
In Love with a Stranger

Eden McBride has terrible luck with both men and job hunting so she is stuck working in a kids' pizza restaurant after finishing college. The last thing she expected was that her perfect match would be her coworker in the dog mascot costume. Troy is kind, funny, and has a great taste in books and movies but there is one problem...she has never seen his face. Eden doesn't realize there is a second, bigger problem. Troy has another secret involving the rather compelling reason to keep his face hidden. Can love blossom under the weight of those secrets? *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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215 Chs

They're My Favorite Band

Megan was thrilled to discover her comment got a like and the Mirrorscape had responded with "you're welcome" even though that was the standard response. They bothered responding at all and that was better than nothing! 

Unfortunately for her, she couldn't properly enjoy her little victory because her car broke down. The battery up and died out of nowhere and she really didn't have the money to replace it. 

She lived alone in a studio apartment because she knew no roommate of hers would ever be able to stand her constant violin practice and she preferred having her own space anyway. The rent took up approximately half of her income and she had to find a way to live on the rest while still saving in case of emergencies. Like this one. 

"Ugh, kill me," she groaned.