
Chapter 147

“Pleasess” he begged.

“No..no..no.., I will not allow you to sleep here tonight”

“But you said you love me”

“Yes I do, but no you are not doing that here”

“Have mercy on me” he pointed at his…

“You will learn to control it from today” Christy said laughing.

“With you I can’t control it, ok.. I will try to control it but don’t send me away” he stood there making his face like a baby.

“Ok come” Christy took him back.

He went to sleep but he keeps turning and turning in bed.

“Paul are you ok?”

“Yes am ok”

“No you’re not, you can’t sleep?”

He nod.

Christy hug Paul to sleep but it became worst.

“Ok, you can” Christy told him

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I'm sure”

“Thank you”.

 Paul had it all night, to him this was the best because he had it in Christy’s room.

“You sure you guys are ready to go?” her stepmom ask.

“Yes mum we are ready and thank you for everything”

“You don't have to mention it, you guys should have a safe journey and you Paul. Take good care of my Christy and Sharon”

“Mum you have no problem, she is my top priority” hahaha they all laugh.

 “Ok bye”

“ Granny bye..” Sharon hug her grandmother and then she went into the car then they drove off.

 “I thought that mad woman will not accept my Christy” she murmured. “That mad girl she brought for Paul to marry is she better than my Christy?” her stepmom keep murmuring as she walk back into the house.

 “This Is The sweetest journey I have made since I was born” Paul told Christy.

“I'm glad you like it”

“ Yeah that is why I need our babies be twins”

“What if I don't give birth to twins?”

“I'll still accept it but I want twins because we already lost twins before and that was all my fault”

“You don't mean that?” Christy ask so sorry that she could not remember any of those things.

“Yeah is a pity that you can’t remember them, but don't worry I will help you remember everything”

“Thank you Paul you are the best.”

Paul received a call from James that he is in Patrick's house right now and Patrick is threatening to throw Sharon out of the house.

 “What?, please do all you can to hold the situation I will be there in a short time”

 “Ok” James hang up the phone.

“What is the matter?” Christy ask seeing the way Paul was talking on the phone.

“Is Patrick, he's threatening to throw Sharon out of the house. I think James is there with them.”

“But what is wrong with this your Patrick? He should calm down. That is not how he should treat his wife, they should both look for solution.”

“I’ve told him but he refused to listen to me”

Paul drove his family home and then drove to Patrick’s house. Getting there he met Patrick throwing Sharon things out of the room.

“Thank God you are here” James said “Please talk to your man he's gone mad.”