
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Mess with my mind

Yshianna's POV

We are just awkwardly sitting beside each other when classes started but he it seems like he's still in a foul mood. I'm literally glancing at him every three minutes to see his face expression, but it stayed the same as it was before when we talked.

It got me thinking on what he meant. Did it mean something? Confused? What did I do? Did I do something wrong without me knowing I actually did it? My guilt is slowly rising making me glance at him again but he's just staring out the window.

I sighed and looked at the teacher discuss in front with a very complicated math lesson! I've always hated math, I mean we have a fuckin calculator why would we study these? They shouldn't have invented the calculator when they are gonna shove these lessons in our heads!

Oh God! It is the most worst subject and the most awkward scene! I'm glancing at him from time to time but he's just either looking out the window or stare at his textbook playing with his pen. Even his hands look so nicer than mine! How could guys get those feature girls need?

"Class dismissed" Our teacher said. Everybody started getting their bags and went out with their friends to have lunch

"Anthon---" He grabbed his backpack and left me alone dumbfounded. I was about to ask him about what he meant earlier but he just left! Did I really do something wrong? I'm on the verge of getting frustrated but tried to stop myself.

Is he in his period or something? Oh dumb of me, boys have no menstruation you idiot! But why is he so moody and grumpy? Was it because of what happened last night? Was I too heavy or did he caught me pretending to fall asleep? I don't know! Can someone enlighten me?!

I weakly grabbed my backpack and went outside our classroom.

"Hey" I jumped in shock when Jake greeted me leaning his back on the wall beside the door.

"Hey" I sighed in relief

"Did I scare you again?" he chuckled

"Kind of...again" I chuckled as well remembering what I said yesterday.

"Let's go?" he asked and held on to the strap of his bag while his other hand is on his pockets. He's still not wearing uniform though, probably because he's a new student

"Sure" I said. We began to walk towards the cafeteria. Luckily students are inside the cafeteria so nobody saw us, people might think something ill about me.... yes just me.

"Sorry if I waited for you outside your classroom" he said while looking down

"Huh? No it's fine you don't need to be sorry about it" I answered

"It's nice meeting someone not bothered by my fame" he said and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Why would I be bothered?" I asked. When we went inside the cafeteria all students looked at us...specifically him

I spotted Talia and Lia on our usual table with their mouths dropped while looking at us.

"Why are they together?"

"Ha! I knew it! This nerd is a flirt"

"Trying to put on an act of being all kind and innocent" Students whispered with hate on their eyes. Jake looked at me with worried eyes. I just smiled to assure him that I'm fine.

"Let's go, my friends are waiting" I said and went to our table, he followed me and sat beside me.

"Uh guys.. this is J--"

"Hi I'm Natalia" Talia stood up and offered her hand to Jake. Jake also stood up and shook her hand


"I'm Lianna, the one and only" Lia said and shook hands with Jake

"Uh hey, nice meeting you two. I'm Ja--"

"Jake Maurer, yeah we know you" Talia said cutting off his words. He chuckled which made the girls mesmerized by his beauty and bright smile

"You have cheerful friends" he told me and sat.

"And loud" I whispered which made him laugh and nod his head in agreement. We just talked certain things about school, his career and our memories together. Talia and Lia was mainly the ones who talk even when we were eating, they just couldn't stop talking.

"Uh guys I have to go, I need to practice for the game" He said and stood up with his backpack on his shoulder

"Yeah sure, goodluck" I said

"Nothing would beat your goodluck" he said and left after saying goodbye to my friends that heard what he said

"Oh my god! Is he into you?" Talia whispered

"I think he is" Lia answered

"Not you idiot" Talia said and asked me again

"Is he?" she asked with curiousity

"No of course not!" I defensively answered

"You look like you are" Talia narrowed her eyes with suspicion in her eyes

"I promise!" We went back to class since lunch time is almost over and I couldn't see Anthony anywhere.

"Okay class for our homeroom task" the teacher said with a list on her hand. She started separating us by groups and I noticed Anthony wasn't on the list but I just kept quiet about it.

"Vinci, Villareal, Venco, Villahermosa. Your task will be on the gymnasium" our task today is to clean the gymnasium which is very hard since the gymnasium is very big and the varsity players will be there! it means these girls won't be cleaning and they'll just be ogling on those boys!

I went to the gymnasium with a heavy heart and the cleaning supplies in my hand while the other girls are discussing about the varsity players, as expected!

The moment I stepped inside the gymnasium I started cleaning without looking at the boys, while the other girls just went to the benches and whispering. If only they would clean this whole gymnasium and talk right after it would be great!

"Ow!" I touched my head and glanced at the thing that was thrown in to my head. I was busy gathering all the balls in the basket when someone threw a box of strawberry milk at me!

"Oops" The girl said. I angrily looked at them and was ready to lash out when I saw Anthony with his hand on the girl's shoulder, the woman cuddled with him intentionally lifting up her skirt so that her thighs are exposed

"Didn't see you there" she said mocking me but my eyes just stayed on Anthony that has a straight face on. I could feel my heart breaking and tears are about to cloud my vision. I looked away and picked up the trash and just continued my work without glancing at them again.

Why is he with another girl? Did he forget that we are engaged? This is cheating right? Is this considered as cheating? I mean we don't like each other but we're still engaged! At first I didn't believe that he's a playboy because he didn't look like it. He's like a good guy that does well in school and sports.

After cleaning... and I mean partially cleaning because my brain just left me. I went to the storage room to put the cleaning materials back. I was about to go out when Anthony started approaching, not because I was there but the storage room was beside the lockers area.

He was about to go inside when I called onto him. "Anthony" I called softly

He stopped on his tracks and faced me. "What?" he asked

"Let's talk" I said. He shifted his weight and gave me his full attention

"Talk about what?" he asked

"What I saw"

"What did you saw?"

"You're with another girl!" I said making him shocked.

"And?" he asked like it wasn't a big deal

"What do you mean by 'and'?!" I emphasized

"Why are you acting like this?" he asked making me shut my mouth. Yeah, why am I acting like this? I'm usually not like this, especially towards him!

"I won't be coming home tonight" he said and was about to go inside when I held onto his arm. He stopped in his tracks and faced me

"Are you going to sleep with her?" I asked with longing and pain in my voice


"Come home to me... please come home to me" I said almost pleading

"Why are you like this? Who are you to keep on messing with my mind?"