
Chapter 168

Ben began to regret why he didn’t go to Sharon when he thought of her, he keeps trying the number but it was busy.

“What the f*ck is wrong with this guy” Patrick yells as he keeps looking at Sharon’s phone ringing in his hand.

“Why is he calling Another Man’s wife at this time of the night.?.

That guy needs serious beating and I won’t hold back this time, I’m going to give it to him the way he wants it” Patrick went away with Sharon’s phone in hand determined to find that Ben of a guy.

Christy was becoming more aggressive now that she's pregnant. whatever Paul dose become so irritating to her making Paul to stay in the bar with his friends talking and laughing and forgetting about their troubles.

Paul and James were in the bar when Patrick came by

“Look at your guy, his becoming crazy these days” Paul told James.

“Yeah I can see that, and why is he working like that?”

 “Maybe he has fought with that guy”

“But come to think of it, what is that guy doing with Sharon?”. James asked.

“Maybe she's in love”.

“So are you trying to tell me that she didn’t love Patrick the whole time”

Paul didn’t want to answer that because he knew that Sharon married Patrick because of him, he knew that she was trying to get away from the trauma of his rejection and that is why their marriage was so quick and fast he didn’t even think that they have something between them.

He knew that Patrick married Sharon to pay him back for what he did to him and as for Sharon she married Patrick because of him too. So it is all his fault that Patrick and Sharon are going through this. Now Paul felt sorry for her.

“Hi guys” Patrick greeted them and sat down.

“What are you guys taking?”

“Anything man, just anything” Paul said.

“Why is your face like that?” Patrick ask Paul.

“Nothing much, just that Christy is giving me some headache”

“What is it this time?, all these women it's better not to get married” he said yelling and James turn to look at Paul. They both shook their heads at Patrick.

 “Look Guy, you can’t just take everything upon yourself, sometimes you need to just watch and see how things turn. And don’t tell me you’re still holding Sharon’s phone” Paul ask when he saw the phone ringing but Patrick wasn't picking.

“I need to trace this guy and give him the beating of his life, you can't imagine that this guy has been calling Sharon all through the night and what for?, can you guys tell me why he's calling my wife if not that he has a thing for her”.

“You need to come down I think, don’t do something that you will regret later please” Paul pleaded with Paul pleaded with Patrick.

“In my opinion I think Patrick is right, that guy needs to be beaten because if it’s me I won’t take It kindly with him. what nonsense” James said getting very upset on behalf of Patrick.