
Chapter 114 Caught

“What’s wrong with her?” Christy left lucky to go to pat.

“Are you ok?”

“Do I look ok to you?”

“Well you were ok earlier”

“I just find out what you were doing with that guy”

“Which guy?”

“Christy stop playing dumb with me, I won’t allow you to treat lucky that way, I love him but I only let him go because it was you”

“Ok now your paranoid, can you please calm down?” Christy’s heart starts beating fast.

“Tell me what you were doing with that guy in that room”

“We were only talking”

“No, you weren’t just talking, I saw him putting on his clothes, that doesn’t look like just talking, and you were sneaking out of the room too”

“Please don’t say anything to anyone” Christy begged.

“What?, Am so disappointed” she walks out on Christy and Christy followed her.

“Please am begging you, ok let this wedding finish then I will tell you what happened”

“Fine, where do I put this?”

“Oh, drop it here” she put the flower down and walk away with Christy following her everywhere she went.

“What? Why are you following me? I told you I wouldn’t tell anyone”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, just go they are waiting for you”

“Ok thanks” Christy left her to join the rest.

“Hey… Christy how are you?

“Am fine, am fine, thank you” she keeps smiling and greeting everyone and the guest too were happy to see her.

“She is more beautiful than the sister who is wedding” a lady said.

“Yea, but I heard she is already married”

“So where is her husband?”

“I don’t know, is like they divorce” they keep talking about Christy while she just smile at them and wave occasionally at those gossiping about her.

Paul sat next to Bianca but he can’t stop looking at Christy as she was busy serving the guest.

“Hmm, I’ve heard enough” Bianca yell and stood up.

“Is anything the matter?” Paul ask her.

“I need to talk to you outside” Bianca ordered and Paul followed her.

“What is it?”

“What is the meaning of this embarrassment?” Bianca foamed.

“What are you talking about?”

“Where did you disappear to earlier and why do you keep looking at her and smiling all the time?”

“Well first I went to look for Patrick and second am not looking at anyone besides we are here for a wedding ceremony not burial, so I have the right to smile”

“You know what am taking about Paul”

“I don’t know what you are talking about and am going back to my sit” he walk back to his sit while murmuring. “ if you don’t like it you can as well leave” he said in a low tone while scanning for Christy.

There she is, but his smile fade away when he saw lucky took Christy away.

“Let’s go home” he got up from his sit.

“Why are we going home? Look the bride and groom are about to come out”. Bianca said.

“So why are they taking so much time to come out?” he said angrily.

“Just Calm down, look, look they are coming out just sit” Bianca made Paul to sit down again.

“They better hurry up am tired of staying here.”

James and Bridget were presented to the audience as husband and wife and people start leaving for home but Paul insist that they wait a little longer.

“But I thought you were in a hurry to go home?”

“Not anymore, I need to see James and Patrick too”.

“Is ok, I will stay with you”

“Just stay here let me look for Patrick.”

Paul went to look for Patrick and found him with Sharon.

“Please can I talk to him in private” Paul ask Sharon. She looked at Patrick who did the same.

“Sure, why not? As long as you won’t say anything that will make both of you fight again”

“Sharon please stop, I just want to ask him a favor”

“Ok, you can have him now” Patrick went out with Paul.

“Guy what’s it?”

“So now I have to take permission from Sharon before I see you”

“Well not my fault, she is the manager of my life now”

“Whatever, just do me a favor and tell Bianca that we are hanging out together, men only so she can go home without me”

“Wowowo… what are you planning to do?”

“Is Christy, I want to be with Christy”

“Are you for real?, Didn’t you see that guy following her up and down?”

“Forgot that guy, Christy still loves me”

“Ok, how did you know that?”

“I know, but promise me you won’t tell anyone?”

“And why should I?”

“Ok, come let me tell you” he whispers to Patrick’s  ear and he almost jump out of his skin.

“Your not serious”

“Yes, I am” he said so excited.

“So how do I help you now?”

“Just tell Sharon and Bianca that we are hanging out tonight, you and me?”

“What excuse should I give to Sharon?”

“James just got married and we need to hang out and bid him farewell, that’s what you should tell her”

“Did he die?, Why bid him farewell?”

“You know this women are killing us one by one, we can’t hang out freely again, is that not more than dying?”

“Just say you want to be with Christy and stop this nonsense”

“Fine, just help me out ok”


“Paul is time to go, is getting dark” Bianca told him when he go back.

“Oh… I.. I… Patrick..” he called and Patrick understands so he brought Sharon with him.

“Patrick we are about to go home see you tomorrow”

“Oh no, you can’t go home now, remember we are hanging out with the groom?”

“Oh yes” Paul said.

“Honey am so sorry I can’t go home with you now” Patrick told Sharon while looking at Bianca.

“Really?, Is ok let me leave you guys” Sharon said and hug Bianca and the guys then walk to her car”

“Same here, I can’t go home with you now, but not to worry I will come home early” Paul told Bianca.

“Is ok” she said and left because she has no excuse not to go seeing that Sharon didn’t argue with Patrick, so there is no point arguing with Paul.

“Oh man.. thank you, thank you I own you one” Paul said  to Patrick after the ladies has gone home.

“But I still think that this is not necessary” Patrick told Paul.

“Why not?”

“Because you are divorce and Bianca is now your wife, so why cheat on her?”

“Am not cheating on Bianca”

“Really?, So what are you doing with Christy?”

“Christy is still my wife”

“Tell me, how did that happen?, because the last time I checked you guys were divorced”

“That is what I wanted everyone to think because my mother was making sure that I loss everything, so in other for me not to loss Christy and my inheritance I and James played a little game”

“No way…. So Christy is still married to you?”

“Yes, so you see why I can’t let her go not to talk of now that she is beginning to come around, she loves me” He was so over the roof.

“Then what about your daughter did she remembered her?”

“One step at a time bro, thanks for helping me”

“But I think you still have a problem” Patrick said.

“What problem?”

“That guy, he won’t leave Christy’s side so what will you do?”

“Yea, your right”

“Don’t worry, just leave it to me” he said and walk away looking for Christy.

There she is.

“Excuse me” Patrick took Christy aside while holding his finger out to lucky indicating that he wait for a moment.

“What is it and who are yo… oh, you are Paul’s friend what do you want?”

“Paul wants to talk to you, no.., he wants to be with you tonight, so tell that guy off, that is if you want to see Paul alive tomorrow.”

“What!.. what are you talking about”

“Paul is planning to take his life, and you are the only one to help him out, if you don’t want him dead please help him by going to see him tonight. Here take this” he hand her a piece of paper and left.

“What! What is wrong with him?” Christy was still trying to understand what he meant when lucky walked up to her.

“What did he want?”

“Oh nothing, I think he is kind of weird but is ok let’s go”

Lucky help out in making sure that everything was cleared up and everyone left before going home.

“Thank you for helping out”

“Anything for you”

“Ok, you can go home now I will see you tomorrow”

“What? Your not coming with me?”

“Am sorry ok, am so tired but I will see you tomorrow”


“Yes I promise”

“Ok, go home and rest now ok, you’ve done a lot today” Lucky said.

“Yea, thank you”

Paul was running out of patience, he has been following them from a distance but it seems that idiot don’t want to let her go.