you taking about?” she ask getting up from the bed to face Paul.

“You think I don’t know? Apart from you doing drugs, you also do girls.”

“And what nonsense  are you talking about?” Sharon ask angrily. 

“Stop pretending Sharon you said it yourself.”

“What! When? How?”

“The other day in my room when you were drunk”

“You see, I was drunk I didn't know what I was saying”.

“No, you knew exactly  what you were saying Sharon, I saw you kiss a girl in your car.”

“Now am done, am leaving your house”

“No, you’re not”, Paul blocked the door, “we need to talk about this.”

“We don’t have anything to talk about, just get out of my way”.

“No, am not leaving the way, we have to talk about it, I can help you” Paul said at last.

“Ok, now what is he talking about?” Sharon ask confuse.

“Just tell your mom that you don’t want to marry me, that’s all”.

“And how do you know that I have not done that already? But my mom won’t listen to me, she threatening to disown me if I don’t marry you.”

“Really?” Paul ask surprise.

“Yea, I have no choice can’t you see?”

“But how do you plan to do that, you don’t like men, are you going to stay like that for the rest of your life?”

“Yea, I guess so, but to be honest with you, I like you a lot.”

“No, you can’t like me,” Paul shifted away from her.

“And why are you afraid of me?”

“Am not afraid of you, why should I be?”

“Yea, but you just shifted away from me”

“Because I don’t want you thinking up things in your head.”

“Ok, am fine. So how do you plan to help me?”

“You can tell your mom who you are and then she will understand and tell my mom in turn then they will allow you to live your life.”

“Hmmm, easy to say, why don’t you go and tell  them yourself?” Sharon didn’t want to tell Paul that her mom already knew about it but has refused  to accept it.

“Look, accepting to marry me will only complicate your life, you need to stand up for yourself”.

“I don’t know, just please don’t tell my mom yet, she pleaded”. And Paul felt sorry for her.

He just keep walking up and down the room, this Christmas is not the best for him, he was supposed to be the happiest guy on earth because he found the love of his life, but his mom and every other person is making sure that he didn’t enjoy the Christmas holidays. 

“What is going on with you?” Sharon ask seeing the way he keeps walking up and down.

“Do you know that Christy is supposed to visit me this weekend”?


“Because you are here she can’t come.”

“Why? I helped her before, so why will she not want to see me?”

“Are you not getting it? She will think that you are my girlfriend”

“Point of correction wife to be, she is the girlfriend and I am the wife to be two different things Paul.”

“Look at you, you are not even concerned” 

“About what?” Sharon ask.

“If you were a real woman, you would have be throwing things at me for talking about another woman in front of you.”

“Oh.. that?, I like her that is why”.

“You better stay away from her, you can’t like her, she is my girl and not yours”.

“Fine, I will leave her for you.”

“You see?, you are not worried at all, so tell me, if I marry you what will you be doing.?”

“What else? We will live as husband and wife”.

“Leave my room, and don’t come back”. Paul ordered.

“Whatever, you just make sure to hold her tight, someone may take her away from you”. Sharon said while leaving Paul’s room. 

“My dear your food is ready”, Paul’s mom was waiting for her to come out of Paul’s room.

“Oh.. thank you mom, you should have told me you are cooking I would have help out in the kitchen”.

“No, my angel, you are a visitor, you don’t need to help out in the kitchen, just enjoy your meal”.

“Ok mom.” 

Paul shakes his head seeing how Sharon was busy pretending to be a good girl.

“Hey.. Paul come join us” Sharon said.

“Yes, come over her my dear, join her, the food is delicious”.

“Am not hungry, I will be outside”.

“Ok, see you when am done eating” Sharon said behaving like a little baby.

“Don’t mind him ok, he is just acting up”, his mom said.

“Yea, I know”. Sharon reply knowing what is going on.  

Is almost weekend and Christy is so excited to leave the house and most importantly to see Paul. She needs to tell Bridget about it so she can get ready to help her out of the house.

“What!! You want to go and spend a whole weekend with Paul! What for?”

“He invited me over”, Christy said.

“I know, but why will you accept to go and spend  a whole weekend  at his place when you know that without me you can’t leave this house?”

“That is why am telling you now”.

“Hmmm, and you believe that I will help you right?”

Christy was just looking at Bridget without saying a word, maybe she is right, am totally useless without Bridget in this house.

“Please, can you help me?”

“No, am not helping you, you broke my leg”.

“But is healing fast, you can walk now”. Christy said almost crying.

“Help you for what? What will I get in return since you didn’t let me have Paul, you need to at least pay me for helping you.”

“Ok, let me call Paul,” she remember Paul telling her that Bridget will come around and that he knows how to make Bridget help her out of the house.

“Hello Paul”

“Hello my angel how are you?”

“What did you just call me?”

“My angel, don’t you know you are my angel?, The only girl that can make my heart to beat faster”.

Christy smiles and Bridget rolls her eyes.

“I know, thanks” she said, “but I want to ask you for a favor”.

“Anything my love”.

“Ok, can you help me ask Bridget to help me out of the house”?

“Sure where is she? Give her the phone”.

“Ok”, she hand the phone over to Bridget.

“Hello, Bridget please can you help her out of the house?”.


“Why not”?

“If I have to do that, you know what to do”

“Fine I know what to do, meet me at that address I gave you that day”.

“Ok, bye”.

“What did he say”? Christy ask Bridget.

“None of your business”, she said with a straight face and walk away from Christy.

“Whatever”, she said so happy to leave the house for a whole weekend.

“Where is the money?” 

“Are you angry”? Paul ask Bridget.

“None of your business, just give me the money and she will be at your house for the weekend, but you must make sure to bring her back before my mom start to notice”.

“No problems.”

“The money”? She stretch fort her hand.

“Heyy.. clam down, why are you so angry? I will give you the money”.

“What did you even see in that Christy that you are willing to pay so much just to have her for a night?” Bridget ask Paul all of a sudden.

“What! Have her for a night? No.., that is not what it is, am not just having her for a night”.

“Wow… Bridget opens her mouth wide, “so that is what Christy have been doing with you”?

“What? No..no..no..no that is not what I mean ok, I mean I love her, is not that I just want her for a night, you are misunderstanding me” 

“Look I can give it to you any how you want it, Christy don’t even know anything, she is a novice, you need someone with  experience, you need it hot and I know Christy can’t give you that”.

Paul  looked at Bridget and thought maybe he was dreaming but no, is happening live.

“Look I appreciate your offer but no thanks, am looking for something…"

“Something like what?” Bridget cut him off.

“I am looking for a novice, someone who don’t know anything, and Christy is a perfect match. Paul said hoping to piss her off.