
In Love With A Human Clone

Luis Sanchez, a private detective with a mysterious past, once brought down the notorious "Inferno" mafia gang. But beneath his reputation, he guards an extraordinary secret. In his own home, he hides the daughter of the imprisoned mafia kingpin, concealed by a new identity as his cousin. She is a human, yet not quite; a creation born of science and ethereal mystery, a clone with mysteries even she can't unravel, but Luis understands. Their history goes back to Luis infiltrating the Inferno mafia, where he seduced and manipulated her, extracting information about her mafia boss father with no remorse, only to cast her aside once his mission was accomplished. Now, fate brings them together, living under one roof and getting to know the real her, Luis found himself falling helplessly in love. The tables had turned, and he longed for redemption, a love he could no longer attain. In a complex tale of love, secrets, and deception, their shared past haunts them. The mafia boss's daughter holds a revelation that could shake their world. Can love heal the wounds Luis once inflicted, or will it be their ultimate downfall in this intricate dance of destiny? -------- "You didn't actually think I was trying to get back together with you though, right? " Luis purred, his manipulation once more evident. Catherine's obsidian gaze remained locked on him with disbelief, her eyes saying things her lips were too afraid to say. Annoyance, indignation, disappointment and confusion, everything was there. A sly grin curved upon Luis's lips as he lounged back, seemingly nonchalant. His eyes, though, betrayed his inner turmoil. As they subconsciously tried to avoid looking into Catherine's, those azure eyes flickered toward the tranquil pond, where koi fish created mesmerizing ripples. "Don't you at least feel sorry for the things you did to me, Luis? " But this straightforward question of Catherine earned her his attention back. Luis had no choice but to meet her obsidian eyes again and he just stared down into them. For awhile, no words came out of his lips. Luis's stoic expression made it hard to tell what he exactly was even thinking. His azure eyes were too much for Catherine to handle. And the longer she looked into them, the more she could feel her own heart beating faster, almost making her forget what a serious question she just asked him now. She turned her head away to calm down her poor heart. "I do. " Two words finally broke the silence between them, catching Catherine by surprise. This was the answer she had expected the least to hear from this man, a master of manipulation. The next second, their eyes locked again. But just as Catherine thought she might catch a glimpse of sincerity in those eyes, Luis leaned in all closer, which freaked her out. Without a word, he gently pressed her against the bench, stirring her anxiety. Catherine's breathing now became faster as she realized how Luis's lips were so close to brushing against hers. She tried to look down, hoping this would just convince Luis to stop whatever he was trying to do to her. But Luis was unyielding. His fingers, both gentle and commanding, tilted her chin upwards, their gazes locking in a dangerous magnetic struggle. "There's not a day I haven't felt bad for manipulating you or using you. " Luis whispered, his breath warm against her ear. And as he shifted his attention from her lips to her profile, the man continued his confession. But Catherine couldn't bother to believe him anymore. She just knew this was one of his manipulations again. "But when you're this useful to me, and the benefits of exploiting you are too tempting..." ------- Please vote and comment if you like my novel ! They are my motivation to keep the updates coming regularly. Your feedback fuels my creativity, and I deeply appreciate it. -------- (Cover art does not belong to me. All credits to the amazing creator!)

KK_Khine · Urban
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9 Chs

Shadows of the Past, Echoes of the Present

It was at the airport, amidst the bustling crowd that the two former lovers met once again.

Her dark chestnut locks cascaded in waves, framing her obsidian eyes, their depths reflecting a tumultuous past.

A man had arrived to escort her home after her stay of three months abroad. Her yearning for familiarity clashed with the unsettling reality of her destination – not her own home, but the property of the man responsible for her father's imprisonment.

"Are you relishing my misfortune?" she asked, her voice a subtle mix of vulnerability and defiance.

Luis, with his piercing azure eyes and tousled blond hair, couldn't help but wear a sardonic grin. "Shouldn't the question be posed in reverse, sweetie? Aren't you thrilled? You are now on the verge of sharing a living space with the very man you was once hopelessly head over heels for. "

He cast a scrutinizing gaze over the young and beautiful woman standing before him, her allure as captivating as the day they had first crossed paths. She donned a casual winter coat paired oddly with shorts for her homecoming flight, yet managed to exude effortless charm and grace.

It had been merely a year since their heart-wrenching breakup. He recalled how she had once begged him, pleading for him not to abandon her, as if her entire existence depended on their love.

However, something had shifted within her. He could no longer discern any traces of the overwhelming emotions that had once consumed her, not even a flicker of hatred, let alone love. And as Luis gazed into those changed eyes, an unexpected sense of disappointment washed over him, leaving him perplexed.


"This is the room you'll be staying from now on. Feel free to make yourself at home, sweetie. "

With a bit of sarcasm, Luis kept referring to Catherine as "sweetie". Catherine Perez, wearied from her flight, opted not to waste her energy on correcting him.

She was ready to take a small nap in whatever humble room Luis would let her stay. But astonishment struck her when the door swung open to reveal the room her ex- boyfriend had readied for her.

With a proud face, Luis placed Catherine's baggages in her now bedroom which just a few days prior was a completely different room of his. This had been a dimly lit library lined with dusty bookshelves. But now Luis has transformed this place completely for Catherine.

Sleek, modern shelves that once housed classic tomes now held minimalist art pieces and cutting-edge gadgets. Some LED lighting had also been installed which cast a warm, inviting glow over the place.

As for the previous scent of aged paper and ink, they had given way to a more subtle aroma, a mix of lavender and vanilla diffusers strategically placed around the room. The leather armchairs had been replaced with a contemporary, inviting bed adorned with plush linens and sleek furnishings.

Despite him being the master of its change, in his house full of vintage-styled rooms, the transformation of this one particular bedroom for Catherine still struck him as oddly out of place. The reimagined room felt conspicuously modern, even sort of bordering on the peculiar to him.

"I've been wondering about this Luis. but I can't just think of any understandable reasons. Why did you decide to take me in? "

Catherine's soft voice came from behind as she gathered up enough courage to finally ask this question. There was a glint of curiosity in those obsidian eyes. The young woman knew all too well that Luis had no intentions of reigniting their past.

It wasn't about lust; it was something far more complex. Catherine recalled a time when she had offered herself to him. She was ready to give up all her vulnerability and her innocence in a desperate bid to secure this man's love. But, he was almost indifferent and still walked away from her with no hesitation.

"Don't overthink it, sweetie. Keeping you close has its perks, ones you might not quite grasp."

Drawing nearer to the perplexed Catherine with a mysterious smile, Luis whispered. A playful flick of his fingers tucked her unruly hair behind her ears as Catherine regarded him with furrowed brows, disquiet written across her face. She wasn't satisfied with his cryptic explanation.

Undeterred, Luis inched closer, his fingers lightly tracing the curve of her neck before settling firmly on her shoulders from behind. He leaned in, lips brushing her ear as he whispered again, his voice laced with a knowing smirk, "Rest assured, sweetie. It's nothing that will harm you."

Catherine instinctively moved away from his touch which made Luis chuckled, his voice deep and magnetic, reminiscent of the past they shared. That soothing tone and the veneer of care had once drawn her in, but she'd since discovered that she had merely been a pawn in his game.

Doubt and resentment swirled within Catherine as she regarded Luis, her response a mask of indignation and uncertainty. Could she ever bring herself to trust this man again? Her thoughts churned as she countered his comment.

"To be frank," Luis mused, his tone tinged with a hint of dry humor, "this may well be the best path for you. Your mother, a wise woman indeed, made a choice that suits you."