

In depth of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay invincible summer

PrincessMalepe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

From the ashes fire shall be woken

The person who appeared from nowhere is actually Hope's life saver.

The person saw Hope lying down there and quick rushed to assit her.The person tried shouting,"Help!" ,but nobody showed up or came to the rescue.The person tired calling an ambulance but lacked airtime. This wasn't the end of Hope's life. She was still breathing and she managed to pin down the wound and manages to save herself from losing alot of blood.

The person decided to take home to the hospital. He carried her on his back and rushed to the hospital. On his way to the hospital he eventually became tired of carrying Hope. It's not like Hope was heavy or snorting the poor guy was just tired.He dad to rest.He rested on a corner near a church .The guy then said to Hope,"Hi whay happened to you ,who did this to you"? Hope replied ,"It's it's it's it's mhhhhhhhhhhhh A......N

......N. BOOM! The girl fainted.

The guy quickly granted her and tried to rush her to the hospital this time around he was running carrying Hope on his back.He wasn't even watching where he was stepping on. Unfortunately he didn't notice the string and the piece of metal blocking the way,he slipped and fell.The poor guy screams in pain.He couldn't stand up he hurt his hand and leg.He was groaning in pain. Luckily someone saw them and offered to help.

It was some old granny driving his van. She stopped and asked ,"what's going on my kids you look troubled ".The guy replied,"I going the girl lying down on street stabbed so I need to accompany her to the hospital". "I don't have money for transport or airtime to call the ambulance so I had to carrying her on my back ".The old granny said,"am sorry about what you had to go through you are still young for this,so jump in I will go with you to the hospital my child".The guy thanked the granny as he climbed in the car.

On their way the guy was praised and told how he is brave. God will propably bless him for what he did.The guy just smiled and felt like a real hero.They finally arrived to the hospital. The guy thanked the old granny and told her may God lead her all the way,she's so kind and she is a blessing. Hope was rushed inside the hospital .Doctors attends her.The guy had to wait for the feedback.

At home Hope's mom was shocked why Hope wasn't returning home because she knows that Hope always comes back home early. Her mother was really worried. On the administration the asked the guy for family member's or numbers but he knew none.He told them that he is just a stranger that offered Hope help.They went to check Hope's school bag and pockets for her cellphone but she had no cellphone.

This was a tricky situation time went on and no one came to vist Hope. Her mother back at home was really stressed and frustrated. She decided to call at Hope's school but the phone was off because everyone wasn't at school. Her mother decided to go to school because it was 18h30 and Hope never informed them about what's delaying her .Her father came home drunk and when Hope's mother told him about the situation he never took her serious but he said awful things.

Before her mother left she told Hope's little sisters (Pearl)to look all the doors and stay inside the house. Pearl did so exactly

Their mother set off to go and search for Nope. On her way to school ,she meet one of her neighbors. This is what the neighbor said "Am sorry about your child,Is she alive or what because everyone left her near the #school lying down there because they saw police ". "Wait what happened ,where is my child? "Am sorry we left her near her school",the neighbor replied.

Hope's mother didn't waste time but rushed to school. There was no one there Hope wasn't there,only she could see it was blood on the pavement. Her mother screamed,"What happened to my child? No one answered her.All she did was to cry. The truth is she knew what her next move was,she had to search for child on hospitals or on mortuary.She didn't know where to start.

The guy at the hospital had to go home and leave Hope behind at the hospital. Hope was in a stable situation. The guy left and went back home walking from the hospital. On his way he found a lift and he was dropped at school .The guy saw a woman crying kneel down and he assumed that she is probably Hope's mother.

The guy went to her and hugged offered a shoulder to cry on. Hope's mother said,"They killed my Hope !". "Am sorry mama about the incident that occured but your child is in hospital I accompanied her". "Thanks my son you are such a life saver ,so on which hospital?" The guy replied,"OML public hospital " .Without any waste of time she rushed there.

She went to the admin to confirm that's she the mother of the patient. Everything was confirmed and she went to see her child.She spoke to her even though she was still unconscious. They say speaking to a person helps. Her mother did not give up even though Hope couldn't reply anything. She continued speaking and even touching her. Hope's mother had a touch of an angel and such a sweet voice that wakes the dead.

Hope moved her hand and opened her eyes after her mother speaking to her and touching her with her magic hands .Hope came back to life.Her mother called the doctor's to come and see that Hope is awaken.Her mother hugged get she was so happy.

Hope was saved so from ashes fire was woken.