
Chapter 8: I need bleach

There are some moments when you wish you could just disappear or the ground could just split into two and swallow you up. Yep, Mr Dominic's sudden appearances has me wishing that every single time.

His evil stare causes my feet to wobble slightly, I tighten my hold on my bag and gulp as he approaches me with his trademark sly smirk etched on his lips, for some unknown reason my legs are glued to the ground as my eyes stay fixed on him.

When he is already a few inches from invading my personal space he stops in his tracks and smiles widely as if he just found what he had been looking for for so long. His creepy smile causes my heart beat to pick up.

He has been searching every opportunity to have me alone and now he has it, I can't begin to imagine how happy he might be feeling right now.

I wonder Liam is.

The silence is so loud now, I take a few steps back and break the silence with my voice surprisingly and stupidly coming out squeaky.

"I'm done throwing out the trash"

I don't wait to hear his response as I turn and walk away.

Ah finally he isn't stopping me or trying to--

"Where the hell do you think your going?" He roars as he snatches my arm and pulls me towards him and this time I'm closer. His usually smelly breath raids my nostrils.

I try not to show how much his breath hit me so i refrain from firing up his rage considering the fact that the man has serious anger issues and I don't want to rile him up else I might end up taking a hard slap or two.

He releases my hand and I breathe out in relief, I take a step back so that I am a few inches away from him.

"I like you Brianna and I have been trying to show you for so long but you're just too dumb to notice"

I close my eyes and shake my head a bit vigorously, "Come again" I say acting as if i didn't catch what he just said.

This man is an idiot, how could he let such incoherent words flow out of his smelly mouth and expect me to respond.

I clearly heared and understood what the idiot said but I just don't want to come to terms with it because I am embarrassed, why do I attract only douchebags?, I need a freaking break before my head explodes in frustration.

This man is so delusional to think he can have a chance with an almost 21 year old woman while he is already growing bald, I mean the man is probably and with no doubt in his fifties.

"Are you fucking deaf!,I said it loud and clear I love you and there is nothing you can do about it because you are mine! And i know you you love me too Capiche?"

Woah he is really speeding up I mean he just went from "love" to "like" maybe he is on some sort of crack

I peel my eyes open a little to see him glaring down at me his face all red, I can literally see smokes shooting out of his nose and ears.

Seriously this grandpa needs to chill. I am not really surprised about all what he spat out right now because I have already come to a reasonable conclusion and that is, this man is totally and doubtlessly insane. Which normal person would say all this and still be standing in front of me fuming. He needs a psychiatric doc asap.

I wipe my face with the sleeve of my sweater. I need to be calm to not rile him up more because he is clearly mentally abnormal, you should be cool and calm when dealing with people with anger issues, I have dealt with a few of such people in my life so I have no problem dealing with Mr Dominic.

I place my hand on his shoulder gently as I slowly tap "Look Mr Dominic I don't like you like that, seriously you've got it all wrong, you are my boss"

And you are old.

I obviously didn't say that out loud considering the fact that I am still alive.

He sneers and before I know it he has my arm in a very tight grasp, I whimper in pain as I try to snatch my hand back but it only causes his grasp to tighten even further. I quit struggling and look him straight in the eyes with gritted teeth.

"Let go"

I seriously hope he gets scared and let go right now because my death glares usually get people to pee in their panties. Well most times.

He chuckles as he says smugly, "you don't scare me pretty girl, you are mine"

I lift my hand to smack the smirk out of his face but he grabs it and pins both my hands behind my back. I grit my teeth as I try to channel my inner strength to free myself but the fifty year old man surprisedly has the strength of a twenty year old.

"Stop struggling and give in baby girl, I want a kiss and that's it" he slurs.

I scrunch my face in disgust when he closes his eyes and puckers his lips in an attempt to kiss me, immediately he brings his face half an inch away from mine his hold on my right hand loosens a bit and I grab the opportunity to free my hand, as soon as it's free I curl my hand into a tight fist and throw a punch at him.

It all happens in slow motion and before I know it he is already on the floor groaning from the hard impact.

My dad would be so proud.

I smile proudly, straighten up and dust my shoulder, him never mess with a woman.

I tune out his groans and pick out my phone from my bag as I quickly head towards the door.

Before I can reach the back door I feel a cold hand wrap around my ankle, I am immediately yanked back by Mr Dominic, I scream from the sudden shock.

I scrape my knee against the hard floor as I fall to the ground, a sharp pain shoots through my knee and I groan loudly, Mr Dominic takes this as an opportunity to pin me beneath him as he places his palm over my mouth to bring my loud groans to a stop.

A feeling of deja vu immediately washes over me, I feel like I have been in a situation like this before but I can't seem to remember anything.

I am hopeless at this point, the only option I have is to scream my lungs out.

"Quiet baby girl stop playing hard to get and be the whore you are" he drawls.

Rage surges through me quickly as that word flows out of his mouth I bite down hard on his palms and knee him so hard in the nuts I can hear a crack, he let's out a piercing scream and rolls off of me. I jump to my feet and heard for the door as fast as lightening.

The door is suddenly pushed open and Liam comes running out, his face contorted with worry.

Relieve washes over me as I throw my hand around him in a tight embrace.

He holds me tight against him. "What happened" he whisper yells.

I release myself from his embrace as his eyes automatically shifts to a groaning Mr Dominic laying on the floor with both hands on his groin.

Liam grinds his teeth as if he had already figured out what went down.

Before I know it, he is already crouched beside Mr Dominic, he grabs the collar of his shirt and lifts him up so that their faces are close.

"What did you do to her" he grinds out with clenched teeth.

Mr Dominic let out a throaty laugh,"That's for me to know, stop acting as if your job doesn't mean anything to you"

Liam growls lowly within a second his fist goes flying to Mr Dominic's jaw.

I gasp in shock as blood flies out of his mouth unto the floor, Liam shoves him back to the ground and that's when I realise Mr Dominic has been knocked out cold.

"Yep he deserved it"

I look up to Liam trying really hard to form a sentence "y--you-you knocked him out"

Liam notices my shocked state and grabs my hand before I can force out another word "Come on we've gotta run before someone sees us"

I oblige as he takes hold of my hand. We run towards where my car is parked, I grab the key from my purse and toss it to Liam, he opens the door and we instantly hop in, he turns on the ignition and we speed out of the parking lot.


I sigh in relief grateful for leaving that place, I turn to Liam, his face is straight and hard as he drives, he looks as if he is in really deep thoughts and suddenly realization hits me.

Liam could be sacked from his job and it will be totally my fault. I caused this, I brought this upon him and there's no way I can pay back.

"I am sorry"

Liam turns to me briefly with a confused look.

"What for?"

"Don't you realize you will definitely lose you job tomorrow, and it's all my fault, you shouldn't have saved me, I was doing well on my own you should have left Liam, you shouldn't have to save me every time" I rant gripping my bag tightly.

He chuckles and I gape at him, why is he chuckling when he is already a jobless man?.

"Look Brianna the restaurant isn't my source of living OK?, I have enough money to last me a life time so you don't need to worry about me OK?" He says coolly as he drives

My eyes go wide as I look at him "Then why were you working there richie?"

"Well, I was because I just wanted to do something"

"Oh, I see" I reply taking the hint that he doesn't want to really talk about it.

"Thanks for everything Liam, I owe you a lot"

I would have hugged him if he wasn't driving, he's done a lot for me ever since the short time I have known him and I would do anything possible to pay him back.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart" he turns to me with a huge smile on his lips.

My heart warms at how sweet he is, I grab his hand which he isn't using to drive and squeeze, he hesitates before squeezing back.

Wait, how is Liam going to get back home since he's driving me to my house?

"Liam?, how are you possibly gonna get back home?" I ask.

He shrugs nonchalantly "will just walk home or I might pick a cab, don't worry my house isn't very far from Madison's"

Oh no, Liam cannot walk home, he's done a lot for me and the least I could do is to help him, an idea pops into my mind instantly and I waste no time in telling him.

"Liam, what if you take my car home for today, you can come pick me up tomorrow morning"

He sighs and says his eyes focused on the road "great idea but remember I have with no doubt lost my job"

"Oh" I shrink further into my seat at the sad realization.

I see Madison's house come into focus as Liam stops in front of her house.

"Thanks again...for everything" I say softly with a light smile.

"Come on Bri what are friends for, I did what I did and I don't regret it, if things get worse over there don't hesitate to report that douche" he says his voiced laced with anger.

"Don't worry, believe me when I say I am a strong woman who is capable of protecting herself" I reply smugly with a huge grin finding its way on my face.

He chuckles and pats my hair "OK cutie"

I blush deeply as I turn away from him.

He chuckles once again when he takes notice of my state and I immediately feel like punching him for being such a tease.

"OK so I gotta go, I hope to see you soon" he says.

Hurt claws at my heart when I realize I won't really see Liam anymore since he's no more working at the restaurant.

I sigh deeply as I stretch my hand out to take hold of his shoulder, his head turns towards me and I give him a quick peck on the cheek. His eyes shoots open for a second and I don't miss his red cheeks illuminated by the moonlight.

I get out of the car immediately whiles trying really hard to conceal my shyness, Liam walks towards me from the other side of the car and hands me my car keys, I take it from him and he mutters a goodbye before turning on heels and leaving.

I watch him go and when he's no more in sight I sigh deeply and head towards Madison's house. Once I am in front of the door I put the spare key into the lock and twist it, the door clicks open.

Grunts and moans echo throughout the house as I push the door open, the sight I am left with causes my eyes to literally pop out of my socket.

Now I need bleach.
