
Chapter 106 The plan

Christy sat down feeling very ferrous. She took the plates into the kitchen.

“Thank you my love” Paul said smiling.

“Whatever” she took the plates and walk away.

After taking her bath she went to the kitchen for her food.

She was just wondering what Paul and her stepmom were talking about and “What is he still doing? Is getting late is he not going home?, Anyways is none of my business”

“I hope you are going to spend the night here” the mother ask and Paul looked at his watch “ oh let me go, thank you ma”

“No, you can’t go, is late”

“Is just pass eleven, I can still go home”

“No my son, I don’t want you to get into trouble, stay here tomorrow you go”

“Ok, thanks, I guess I will just sleep here” pointing at the chair.

“No come, you will sleep in your wife’s room”

Paul was over joy, everything is working in his favor.

She took Paul to Christy’s room.

“Mom what are you doing?”

“Is late and he has to sleep here”

“But you can’t do that?”

“Why? He’s your husband, he is not a stranger.”

“Mom I don’t like this, I don’t like this, ok he can use Bridget’s room she is not around, or better still he can sleep in the sitting room”

“You are a very bad girl, you want mosquito to bite him?” her mother yells.

Paul just walk pass her mother and Christy and went to sit at the single chair in the room.

“My son, stay here, you go in the morning and don’t sleep in the sitting room ok”

“Thank you mom”

She closed the door after her and Christy turned to Paul.

“Are you serious right now?”

“About what?”

“Stop playing dumb with me”

Paul keep staring at her saying nothing.

“You think I don’t know you planned all this? Pretending not to know that is getting late”

“So you know and you still ask?” he got up and walked to Christy while she moved back away from him.

He keeps going while Christy keeps moving back but she fell on the bed when there was no space left for her to keep moving backward.

Paul left her and stretch himself on the bed.

“Get out of my bed, you didn’t even have your bath” she cover her nose with her hand.

“I didn’t come with any clothes so I can’t take my bath, but let me see” he got out of bed to Christy wardrobe.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for something to put on”

“Get out of my room” she yells and try to stop him but he hug her and she starts struggling to free herself.

She left the room to the sitting room and Paul saw a polo, took it and went to the bathroom. After he finish he put on the polo and it smells like Christy.

But she was not in the room so he went to look for her.

“How do I look? And I smell good too”

“You can’t come to other people’s house and start stealing things” she said hoping to piss him off but Paul was loving the whole thing.

He went and sat with Christy but she got up and went back to the room to continue her chatting with lucky.

Paul waited for a while and went back to the room locked the door and put the key in his pocket.

“What’s the meaning of that?” Christy ask.

“I want to ask you something”

“And what is that”

“Do you hate me that much? Did I do something that you are not willing to forgive me or you truly did not remember me?”

“Look, I don’t remember you, and is not because I hate you or something like that but the force that everyone is trying to pressure me into accepting you is making me suspicious, I have to accept you first, I have to love you, you can’t just force me like that”

“Ok, so can we start all over? Just you and me?, No pressure, no forcing”

Christy thought, he is a good guy for all she has seen, but what about lucky? She has forgiven him and willing to take a chance with him and here Paul wants her too, “how can I say yes to him?”

“Christy say something”

“I don’t know what to say”


“But you have a wife, the beautiful woman I saw you with the other day at the restaurant”

“Oh, that’s my manager, she runs the restaurant for me.”

“Really?, You own that place”


“That place is beautiful”

“Thank you, am glad you like it”

“So she’s not your wife”

“No.. were you jealous?”

“Naaa, stop it” hahaha she laugh for the first time with Paul.

“Can I kiss you?”

“No..” but Paul kiss her anyways.

“Stop that, I haven’t said yes to you”

“I know you will say yes”

She went and sat on the chair leaving Paul to sleep on the bed.

“Come over and sleep” Paul told her but she refuse.

“Please” if you promise not to do anything stupid”

“Fine, I will just hug you and sleep”

“No, you will face the other way”

“Then I can’t guarantee you that”

Christy fell asleep on the chair and Paul carried her to the bed but he didn’t hug her.

“Good morning my love” Paul greeted her as she wakes up.

“What? Your still here?”

“Waiting for you to wake up” he kiss her forehead.

“Will you stop doing that?” she said loving it but pretending not to love it.

“I won’t stop because I love you”

She didn’t want to say I love you too since that will betray her feelings.

“You are going to be late for work, and am already late too so go and take your bath”

“You will bath with me if not am going no where” Paul said lying on the bed facing her”

“But I can’t do that”

“Why not?

“I...I....I, well I am just getting to know you”

Paul smile. “at least something is clicking” he said to himself.

“Why are you smiling”

“Nothing, am just thinking if I should take you out this weekend”

“No, I have plans on weekend, I can’t come with you”

“What are you doing on weekends?”

“None of your business, why do you want to know everything about me?” she got out of bed to the bathroom”

“Go take your bath you are leaving my room” she said when she came out of the bathroom.


He went inside and came out with just a towel round his waist.

Christy turned away quickly “ what is he doing? Trying to seduce me?” gosh… those abs! Does he workout?, Christy stop, is none of your business if he’s handsome or not”

Paul saw that he is making Christy uncomfortable so he use the opportunity to mesmerized her.

“Why are you not putting on your clothe?” She yells when she notice that Paul was just standing there staring at her.

“My clothe is in the Wardrobe and you are standing there” he pointed at her.

“Oh sorry”, she moved aside for him.

“Gosh.. I love him, but if I say I love him he will laugh at me, even Bridget and mom, how I wish I said yes earlier”

“What are you thinking?” Paul ask and she turned around to see him by her side.

“Huh…what? Oh...no, nothing, am not thinking about anything.

“Hmmm, I know you Christy, you love me and you are thinking about me”

“Me? No! What are you talking about?” she moved away and grab her bag to go to Bridget’s room and finish her makeup.

Paul smile, “at least there is hope” because he can read Christy  like a book and he thinks that Christy has started coming around.

Bridget met Christy at her room dressing up to leave for work.

“What are you doing in my room?”

“I should be the one asking you that, what have you done?”

Bridget was taken aback.

“If I don’t know you I will think something is wrong with you.” She said to Christy.

“I know you are the one who plan all of it” Christy said to Bridget who is still confused.

“Can you just go straight to the point?”

“Paul is in my room, he slept there last night”

“Hahaha, and you ran to my room?, No way”

“Yes” she said and went back to making up.

“You… Christy you are not telling me the whole true, what happened? Did you sleep in my room?” but Christy didn’t say anything.

“Oh no… you…”

“Stop it ok, we didn’t do anything”

“Yea… tell me”

“Am serious”

“I know your serious, and I know you also love him”

“No.. she stood up to face Bridget. “I don’t love him, tell him to leave my room” she went out of Bridget room and out the door to her car.

“What is wrong with her?” Bridget wondered.

Christy drove half way and stop the car thinking about Paul and how handsome he is and how is hard for her to say I love you too. “No, he will make fun of me, it would have been easier if I have accepted him earlier, but damnit, those abs, the chest, I just want to rush into those arm and stay there for a long time” her phone ring tone interrupted her thought.

“Hello, Christy how are you” am fine.

She looked at the phone is lucky.