
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Soccer Player

Yshianna's POV

I didn't talk to him after class, embarrassed on what I said. The whole time we were in class he just started looking at me every two freakin minutes! I couldn't even look at him in his eyes or even look at his side without my heart beating so fast.

"Nic---" he didn't finish his words when I hurriedly picked up my backpack and went straight to the bus stop. I was frantically looking back at the gate to see if he followed me or not but I guess I'm just delusional. Anthony Martinez following me? Probably an illusion.

After what I though of I calmed down and just waited for a bus while humming a song in my head.

"Hey" I jumped in shock when someone whispered in my ear. A smiling Jake greeted me which calmed me down, for a moment I thought it was Anthony but it was just Jake. For some reason I don't feel disappointed at all.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" he kindly asked and stood beside me.

"Kind of" I answered shyly which made him chuckle.

"Waiting for a bus?" I asked. Do famous people take buses though?

"Nope, waiting for my service" he answered and looked away holding the back of his neck.

"Oh. Someone told me you're a famous soccer player" I said when I remembered what my friends told me.

"Uh yeah... and a model too" he shyly answered without a hint of bragging.

"Wait-- you didn't know?" he sounded shocked, eyes wide open when he realized what I just said.

"Well yeah... I don't do social media often" I'm not interested with other people's days and I've got no one to talk to. I just use it for school purposes whenever we have homework that I forgot.

"Do you... feel awkward?" he asked with slight hesitation in his eyes.

"No, why would I be?" I asked. Famous or not, he looks like a good guy.

"Some girls would squeal when they see me but you're different" I looked at him and found him looking back at me, almost staring. We looked at each other's eyes. All the cars and people around us fading from my eyes, all I could see and hear is him.

Our eyes left each other when we heard a beep from a van. He looked hesitant when he looked at the van and back to me. "Jake let's go!" his manager said. He looked at his manager and back to me and slightly smiled

"I like that" he said before hopping in to the van. I just stood there shocked until his service can't be seen anymore. Did he just said something? Or am I delusional again? How could someone like him think of me like that? Is he different or like any other boys who played with other girl's feelings?

I just snapped out of it when the bus came, I rode the bus with my brain flying around. I just shrugged it off when I arrived in the house, no one was still there. Maybe he isn't really coming home huh? Well who am I to tell him what he should do, I'm just a mere nerd and loser at school whom majority of the students hate like it was a sin to be ugly.

After getting ready for bed I checked the time and it was already 10:00 in the evening and he's still not here! Unconsciously I went to the living room with my books and notebooks to do my homework and to study. I sat on the carpet and did my works in the coffee table I kept on checking my phone to check the time, until 11:11 came.

When I heard the door opened I pretended to fall asleep on the table. I heard his footsteps coming in and I could also feel my heart beating faster and faster as he was coming closer.

My breath hitched when he sat on my said and tucked my hair beside my ear. "Did you wait?" he whispered but enough for me to hear. He just stared at me with a small smile on his face. I stopped breathing when he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

"Why would you wait for me this late? Does this mean something?" I got even more nervous when he put his head on the coffee table facing me.

"Please don't give me false hope" he said and stared at me again. After a few seconds he stood up which made me feel relieved, I slowly let go of my breath but immediately hitched when he carried me bridal style but still pretended to sleep. He tucked me in bed and closed the door right after he closed all the lights in my room.

After I confirmed that he's already gone I opened my eyes and my hand reached out to my heart. I felt it beating faster than ever before. I never felt this way before, I'm totally clueless on what is happening.

"What just happened?" I asked myself leading to my sleep deprived self the next morning. I woke up when the alarm clock rang. I checked the time if it really was 6:00 in the morning and it was! it means I didn't even close my eyes last night!

I'm already at the staircase ready to go to school when I realized if is he in the kitchen? He wakes up early these days for practice. I sighed and mustered up the courage to go downstairs and I was right! He is in the kitchen island eating his toast.

I just casually went to the kitchen and grabbed my cereal and milk. I quietly prepared my breakfast when he suddenly talked making my heart beat insanely fast.

"How was your sleep?" he asked while still eating his toast. I glanced at him but immediately looked away when he looked at me too.

"Good" I answered. He nodded and drank his coffee

"You look sleep deprived though" he said and went to the sink. I unconsciously stepped back to avoid being close to him like how close we were last night.

"Y--yeah I was stressed out because of a quiz" I answered. His brow furrowed

"We don't have a quiz" oh shoot! We are in the same class! Think! Think!

"U--uh you know... advance studying" I answered and avoided his suspicious gaze. He scoffed and grabbed his backpack and gym bag

"I'll get going" he said and slammed the door shut

"What the heck is wrong with him?" I whispered and quietly ate my breakfast. I went to the soccer field to ease my mind but instantly regretted when Anthony was also there! But he looked angry though. I looked at his opponent and surprisingly... well not so surprising it was Jake! He's smiling while Anthony looked grumpy.

I saw him kick the ball so hard. "Break time!" he shouted and went to the bench wiping off his sweat with anger.

"What's up with him?" I whispered to my self, worried if did someone pissed him off big time?

"Hey" Jake said approaching me.

"Hey" I greeted back

"You're early" he said and stood in front of me, I couldn't sit down because I was busy looking at Anthony the moment I got here

"Yeah always" I answered

"I'm glad to see you this early" he said flashing his perfect set of white teeth

"Me too" I answered

"Let's have lunch later" he offered

"Sure" I answered, Lia and Talia would be so happy when they could have the chance to eat with him knowing that they are such big fans of him.

"See you in the cafeteria later then" he said and went to the bench to drink water. I looked st Anthony approaching me fast with a grim look on his face. His eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed and angry eyes.

"Is this why you were so sleep deprived huh?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused on what he was talking about

"Him! I saw the two of you talking in the bus stop yesterday!" he said that made my eyes wide

"Y--you... you followed me?" I whispered enough for him to hear.

"Yes! I did! And I just saw you with that guy?! What's so good about him anyways?" he asked angrily

"Why are you like thi--"

"Stop it!" he shouted

"What did I do?!" I shouted back

"Stop making me confused!"