

In depth of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay invincible summer

PrincessMalepe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The rise of the victim

Hope was about to act fast .She quickly pushed Ann,Ann fell and hit the rock .Hope took her school bag and opened it ,searching for the knife.Found the knife and hid it instead in her pocket. Ann now stood up and picked up the rock and hit Hope .Luckily the rock didn't do too much damaged.It only scratched her leg and only small amount of blood came out from the scratch. No one stopped them from fighting or even tried to reprimand them.Everyone reflexion the fight between Hope and Ann.

This is the rise of the victim________________

Hope seeing herself bleeding,she expeditiously reaped the knife out of her pockect.Hope was ready to make do whatever it takes to save her self.She was about to jab Ann with the knife.Seeing the knife Ann started to squawk .Hope was already this close to stabbing Ann.No one tried to cease the fight. Learners were tired of getting bullied. Will Hope stab Ann?

Hope was about to stab Ann the knife was on Ann's chest.Hope was about to commit crime.While Hope was about to stab Ann someone stopped her,Someone stopped her by holding her hand.Hope didn't continue with what she wanted to achieve. Hope stood up and stood aside.Ann been saved from getting stabbed she laughed cruelly and told Hope that she barks without action.

Hope didn't mind her or the person who stopped her all she felt it was the soft hands and touch.

The soft hands and touch was all hope could think about but she turned around and saw no one. Where is the person who stopped her ?Is this person a ghost or something. Hope searched for the person who touched her and even forgot about Ann's saga.Will the person appeare? Hope was really confused that she stood still and her mind was far far away from where she was and holding the knife .

Hope being confused Ann saw the opportunity to do what Hope failed to execute. She forcefully took the knife from Hope's hand and and tried to stab her on back.Everyone was shocked and scared about what was about to happen.Some thought Hope was getting stabbed. Hope quickly turned around and shove Ann and the knife fell down. Ann never gives up she picked up the knife and stabbed Hope. Hope wasn't lucky this time .Hope was stabbed.

The crowd started screaming people went crazy but no one thought about calling an ambulance. Hope was lying down there hopeless and weak.Ann was scared and freaked out so she decided to run away after causing such a tragedy. Hope was lying down there she was even lazy to scream for help.

People were still shocked and Hope was losing blood .No one offered to help the lonely girl.She was lying down there for 5 mins. The police van passed by and people started to run .Everyone fled without looking back.The police did not pay attention to what was happening but the did see people running away. The police did not notice the lonely girl lying down there.The passed and never assisted Hope.

This time the street's were clear,school was empty and no one was left but only hope was lying down there pressing the wound trying to stop the bleeding. 30 minutes passed and counting but still offered to help her.Will the lonely girl die?Will the girl who spent her life lonely die lonely?

Back to Ann who dicided to run away ,will she run away till when?.While Ann was running away she was about to get home.Running away from her problems .Something unfortunate happened to her.She was about to cross the road .A car appeared from nowhere with drunk driver's speeding up ,the car hit Ann and speed drived.It was a hit and run.I guess it's true when the say what's goes around comes around. Is justice served?Is this karma or unfortunate bad luck?Ann was bruised and hurt.She couldn't feel her one leg.Lucky her Father did notice the accident that occurred and rushed to see what happened. Arriving there and saw it Ann,Her dad screamed. Called an ambulance fast and Ann was rushed to the hospital.

After Hope being down there, someone showed up.Will the mystery person save Hope's soul or life.Will Hope survive?Will she be strong enough to survive this.Will the person really assit her or just pass like everybody else?Who is this person?

Will Hope survive tragedy ?Does Ann's accident means the victim has rised?Did the victim really rise?