
Being Different

 "I don't know really. She said she was going to town to get things for lunch and I gave her my keys so if my car is parked outside, it means she went out with your car. Let me call and confirm."

  He said and picked his phone from where it laid carelessly on the bed and dialed Catherine's number.

  Within a few seconds , he was done talking and pocketed the phone.

 "She said she is with it and she sent her apology. Should I give the spare key to my car so you can take it instead?"

Tasha sighed and stood up.

 "Not necessary. I will just take the day off. All my things are in the car. I don't know when she will be back and I would not have the mind to ask her to bring the car back to me."

She assured her brother and started walking towards the door. 

  "Tasha wait"

He called behind her.

Tasha stopped. She did not turn back to face him.


She replied coldly.

He didn't reply immediately so she turned around to look at him. He was staring at her intensively. She raised an eyebrow at him and tilted her head to the side. He broke eye contact with her and cleared his throat. He then smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh... I am sorry about earlier"

The room fell silent as both contemplated on their emotions. Tasha wasn't angry with Tracy, she was just disappointed. Tracy felt she was angry with him hence he is apologizing.

  "I totally understand everything. Catherine is your girlfriend and I am this sister of yours who ruins people's happiness. It's like old times when mom would be on my neck and you would stand and watch. Tracy, don't forget that neither you or anyone has been on my side and I am used to people misunderstanding me."

Tasha admitted bitterly. 

"The only crime I committed was being different and searching for my happiness in a different way. One thing I will never do is stab you at the back,just have that at the back of your mind"

she added firmly, her voice breaking in the middle. Without saying another word, Tasha left the room. 

  Tracy watched helplessly as her sister walked away. He did not know how to react. Remembering he came inside with a coffee, he picked it up and drained it at ago, the steam burning his throat but he ignored it. The sting on his throat did not reach half of the pain down his soul. It's such a pity that Tasha is doing her shit alone. Like she said, no one has understood who she is truly. 

  Mrs Martins sending her to Little London was the biggest mistake ever. Instead of refining her, it deformed her more. Now she is the exact opposite of her original self. She can still be sweet and caring, she can also become a cold bitch at any given moment, she can be happy or sad and she doesn't show either. Tracy knew that whatever bitterness Tasha feels in her heart will never go away that easily. He doesn't even know how to tell her that he has always been there for her. He never protected her like a big brother should and now he knows no how to redeem his relationship with her. Things keep getting in the way and misunderstandings keep rising and he keeps putting people before her.

 "Anyway Catherine is so innocent, she wouldn't be lying against Tasha"

He thought, shaking his head.


  Catherine walked into the reception clutching her purse so tight. The elegant heels she wore was giving off a bad b**tch vibe and she was killing it with the poise she carries herself with. All eyes turned as her heels made those ridiculous noises on the floor. Her red gown was so skimpy that it was covering close to nothing. It hugged every single curve and moved with the same pace as her strides. 

   All employees were staring and whispering under their breaths. She took a long stride to the receptionist. The man behind the desk looked up and gave her a professional smile.

"Welcome to Rocy, Ma'am. What can we do for you?"

   Catherine forced a smile and took in the man's appearance. His grey suit coat and grey tie matched his hair. He was tall, probably well above 5 foot 7 inches but the grey tint of his hair made it seem even shorter and the grey colour suited him nicely. He was balding at the top and his eyebrows had gray hairs at each side of it. His eyes were blue and his teeth were straight and white but his facial expressions were very relaxed making him easy going and warm.