
Chapter 121 Lockdown

Paul don’t know what to say, he is so ashamed to tell them that Bianca locked him indoors and wouldn’t let him out.

“Is ok, let’s just go out” Paul suggested but Bianca didn’t want him out.

“Am really confused here” Patrick said “what is really going on?”

“He is not going anywhere, let him go back inside his room and stay there”

“Really?” Patrick and Sharon shouted simultaneously looking at one another and back to Paul.

“Ok…ok.. please calm down and tell me what is it” Patrick spoke to Bianca in a cool voice and she starts crying.

“What did I do to him? Why is he treating me like this? She keeps asking and crying while Patrick and Sharon turned to look at each other.

“Please don’t cry” Sharon went to her and hold her “ am sorry ok, I know am wrong to come to your house and fight you but I didn’t have a choice”

“Is not about you, is him” she said Pointing at Paul and Patrick knew that Paul has really messed up for him to be keeping quiet like that even Sharon knew that Paul has hurt Bianca just the way he use to hurt her in the past.

“Am sorry, stop crying” Sharon console her.

“How can he do this to me? Bringing another woman in our house and sleeping with her on our bed” she starts crying again.

Sharon could only look at Patrick and then back to Paul but she didn’t say anything because she knew that the other woman is Christy, Paul can not bring in another woman into his house apart from Christy Sharon thought.

But she didn’t know how to tell Bianca that she is fighting a failed fight if at all is Christy she is talking about.

“Come let’s go inside” Sharon took Bianca inside the house and ask her to unlock the doors.

“You can’t kill yourself because of a man ok”

She nods her head still sobbing.

“Guy you are a fu*ked up man, bad guy like you, so you brought Christy home, menn.. you get mind” Patrick keeps hailing Paul.

“Is not like that you know, I didn’t plan it to happen, it just happened and Bianca can’t let go”

“And she locked you inside the house?” hahaha man your own don finish”

“Like seriously, I have never seen this type before”  Paul said. hahaha they both laugh.

“James need to hear this”

“Stop Patrick, what’s there to tell?”

“You’re right, so what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know, am just working from home”

“OMG, oboy stop deceiving yourself, work from home what? Get yourself out of this mess and be fast about it because that woman am seeing there will ruin your life believe me”

“Patrick am confused, she is pregnant as we speak, what do you want me to do? That is why I can’t even touch her”

“Menn… this one is beyond me, maybe James can give you a solution”

“I was planning on returning the bride price and now she is pregnant”

“That’s a big problem if you ask me, but we need to get going”

“Is ok, just pray for me”

“Hahaha, this is not a prayer issue, just make up your mind”

“I will”

Patrick got up  and walk to Bianca and Sharon still discussing.

“My dear don’t worry he won’t do it again, I’ve talk to him” Patrick told Bianca and Sharon just looked at him because she knew that Patrick will never advice Paul on anything good, they are both birds of the same feathers.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Patrick ask Sharon as they drive home.

“I know you, did you even advice Paul? Because I heard you and Paul laughing, that didn’t sound like you were advising him on  anything good?”  

“What do you want us to do cry? Come-on sweet heart Paul would never leave Christy even if I die in the process of advising him”

“Hmm, maybe you’re right, I just felt for that girl” Sharon said so sad remembering what she herself went through in the hands of Paul.

“Am sorry for what happened, please forgive me” Paul pleaded with Bianca.

The next day he was with James and Patrick.

“Guy, I heard what you did, you get mind” James teased Paul.

“Stop it already, you guys know that Christy is the only woman for me, If Bianca can’t accept that she is free to go”

“Bad nigga” they hail him instead of advice.

“So when are you bringing Christy home?”

“You should turn that question around, is like this, when is Christy willing to come home because as for me today will be my answer” hahaha they all laugh.

Christy keeps thinking about what to do, since is true that she is married to Paul then she has to take her rightful place. “But how do I go about that since that woman has taken over the house? Ok, let me call Bridget I think she will know what to do”

“Hello sweet sis how are you doing” Bridget was so happy to hear from Christy.

“Am doing fine”

“But you don’t sound fine to me what is going on?”

“I have a little problem and I don’t know if you can help me”

“Just say it”

“Ok, I went to Paul’s house and he showed me our wedding pictures and now I believe him, but the issue is that the women his mom married for him fought with me”

“What? Is she insane?” Bridget yells over the phone.

“Calm down and listen” because Bridget has started vibrating over the phone.

“Ok, so what happened?”

“I want to go back to my husband”

“Really? Yes!.. yes!!..” Bridget was heard shouting over the phone.

“I will go with you, just let me know when ever you are going over to his place.

“Ok, I will call you again bye”

“Yes! That’s my sis, she is back, that woman need to leave that house, I will personally throw her out, let me reserve my strength for that day”

“Why are you so happy honey” James ask as he walk into the house and saw Bridget jumping and dancing.

“Is Christy, she has accept to go back to Paul”

 “Really? That’s good news”


Christy took few of her things and both she and Bridget head over to Paul’s house.

“What are you doing here?” Bianca stood at the door.

“Am here to see my daughter”

“Which daughter? The one you abandoned?”

“Hey…don’t say things you don’t know” Bridget cuts in.

“And who are you?” Bianca ask.

“Do I have to answer that? Get out of the way” Bridget pushed her aside and walk straight into the house with Christy following.

Hahaha, Bianca laugh and clapping her hands.

“Are you girls serious right now? So you want to tell me that you have body guard? Ok don’t worry, I will show you that I have my own body guards” she put a call over to her friends.

“Where is Sharon” Christy ask the maid who is standing there looking at all of them.

“She is not yet back from school”

“Ok, we will wait for her” Christy said.

“Ok ma” she left the three women at the sitting room and went to the kitchen.

“What kind of house is this?, today problem, tomorrow problem, if not that oga use to pay me my money on time I would have left this job Mtcheeeew.”

Bianca’s friends arrived and went into the house.

“What is going on? You sound so worried over the phone”

“Look at this little rats, they think that they can come and take over my house”

“On to which level?” one of her friend ask looking at Christy and Bridget.

“Which one between this two is the husband snatcher?” the other friend ask Bianca.

“This one” she point at Christy.

“Hmm, look at you pretty face and you don’t like yourself, by the time we design this face for you no man will price you”

“Why will you do that? I didn’t do anything to you” Christy said.

“Shut up, I dey talk, you dey talk, are you stupid?” one of the girls raised her hand to slap Christy but Bridget stopped her.

“Listen let me tell you girls, if any of you wants to visit the hospital today let that person try nonsense and I will treat your fu*k up”   Bridget threatened.

“Hahaha” they all laughed at Bridget “See smally, she wants to challenge hahaha.”

“Bridget please calm down don’t fight with them” Christy keeps holding Bridget not to fight with them and then she call Paul to come home quickly.

“By the time I close my eyes and open them again you little rats should disappear from his house” one of the girls said but she closed her eyes and open them again Christy and Bridget are still there.

“What are you girls still doing here?” before you know it the fight began with Bridget throwing down Bianca and punching her all over, while Christy was fighting with the two girls.

The maid has to help Christy with the two girls before they kill her.

“What is going on here?, will you girls stop this nonsense?” Paul yells.