
Chapter 122 crazy moment

“What are you girls doing in my house and why is everywhere so scattered, Bianca what is going on?” Paul ask.

“Ask them not me because I was here and they came upon me beating me Black and Blue” she said pointing at Christy and Bridget.

Paul could only look at Christy and then to Bridget “come with me” he said to Christy and then she follows him into their bedroom.

“What happened? you didn't tell me you are coming to the house you should have called me instead of coming here alone”

“I'm sorry I didn’t expect Bianca to pick a fight with us I was only checking up to see if I can move back into the house but I guess I was wrong I'm sorry”

 “it's ok, I'm sorry this is happening, it shouldn't have happened like this, is all my fault please I'm sorry”

“You don't have to apologize” Christy said. “after all I'm the one who came without notifying you, all of this wouldn't have happened and Bridget too… huh…., She is so hot headed”

Paul turned to look at Bridget she has bruises all over her face.

“Ah.. what is all this? I thought we’ve settled this Bianca! what is wrong with her?” Paul walked back to the sitting room and ask the two girls to leave his house immediately and then he turned to Bridget. “look at you, what are you going to tell your husband you have bruises all over your face. Remember you Just got married I don't like this at all”

“She started it, I can't just stand here and watch them beat up Christy, it's not done anywhere in the world. After all they not the only bad girls in town” Bridget said and Paul could only shake his head “Please I need to take you back home, come let me take you home and as for you” he pointed at Bianca am coming back.”

“No, don’t worry about me, I can find my way home, just take care of Christy” Bridget said and make to go home. “Try me” she said to Bianca on her way out.

“Whatever” Bianca said and push Christy aside and walk past her into her room.

Christy went into Paul's room and looked at herself in the mirror, “ o God what is this?, Look at my face, Bridget… what is wrong with you?” Christy ask her reflection on the mirror.

“Hey I'm really sorry for this” Paul hugged Christy from behind and they both sat down on the bed. “I hope you didn't get hurt?”

“No it's just little bruises I'm okay, I'll be fine”

 “okay let me get you some water to clean your face”. Paul went to bring some water and then Bianca blocked him on the way.

“What is she doing in your room and why did she come here? let her come out of that room now because this is my house” Bianca roars.

“Bianca please can you calm down? this is her house too and besides she’s my lawfully wedded wife”

“I'm not listening to you, because when I came to this house I didn't find any lawfully wedded wife. I am the woman in this house and no woman will come here and take my place”