
Chapter 115 Sweet Night

“Maybe I will just go there and kick his ass” he  murmured and make to come down from his car but he saw lucky leaving waving her goodbye.

“Oh thank goodness that idiot, just go home already” he yell inside his car.

He looked and saw Christy bringing out the piece of paper to read again.

“What is wrong with him? Why will he want to commit suicide?, No I have to stop him” she brought out her phone to call Paul.

“Hello Paul were are you?”

“Am…am..am .. no wait” he cut the call.

“What? What am I still doing here? I should be where Patrick told her.” He brought out his phone to call Patrick.

“Paul how far?”

“Where did you tell her I will be”

“In your hotel idiot”

“Oh thank you” he cut the call and call Christy back.

“Hello, am in my office”

“What? In your office doing what? At this time? After a wedding? You went back to your office?, O no, that guy was right, ok.. ok… just hold on am coming don’t do anything stupid ok… is not the end of lift ok you didn’t have to kill yourself for any reason just hold on I am on my way” she hang-up and hurried inside to change her clothes.

Paul keeps looking at the screen of his phone “ What was that? Kill myself for what? Are you sure am talking to Christy? He was still thinking that Christy sound so worried on the phone when something click in his head. Patrick!! No way….

He call him again.

“Guy what did you tell her?”

“What is that?”

“Why will I want to kill myself?”

“Oh that.. look just enjoy ok, do you think she will just come to you like that? I told her you will kill yourself if she didn’t come to you, Just play along and enjoy your night”

“Do you know that you are the most stupid guy on earth?”

“Yea, I know enjoy bye” Patrick hang up and Paul could only laugh.

“Yes!! I have to go to the office and behave like someone who is not happy with life” he rushed to the office and place order for the VIP room to get ready.

“Yes sir”

“What is he doing here by this time?” the staff ask.

“I don’t know, just do what he ask.”

“Ok, done”

“Alright thank you” she went back to Paul to inform him.

“Thank you, you can go now”

Christy hurried up to the hotel and rushed into the room.

“Paul… Paul where are you?”

He turned from looking out the window to Christy.

“Oh thank goodness, what were you thinking?” She starts talking without listening.

“Look, no matter what you are going through in life you don’t have to take your own life, why will you even think about it?”

“What!! Take my own life?”

“Well am sorry to stop you from what you are about to do but your friend told me everything” she keeps blabbing.

“And what exactly did he tell you” Paul ask walking closer to her.

“I know you are trying to be strong but please don’t do it, committing suicide is not the solution to your problem”

“What!, Oh no” Paul remembered Patrick telling him to play along.

“Yea, but I thought you don’t love me again”


“You came rushing when Patrick told you I wanted to kill myself”

“Oh yes, but…”

“You still love me” he walks closer but Christy keeps moving backward.

“No, that’s not what it means, I was just….”

“Just what?”

“Forgot it, I can see that you are ok, move out of the way” let me go home.

“Am really not ok, so you can’t go”


“Here, am sick here” Paul said pointing at his chest. “You are the only person to cure it”

“Huh….” Christy opens her mouth but not saying anything.

“I need you back Christy, I will do anything you want me to do” he was about going down on his knees when she stopped him.

“No, don’t do that”

“Just let me do it if that’s the only way to get you back”

“You said we were married right?”


“So what happened to me?, Why can’t I seem to remember us getting married?”

“You lost your memory, you were kidnapped on the day of our wedding but I find you and married you”

“You also said you have the papers right?”


“Hmm, so why are you married now?”

“Oh that, I can explain but not now”

“I see, so if I come back to you what will happen to her?”

“Bianca! Yea, I haven’t thought about that, but we will cross that bridge when we get there, just say yes to me”

“I have to go Paul see you some other time” She push him aside and walk towards the door.

“No, you can’t go, please don’t go” he rushed to block the door.

“Is getting late and I have to go”

“OMG… my heart” Paul fell on the ground holding his chest.

“What happened?” Christy rushed him.

“My heart is aching, I feel like dying right now”

“No, you can’t die, hold on let me get you water” she got up to leave but he pull her back.

“Please don’t leave me, stay with me”

“Am not leaving, I want to get you some water.”

“I don’t need water, just stay with me”

“Fine, can I at least take you to the bed?”

“Yes” she drag him and made him sat on the bed.

“Don’t look at me like that” she told him because Paul’s eyes were full with longing for her.

“Don’t stop me, I need you”

“What? But we just had it at the wedding; and you need it again?”

“You made it short, that’s not how I wanted it” Paul said smiling from the corner of his mouth.

“Shit…you… how many times will you have it in a day?”

“But I told you I was starving”

“What? But you have a wife”

“Having a wife is different from having a wife who is also your best friend, you are my best friend Christy, you only forgot because of the accident.

“Really? Was it sweet back then?”

“Yes, and I know that nothing has changed, we are still best friends”

Christy smile at Paul for the first time since the break up.

“Is your heart still aching?”

“My heart? Yes” he lied holding his chest again.

“Maybe you should see the doctor”

“No, you are the only one who can heal my heart”

“Will you stop saying that? You making me feel  guilty”

“Really? But I can’t help it”

“Fine, I choose to believe you”

“Really! Thank you, come here” he hug her, kiss her gently from head to toe.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to make love to you, please don’t say no”

“Huh.. no, I want to see those documents first before I allow you do anything”

“I will, tomorrow, but for now I need you, you can’t leave me like this” he said pointing down there.

“What? I can’t believe this”

“Please Christy please, I need you, don’t let me die this night”

“And why will you die?”

“You know, if this is not pacified I will get into trouble.” He said still pointing down there.

“Will you stop pointing?”

“You are the one who puts me into this situation you know” Paul blame Christy.  

“You can’t blame me, you were the one who was thinking about me and you ended up in this situation”

“I can’t help it, you were looking more beautiful everyday what did you want me to do?”

 “So what do I  do now?” Christy ask.

“Just Calm it down”

“Hmm, how do I calm it down?”

“Don’t worry I will teach you” he moved closer to her.

“Let me show you” he whispers in her ear and took Christy’s hand down and she gasp's but someone knocked on the door interrupting their moment.

“Oh shit.. who is that?” Paul curse within him.

“Room service, you ordered for food”

“Ok, bring it in” Paul went to get the door.

“Here, bring it this was”

“Ok sir” the room service guy left and Paul brought the food up to Christy.

“Here, you have to eat something, you have been working all day”

“Yea, I almost forgot to eat, thank you”

“Anything for you, wait, let me feed you”

“No, stop it, I can feed myself”

“I know, but let me do this please”

“Ok” Christy let him do whatever he wants.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, but tonight I have the chance to do so”

Christy felt she has never seen someone like this before, she fell more deeply in love with Paul, if truly Paul is her husband then she has been Missing a lot; She thought.

“You like it?”

“Yes” she nods and Paul love every moment she smiles and nods her head.

“Is ok, I’ve had enough”

“Alright, will you like to take your bath?”

“Yes please”

“Then I will bath with you” Paul went in before Christy.

“No.. you can’t do that”

“Why not?, just let me do this with you ok” she let him and they took their bath together while  making sweet heart felt love in the bathroom making Paul to forget that he has a wife to go back to.