
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

ourslibrary06 · Urban
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Chapter thirty-nine

Lisa hugged him and Calvin kissed her on the head.

"Be careful as you do the experiments so that you won't hurt yourself," he told and she smiled.

"Be careful too." She kissed him on his cheeks before she left him.

Calvin sighed and raked his hair with his hands. He went to meet Rose so that they would discuss the experiments and also inform her that they would not be partners for long.

"Hello, Calvin," Rose said as Calvin approached her.

"When are we starting the experiments?" Calvin asked her putting on his lab coat.

"You look good in the lab coat...you get more handsome as the day goes by," she complimented him and he frowned.

"I asked you when we are starting the experiments not how I look in my lab coat." Calvin told her coldly and she giggled.

"What's bad if I said you look good," she bit her lips and used her fingers to play with his tie. "I'll always say you look good."


"Stop it, Rose."

"Do you remember that day when we..."

"I don't want to remember anything, Rose." Calvin replied frantically and Rose giggled.

"Oh, Mr Vincent, hasn't yet told us when we are starting." Mr Vincent was their chemistry Teacher, he was in his early forties and he was average in height. Mr Vincent was very Kind and friendly.

"Good day class," Mr Vincent greeted with a radiant smile on his face. "Today we are going to do a titration experiment, please no one should drink the chemicals even though the colours look enticing," Mr Vincent joked and the whole class laughed.

Calvin approached Lisa from behind and tickled her. She giggled and turned towards him.

"You look beautiful in your lab coats," he muttered to her and she frowned.

"What are you doing here? Leave me alone and begin your experiment."

"You know I can't leave you," he took his lips in and wrapped his hands around her waist. Everyone in the lab watched them, but they were not surprised because this was not the first time they were seeing Calvin and Lisa act this way.

"You are distracting me, Calvin." Lisa complained but Calvin did not stop.

"I know that you're dying to be with me, but you don't want to say it." Calvin muttered.

"If you don't leave me I will report to Mr Vincent that you are disturbing me," she warned and Calvin sighed.

He raised his hands in the air in defeat, "Fine, I'll leave alone."

Calvin went to his experimenting table where Rose was. Rose watched how he held Lisa and it made her so angry and jealous, the fact Calvin left her alone to set the apparatus they would use to experiment made her more annoyed.

The Chemistry lab was a very big one, it had long tables arranged in a horizontal row, and each table had up to seven retort stands on them. Even though the lab was big Lisa had her eyes on Calvin and Rose, and she watched every single thing they did she was so scared that Calvin was going to find out, she had been trying to hide it from him but it seemed that he was going to know about it soon.

Rose was so angry that Calvin was so formal with her as they experimented, anytime she wanted to start up a conversation he would disrupt her making sure that the conversation would not hold. But she knew the perfect thing she would use to get his attention.

"Your Highness, have you heard of what is trending in school?" She said smiling wickedly and Calvin ignored her.

"I don't care what's trending in school. We came here for Chemistry practicals, not things that are trending in school." Calvin replied to her with his eyes fixed on the experiment she was doing.

"I'm sure you care about it," she giggled and twirled strands of her hair around her finger.

"Why would I?"

"Because it's about Lisa." She muttered and Prince Calvin immediately stopped what he was doing, and with the speed of a space rocket, he turned towards her.

"What do you mean it's about, Lisa?" Calvin growled and Rose bit her lips.

"Oh, so now you're interested, what happened to Mr Snob?" She giggled and Calvin's eyebrow furrowed. This was not the reply he wanted, if she did not give him the reply he wanted he would lose it.

"Rose, I would ask you again, how is it about Lisa?"

"It's really bad, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it," Lisa told him using her fingers to play with her hair.

Calvin lost it, he grabbed her and then with a menacing voice he said, "Don't let me ask again, Rose unless you're going to regret it."

"Chill, baby, no need for you to get angry, " Rose muttered, biting her lips and Calvin narrowed his eyes.

"Don't call me that," Calvin said through his teeth.

"But you like it when I call you that under the bed sheets?" Rose smirked and Calvin groaned.

Lisa watched Calvin and Rose, and she saw how he grabbed her. They stopped doing their experiments, instead, they were talking while Calvin held her against the table. Her heart started pounding against her chest and a million and one questions ran through her mind.

'What are they doing?'

'Why was he holding her like that?'

'What are they talking about?'

Why are they so close?'

'What's happening?'

"Start talking now, Rose!" Calvin shouted and his voice echoed throughout the laboratory.

"How will I show you when you are holding me like this?" She complained and he let go of her. Calvin raked his hair with his hands, he was so anxious about it.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Rose brought her phone out of her handbag and showed him some pictures and videos on it.

After some minutes of staring at Rose's phone, Calvin's mood changed, he could not believe what he saw, his vision blurred, and his hands folded into fists. He felt so embarrassed and annoyed.

He removed his lab coat and threw it into the dustbin.

"Where are you going, your highness?" Mr Vincent asked him when he noticed that Calvin was behaving weirdly but Calvin ignored him and went out of the class.

Lisa saw everything that happened and how he left the lab, she followed him hoping to know why he left the lab so earlier and whether everything was okay.

Rose smiled wickedly and said to herself, "Lisa, your love adventures with Calvin will soon come to an end."

Calvin was in the hallway when Lisa met him, she was not sure about what happened she thought he left the lab for some important reasons.

"Cal, Cal," she called but he did not reply to her, he kept on walking. She ran after him and intercepted him. "Why leave so early? And I thought you promised me that you won't have anything to do with her, but the way you were holding her in the lab one might think you have something with her." 

Lisa noticed that he was acting strangely and she looked him in the eyes and fear gripped her. She had never seen him this angry, his eyes were breathing fire and she was scared. This was not the Calvin she knew.

"What happened, Cal?" She stammered as she asked him, and she placed her hands which were quivering on his cheeks.

He slapped her hands off her cheeks and she was shocked that he did that, it was more shocking than Abraham Lincoln's death.

She moved back out of shock, fear and disbelief. Why would she fear someone that she loved so much? Then it dawned on her and she realized that Calvin knew what she had been hiding from him for weeks now

"Why does Rose have your nudes?" His voice was barely above a whisper. "Why does everyone in school have your nudes?"

Lisa gasped and her hands became shakier. He grabbed her shoulders. "Is that why you didn't want Rose to be my partner or anyone else so that I wouldn't know?" His voice thundered and she cringed.

"No...no...is not that, that isn't why, Cal." She stammered, she could not even believe her own words again.

"You're selfish."

"No, I am not."

"You're nudes have been going around the school and everyone is talking about it and people are mocking you over it..." He paused. "You're using me as a damn emotional support, you've been using me all this while, so that you won't feel sad."

Chad was so furious, he could not just believe that almost everybody in school have her nudes and she tried to keep this away from him, no wonder she spend all of her time with him, not allowing him to freely talk to anyone else aside her so that he would not know. It was like a fatal blow to him.

"No, I am not...I love you and I always want to be close to you because I love you, I will never use you... and...I will never use you" She fumbled with her words and Calvin narrowed his eyes and tightened the grip on her shoulders.

"You love me, you claim that you weren't using me as an emotional support then why didn't you tell me since?"

"I was about to tell you but I was so embarrassed and disappointed in myself, I didn't want you to feel ashamed because of me that's why I didn't tell you," tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "I didn't even know how they got it, it was quite a long time ago I can't even remember sending anything like that to my ex." She tried to explain to him but Prince Calvin was not ready to listen.

"You are a disgrace, Lisa." His words came faster than a bullet and pained more than a bullet wound. This was one of the first times Calvin was calling her name fully. Lisa could not breathe for some seconds and she was very surprised that Calvin said something like that. "You're my Girlfriend and you know who I am, why then do you bring this shame upon me and yourself?" He left her shoulders.

"But you have done worst things to me, you had sex with Rose and some other girls in this school."

"Is it about that, Lis? Tell me, Lis, have you ever seen my sex tape or my nude anywhere?"

"I thought we were in this together, Cal, I thought..." She began crying.

"Not this Lis, this is just outrageous." He pinched his nose and began walking away.

"Where are you going, Cal? Please don't leave me," she begged him but he did not listen to her he kept on walking.

"I'm going home."


When Calvin was in a very bad mood when he reached his house. He went straight to his bathroom took off his clothes and had a long shower. He tried to forget about what happened today, he tried to erase the photos and videos of Lisa away from his memories, but they would not just go away. He felt bitter. Everyone--including their classmates--had it, had watched it, watched how she masturbated, saw the pictures of her perfectly round ass unclad,  mocked her for it...Calvin gritted his teeth and punched the wall of his bathroom.

The more he thought of it made him angrier.

"Shit," he cursed and leaned on the wall as water from the shower dripped on him.

He came out of the bathroom after spending hours there feeling quite relieved, but this was not something that he would forget in just hours, it would take weeks or even months.

Lisa was so confused about what to do, she never expected Calvin to react this way, she felt so bad for what she did, she should have told him earlier, instead of trying to hide it from him. She decided to go to his house, he might have calmed down, she wanted to apologise to him, she wanted to tell him how foolish she was, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him, he was the only one she got in the school, he was the reason why she had the boldness to continue coming to school. She did not want to lose him.

When she arrived at his house, his bodyguards did not allow her to enter, she begged them to let her in but no matter how she begged them they did not concede to let her in. She became more depressed. Before she could enter his house as she like but now he would not even let her in. She did not know why he was this mad, he had done worst things than she did, he had cheated on her with several girls a lot of times and yet she forgave him and now he could not easily forgive her.

She stayed on his porch hoping that she would meet him. She sat for hours on his porch waiting for him, she just wanted to meet and speak with him one last time, she want to apologise to him, she wanted to be in his arms as she tells him how sorry she was for letting her naked pictures and videos go viral.

Calvin watched her from his room window, he did not expect her to come to his house and wait for him on his porch after denying her access to his house, after all the senseless and harsh words he said to her. He knew she loved him so much and would not do such a thing like that intentionally, he knew that she was truly sorry for what happened even though it was not really her fault. He wanted to come downstairs and hugged her and tell her that he was sorry for reacting that way, but he could not, and he did not know why.

The day became dark and after Lisa waited for him to come out for long hours, she left with tears in her eyes Calvin felt sad for denying her access to his house, a part of him bitterly regretted why he did all of this.

Not long before Lisa left a metallic black sports car drove into his compound and Calvin knew who it was immediately.

The door of the car opened and Chad came out of it, he was wearing a black hat on his head, and a black suit with a waistcoat.

Chad walked majestically to the entrance of Calvin's house, his steps were as if they were calculated, his face stony and his eyes devoid of any emotion.

Calvin came out of his house and waited for Chad at the entrance door.

The sky was cloudy and looked as if it was about to rain.

When Chad approached Calvin, the air became tense and Calvin was quite frightened of his brother's intense glare.

"Calvin," Chad called with a gentle voice. "How have you been?"

Calvin was very surprised that Chad was asking him how he was, this was the very first time Calvin was asking about his welfare.

"I've been good, how are you doing?" Calvin pretended he did not want Chad to know that he was surprised.

"What are you going to do about Lisa?" Chad finally asked, this was why he came and Calvin knew that he was here because of that all along, he did not care about his welfare.

"I know you have seen her pics and vids by now and I feel so angry that she did such a thing," Calvin sighed, "I said a few harsh words to her, and I regret saying them, I have done a lot of terrible things to her and yet she forgives me...I am going to forgive her and pretend as if nothing happened."

Chad punched Calvin in his face. "Are you that weak, Calvin? Regrets?... Regrets? You should have done more Calvin, you should have let her feel pain, you should have told her plainly how naive and foolish she is before it is too late."

"I can never do that, I am not like you Chad," Calvin commented and Chad punched him again.

"Tell me why is that? Tell me, Calvin?"

"It is not really her fault, and she feels so sorry about it, Lisa loves me and she can never do something kike that intentionally," Calvin defended her, he still loved her a lot and he did not plan on letting her go, he wanted to apologise to her how he reacted.

"Calvin you don't just understand the gravity of this, Calvin, why do you allow naivety to blind you?" Chad chuckled and then took in a deep breath. "Everyone has it, the pics and the vids, they have everything, just imagine that Calvin, you have been turned into a laughingstock, imagine the shame, the embarrassment all because of her? This is just foolishness and not love." He spread his hands in the air.

"I don't care Chad, I don't know why you always say really terrible things to me, Chad. Why, Chad?" He pinched his nose. "I love her Chad and I am going to apologise to her, whether you like it or not, you are just so pained dude with stupid and selfish thinking."

Chad held Calvin and punched him repeatedly till he started bleeding from both his nose and mouth. Blood dripped from Calvin's mouth and nose to the ground and they both laughed.

"Weak, weak, weak, you are weak, Calvin, when would you learn, Calvin? Do you want to remain in the darkness of foolishness,? Get enlightened Calvin!" Chad shouted still punching him in the face. He slammed him on the wall. "Why don't you just understand the gravity of this, Calvin?"

"Why are you doing this to me, Chad? Aren't brothers supposed to look out for each other?" Calvin groans out of pain and spat out blood.

"I am looking out for you, Calvin," Chad told him and facepalmed himself. "You're being foolish and I am enlightening you, I am helping you escape out of the grasping hands of senselessness and foolishness, of naivety and all sorts of inexperience."

"I love her, and I feel so foolish for saying all I did, I have done more terrible things to her, what is foolish in forgiving her and pretending that it never happened?" Calvin lowered his head in guilt and wished that he could change all he said and did. "She is my everything, Chad, what do you want me to do?"

An impish grin crept on Chad's stony face, and he removed his hat and raked his hair with his hands.

"I want you to break up with Lisa in the most terrible way, I want you to make her feel pain." He grabbed Calvin's hair and then muttered in his ear, "It's an order and you know what happens when you go against my orders."