
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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Chapter Thirty Eight

**** 10 years ago*****

The sun rose slowly from the Eastern skies, and slowly the day became brighter. Calvin's room became illuminated by the sun rays seeping through the window blinds.

Calvin was still fast asleep when the maids walked into his room to wake him up. They gave him a gentle tap on his shoulders and he groaned.

"Good morning, your highness, it's time for school." The maids greeted him with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Is it morning already?" He groaned rolling on his bed.

"Yes it is, your highness," they replied him. "Ms Lisa is waiting for you, your highness."

His eyes shone immediately and he shot up from his bed. "Did you say, Lisa?"

He started preparing for school with the speed of light, he could not wait to meet Lisa, his teenage heart was madly in love with her. He put on his best clothes and he did not forget to put on the royal emblem--a lion with a crown--on his breast pocket so that everyone would know who he was.

Calvin was seventeen and he and his brother Chad attended a normal public secondary school even though they were royals they wanted to live quite a normal life. Calvin was in year ten while his brother Chad was in year twelve and they were very popular in their school, everyone wanted to be friends with them and girls did everything they could to date them. Since the school was far from the castle, Chad and Calvin had to rent a house close to the school. Servants and guards lived with them to ensure their security and give them everything they needed, although they both return to the royal castle every weekend.

Calvin rented a storey building with a lot of rooms, while Chad rented an apartment with just two rooms.

Calvin rushed down the stairs adjusting his collar and when he saw Lisa waiting for him by the staircase he smiled.

Lisa was in the same class as Calvin and she was one of the finest and hottest in their school, she had long shiny blond hair, smallish pink lips, curvy hips, and medium-sized boobs and she always wore tight skirts that rested on her lap.

"Mi Lisa," Calvin called spreading his hands in the air, intending to hug her, but she dodged him.

"I'm not going to hug you when you sleep like a log. We're twenty minutes late for school and it's your fault." She pouted and narrowed her eyes.

Calvin still hugged her and kissed her on the neck.

"Don't worry I'll be early next time, babe."

"That's what you say always." She rolled her eyes and he chuckled.

"Trust me, I'll be." He kissed her on the cheeks and she giggled. "Let's go to school."

West Hood Secondary School was a government-owned school in KU, in the district of Vintage a city close to Durban the capital. West Hood had both a primary and secondary school. It was built on three acres of land, it had three main buildings, with other smaller buildings, a football pitch, a volleyball pitch, a basketball court and a swimming pool.

By the time Calvin and Lisa arrived at school, classes have already begun, and the hallway was empty.

"Shit, we are damn late again," Calvin cussed punching his nose.

"And whose fault was it?" Lisa rolled her eyes and Calvin smirked.

"Yours, of course." He wanted to make her annoyed.

"I know what you're trying to do, Calvin and I don't have the strength for that," she told him and he sighed.

"You're so boring, babe."

"No I am not," she narrowed her eyes and pouted.

"Prove it." He told her and a dirty smirk crawled to her lips. She held his collar and pushed him to a locker. She put her leg on him and she brought her face closer to his. Calvin grinned.

"News Headlines: a hot blonde-haired girl who goes by the name Lisa was caught trying to seduce Prince Calvin in the school's hallway," Calvin muttered and Lisa giggled. "The greatest thing ever!"

"Sure it is." She bit her lips and kissed him.

"What's happening here?!" A voice shouted and they stopped kissing and turned their heads swiftly.

"Oops, it's Principal Murray," Calvin said and Principal Murray began walking towards them. Principal Murray was a French man in his mid 50's, he could both speak French and English, and he had a very strong French accent. He wore baggy trousers, with shoes that had pointed mouths and a white shirt and a blue tie.

"Yep. And I think he is mad at us for making out in the hallway." Lisa commented with a grin in her voice.

"Calvin! Lisa! How many times do I have to tell you two to stop kissing in the hallway!" Principal Murray shouted.

"He is going to kill us this time." Calvin said and Lisa nodded.

"Definitely," she bit her lips, "what should we do?"

"Run for our lives." Calvin held her hands and they both ran away laughing.

"Calvin!" Principal Murray shouted.

They ran into a laboratory and shut the door locking it. There was no one in the lab only the both of them.

"Whew, that was close," Calvin said panting.

"You know we're dead, Cal?" Lisa panted and Calvin chuckled.

"Don't worry we'd figure it out," Calvin straightened himself and he saw they were in the chemistry lab. "We're in the chemistry lab, that's nice." He collected a lab coat hung on a rack and put it on.

"You look good in a lab coat, Cal." Lisa bit her lips as she complimented him. "You look like a good snack."

"Shh." He hushed her. "Not talking in the laboratory."

"Okay, sir." She giggled.

"Good." He chuckled and raked his hair. "I am your new chemistry teacher and my name is Calvin..."

Lisa raised her hands and Calvin rolled his eyes and pointed at her.

"What question do you have?"

"I think you're damn, hot, Cal." She blushed as she told him, and she put a finger in her mouth, seductively, "I don't think chemistry can stand your hotness."

"I don't see how that's a question," Calvin replied coldly and she narrowed her eyes. "Next time ask intellectual questions."

"Okay, sir." She pouted.

He walked towards her and whispered. "Guess the subject we are learning today."



"Chemical bonding?"


"Acid and base?"

"Nope." He brought his face closer to hers and then he took his lips in. "Love chemistry, Lis."

Lisa giggled and Calvin chuckled.

"What kind of chemistry teacher are you? That's not even a subject in chemistry," she told him and then she took his hands into hers. "But I really want to learn this love chemistry, especially from you."

Calvin grinned mischievously and took in a deep breath.

"I think we should go to class, Lis."

"Why should we, Cal? I love it here and I want to learn love chemistry." She blushed and Calvin tucked the strand of hair falling freely over her face behind her ears.

"We're an hour late for class," Calvin told her plainly and she choked.


"We have to hurry now before the period ends." Calvin told her and grabbed her by the hands. He opened the door and made sure that the principal was not in sight. They both hurried to their class when they made sure the coast was clear.

They entered their class, the teacher was still in the class, they were having English and the teacher was writing on the whiteboard with his back facing them. This was a great opportunity for them. They tiptoed to their seats and sat down before the teacher could notice.

"Prince Calvin and Lisa," the English teacher called and Calvin froze. "Why are you coming to class by this time?"

Calvin scratched his head and thought of the perfect lie he would tell the teacher.

"Uhm, I was...uhm," he fumbled with his words, he could not think of anything. "I overslept, Mr Thompson." He finally said with a sigh.

Mr Thompson stopped writing on the board and turned to Calvin. Mr Thompson was an American in his late 30s, he was one the best teachers and his classes were always lively.

"This is the umpteenth time you are late to class," Mr Thompson smirked. "I hope it's not Lisa that's making you come late, I wonder what you guys spend your night doing." He winked at Calvin and everyone in the class laughed.

"It's not that Mr Thompson, Lisa and I live separately," Calvin rolled his eyes and turned to Lisa and she was blushing. They were seatmates, so she was always close to him.

"Don't come Late to my class again, your highness, if not I'd make you write a five hundred words essay about why you go to bed late and why you come to classes so late." Mr Thompson told him and began writing on the board again.


The class came to an end and when Calvin was about to step out of the class he met the principal standing by the door.

"Good day, Mr Murray, you look so good," Calvin complimented him with a goofy smile on his face.

"I want to see you in my office now," the Principal said tersely and walked away.

"Shit." Calvin face-palmed himself and went to the principal's office.

He stood by the door of the principal's office and took a deep breath before opening it. The principal was on his desk and he did not look so happy. The principal office was quite small, and it was painted grey, it had a large wooden desk in the centre and there were a lot of medals and trophy cups in a large cupboard which was close to the wall behind the desk. The wall was decorated with some framed pictures and an old-looking wall clock.

"Take a seat, your highness." His voice was a bit scary and he looked so angry.

Calvin pulled out a chair and slowly sat down. "Is there a problem, Mr Murray?"

"Yes, there is Calvin, there is," the principal eyebrows furrowed and his tone of voice was not friendly.

"What's the problem, sir?"

The place became silent and only the ticking of the wall clock was heard. The air in the room was tense and Calvin was thinking of the excuse that he was going to give the principal for kissing Lisa in the hallway.

"Please can you ask your brother to perform on the upcoming prom night?" The Principal said and then shut his eyes. "Your brother is so difficult to approach unlike you he is so intimidating."

Calvin was surprised that the reason why the principal called him to his office was because of this, he thought that the principal wanted to give scold him for coming to school late or kissing Lisa in the hallway, he never expected the principal to ask for something like this.

"I'd try my best," Calvin scratched his head still confused, he knew how hard it was to approach Chad, even though they were brothers he was scared of Chad, Chad had this intimidating presence that could make anyone cower in fear.

"Thank you so much, your highness," the principal jumped cheerfully.

Don't thank me yet, thank me when he accepts this offer because Chad is something else." Calvin said shaking his head slowly. "Sometimes I wonder if we were really brothers."

Calvin left the principal's office and the principal thanked him very much for deciding to help him out before he left.

Calvin was having a chemistry practical in the Chemistry laboratory and it was almost time, just a minute remaining and he did not want to be late for the practical.

He heard people cheering and saw students gathering, he immediately knew what was happening --it was his brother Chad.

'It's Prince Chad.'

'He's so handsome.'

'What is he doing here?'

'I wish he was my boyfriend.'

The hallway became rowdy and Chad walked majestically through the hallway, with his face as stony as Mount Kilimanjaro, his eyes devoid of any emotions and his hands tucked into his pockets. He was in black jeans and a black leather jacket, he had his guitar--which he carried almost everywhere he went--hung on his back.

Girls were flocking around him but he paid no single attention to them, he was disgusted by their presence.

Chad turned to Calvin and an impish grin crept to Cahd's lips which struck Calvin with fear. Calvin hurriedly went to the chemistry lab so that he can avoid his brother.

Calvin entered the chemistry lab, breathing heavily, and he raked his hair with his hand. The chemistry teacher was about to group them, he was quite early.

Calvin hoped to work with Lisa in the upcoming practical, he hoped that the chemistry teacher will team them up and Lisa wished the same. But to their dismay, they were not.

Calvin was to work with Rose and Lisa was to work with a boy named Jason. Rose had a crush on Calvin and Lisa disliked her for that, Rose was jealous of Lisa and Calvin, and most of the time she tried to make Calvin fall for her but it was to no avail, she had been crushing on him since year eight, even before he started dating Lisa, she always wanted to be with him and teaming up with him was a dream come true for her. After Rose had been paired with Calvin, she smiled wickedly at Lisa and Lisa felt this churning sensation in her stomach, only the thinking of Rose being close to Calvin made her feel disgusted.

Lisa felt very uncomfortable with Rose being Calvin's partner, she was quite worried and a lot of things--scary things--ran through her mind. Rose was very beautiful and sexy, she was the interesting type and most boys wanted to have something to do with her...Rose was Lisa's insecurity especially when Rose was around Calvin.

Lisa brought Calvin aside and Calvin knew that something was wrong.

She stared at him without uttering any word, her hands were into his and she was squeezing them gently, this was what she does whenever she was nervous or whenever something was disturbing her.

"What's wrong, Lis?" Calvin muttered placing his hand on her cheek. "Is it about Rose being my chemistry partner?"

"Yes, it's all about it." Lisa pouted and Calvin chuckled but stopped immediately so that Lisa would not feel bad.

"Don't worry, Lis, everything will be fine, you don't need to be worried." He breathed rubbing his thumb against her cheek. "I know that you feel very uncomfortable whenever she is around me..."

"Remember, what happened the last time?" She muttered and Calvin came closer to her. "I don't want it to happen again...it hurts so much."

Calvin took in a deep breath and said, "I'll talk to the chemistry teacher after the practicals to change our partners so that we can be a team, how do you see that, Lis?" Calvin knew that Lisa disliked Rose and after an incident, she disliked her more, Calvin had been trying his best to avoid Rose for the main time, he did not want anything to cause a need for worry to Lisa. He knew that Lisa felt so insecure whenever he was with another girl--especially, Rose--so he had to put her feelings into consideration, he had to assure her that he was always there for her--that he was never going to let go.

But would he never let go?

"Why not now?" She pouted her lips and folded her arms across her chest, shutting her eyes.

"He is quite busy preparing the class for the practicals, talking to him after the practicals would be the best thing to do, Lis."

"Okay..." She muttered.

"Don't worry, Lis, just wait a little while and we will be a team--the best chemistry team," he brought his lips closer to hers and he could feel her warm breath on his face. Her eyes stared into his brown eyes, and she had never seen anything as beautiful as them. "And I'd be able to teach you that love chemistry of a thing." He told her and she giggled.

He kissed her lightly and then cupped her chin with his hands. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Lis."