
Teamed Up

"I am here to see someone"

She stated simply.

"Is the person aware that you are coming?"

The receptionist asked, maintaining his professionalism.

  "No but when you tell who I am, she would let me come see her"

The man nodded," who is the person you are here to see and what's your name?"

"Ava Bailey and I am Tasha Martins." Catherine gave him a fake name. She knows the effect that name has on Ava and after what happened earlier, Ava would be eager to see her to mock her more without knowing that it's truly not Tasha that has come to see her.

The man nodded again and punched in some buttons on the telephone. 

  "Madam, someone is here to see you"

He said immediately he got connected to Felix's room.

  "Tasha Martins"

He added after a while and ended the call almost immediately then looked at Catherine.

  "She is ready to see you but due to security reasons, we don't let outsiders into our suites. Walked over to the lounge and wait for her to come down"

Though it wasn't what Catherine was expecting to hear, she thanked the man and walked off to the lounge to wait for Ava.

 She was impatient to do what brought her here 

 As she settled down on one of the seaters, she smiled at how troublesome she has been for the past two days. 

  "I wonder what she is going to do now that I am out with her car and all her working tools are in it"

  Catherine thought mischievously.

Ava dropped the telephone and looked at Felix who laid on the bed reading as his means of ignoring Ava. He is not aware of what had happened between Ava and Tasha yet. Hopefully soon enough he would get a wing of it.

Ava continuously looked at him, he was getting the gesture. She wanted him to ask her who was on the phone with her. 

"Damn you, Felix!

    "And why would I be damned huh?"

Felix asked coolly. 

  Ava shook her head ignoring Felix completely , she was fuming.

  Felix shrugged off his shoulders and went back to his book. 

  He did not understand what's going in with her. Since he returned from the coffee shop and she stepped out then returned, she has been so moody, getting angry at every little thing. 

 Ava glared at him for the last time and left the room.

 "Pew! You will be the end of me if eventually I ended up marrying you."

He mumbled to himself.

   Ava was directed to the lounge where her visitor was waiting for her. The lounge was nearly empty. She came to an abrupt end and started looking around but could not see who she is here to meet.

"Has she left in fear"

Ava thought and continued to search around for Tasha. There were several seaters that weren't full and she decided to settle at one table with no other people. She sat down and closed her eyes to listen better to the sounds from around.

Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her followed by someone clearing her throat loudly.

"Hello Ava!"

A beautiful and elegant voice greeted her. She looked up to find the woman that greeted her smiling warmly at her. Ava returned her smile.


Ava returned the gesture. Catherine sat down and crossed her legs.

"I am the one who is looking for you"

Catherine announced, toying with the keys in her hands.

  Ava was confused," Tasha is here to see me or are you here on her behalf?"

"Yes, you are right. I am here in behalf of Tasha"

Catherine smirk expression dropped to cold glare which sent chills to Ava's Spine.

"Is that so? I don't know Tasha now have squad that fights for her"

Ava said dryly. 

"You can say anything. When coming here I had in mind to beat you up for laying your poorly done manicure hand on my girl but thought against it. Since we both want the same thing we can work together to achieve it."

Catherine said confidently, trying to sound as threatening as possible. Ava chuckled.

"Now I see where you are coming from."

Catherine raised her eyebrow," What do you mean?"

Ava replied coldly," You want Tasha and I want Felix so you want me to do everything to keep Felix away from Tasha, in that way she could be yours."

Catherine smirked and leaned forward slightly and looked closely at Ava's face.

"You pretty smart, I like that."

She whispered and leaned further forwards to look intently at Ava.

"Since we understood ourselves we will then work together to achieve our arms. I am Catherine"

She held out her hand. Ava slowly shook her hand and stared at Catherine's hand. They shared a momentarily glance and pulled away from each other.

  "Here is my card, we get in touch"

Ava smiled and took the card.

Catherine spun around to leave but turned back to Ava instantly.

  "This is is for disgracing my girl"

Catherine said and landed her a slap then left in a flash. Before Ava could recover, Catherine was gone. She cursed and stood up angrily.

  "Was that really necessary, b**ch?"

She fumed and stomped towards the elevator with eyes trailing after her.