
Chapter 154

“I can't believe this”. Sharon hit her car steering angrily as she was driving home, the car left her lane and hit another car, everyone keeps shouting and Sharon tries  controlling the car but it was too late her car went over the bridge and fell in the water.

People gather round the place, some of the people went into the water after Sharon but they couldn't find her. Her car sunk deep into the water.

There was crying and weeping in Sharon's house, everyone gathered around her mother when the heard the news, they try consoling her but that won’t do.

Paul, Patrick and James went to the bridge to look for Sharon but they couldn't find her, they called for divers and went in after her but they only saw the car, Sharon was nowhere to be found.

“What happened? why can't we find her?, if she is in that car then we would have be able to find her she”

“Lets keep searching, maybe the water carried her away” one of the men said and Patrick could not believe that is Sharon they are talking about.

“At least let’s find her body” they keep searching for days but they couldn't find Sharon. Her mother was beyond consoling. Paul’s mum had to sleep in her house day and night to keep her from committing suicide.

“What have I done?” she cried “Who have I offended? why are all my enemies after me?” she keeps shouting and crying and rolling.

Paul, Patrick and James find it very difficult to believe what has happened. Paul taught that Sharon committed suicide, but Patrick did not say anything.

 He was only looking at Paul thinking that maybe Paul thought he is the cause of Sharon death.

“Guy you know try, you no try” Paul keep telling Patrick.

“What do you mean?” Patrick ask almost in tears.

“Did you go to see her when I asked you to?”

“I was about to” He said crying out this time.

“I told you it was urgent, I told you that Sharon was planning to commit suicide, but what did you do?, you sit in your house comfortably, now she is dead” Paul yell

“You don’t have to conclude, if she’s dead then we’ll have to see how body be concluding” James said. Trying to calm everyone.

“Who will survive that? she was inside the car, how can she survive?”

“ I don't know but we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed until we see the body we cannot conclude that she's dead” James said.

“Fine, so what do you want us to do now?”

“We have to go back to the bridge, we have to search every where, we have to search for her.” Patrick said.  He finds it so hard to believe because he still love Sharon, in fact he was planning to go and bring her back when he heard the news.  He couldn’t take it he ran to the bridge and start shouting.

 “Sharon…. where are  Sharon, please come out. I know you are not dead come out, I’m here come out please Sharon” he start crying.

 Paul and James had to pull him out of the bridge before he jumps into the water.

“Let’s go home and wait for the search team, you will find her if she’s alive” Paul said.