
In Harry Potter as the Dark One

Vixenne Nocturna, a girl that once was an orphan in her past life, found herself one day dying peacefully in her sleep, expecting to finally be free of the miserable existence of life. Yet, instead of passing on, she found herself waking up within the embrace of the darkness. Offered a second chance by the Darkness, she was reborn in the world of Harry Potter as Kin to the Darkness, as The Dark One. A being that governs over all forms of darkness itself. She is neither good nor evil. She neither likes the golden trio nor the death eaters. Her actions are selfish, she cares only for herself. Follow her on this journey through the magical world, with her unique background. ------- Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter, this is just a fan-fiction, anything mentioned in the story that is inspired by the original work is owned by its respectful owners. I do not own the cover. #yuri #femalelead #systempanel #stronglead #noharem #luna #villain #antihero #voldemort #hybrid

ZeroX0666 · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 5 - Death Eaters

It had been around one month since the girl had woken up in this new world so far and not a lot of things have happened.

Well not important at least.

Throughout the month the three people would keep visiting her ever so often— at first, they came every other day, but eventually, they only started to come once or twice a week.

Obviously, they disguised their visits under the excuse of checking up on her and making sure she was ok— wanting her to have company and such.

But really it was blatantly obvious why they were here.

They just wanted to monitor their prisoner further— trying to learn anything from her body or see if she knew anything. Which allowed her to slowly pretend she was learning.

One notable thing that happened to the girl was an attempted mind invasion while she was pretending to be asleep.

It seemed the younger man amongst the group was a skilled Legilimency, because he tried to enter her mind while she wasn't even looking at him.

However, from what she heard him say, it seemed to have failed.

Apparently, when he tried to enter her mind he was met with an endless darkness that threatened to swallow him whole.

She could hear the anxiety in his voice when he pulled out and tried explaining what he saw.

They came up with the explanation that it might have to do with her being in a coma for nine years and her mind was still underdeveloped.

Or even tried to use the reasoning that she was a half-breed between a Wizard and Maledictus which could have unknown effects on her mind.

But in the end, they were all wrong without knowing it.

The girl on the other hand could come up with a much more reasonable— and more likely— reason why she had endless darkness in her mind.

It was because she was Kin to the darkness, and a Dark One herself.

She had the abilities of the darkness, and that was probably one of the passive abilities it granted her that wasn't listed on the information panel.

This means she didn't need to learn Occlumency to defend her mind from being read like she originally planned to do.

However, even with this newfound ability, she didn't disregard the uses that learning Occlumency would have for her— especially the increased mental capabilities and ability to remember much better.

Being in the wizarding world she would absolutely need to have a way to sort out all the things she learn in order to not forget things that could be important— and Occlumency would be the best way to go about that.

So she had full intention of still learning Occulency whenever she had the chance, along with Legilimency as well.

Since being able to only defend was never her style.

But besides that, that wasn't the only interesting thing that happened to her over the course of the month.

She actually made contact with a Death Eater that was a servant of her biological father.

Or rather, he made contact with her.

Somehow one of the Death Eaters was able to sneak into the place she was forced to stay under the disguise of a doctor that worked there.

Which at first she was quite surprised with how lax the security here was, but after thinking about the number of things the Wizarding Government allowed to slip through the cracks it made more sense.

Hell— a big portion of the scared families are made up of Death Eaters or linked to them in one way or the other. It wouldn't be a stretch to say they could get one of their people into here with ease.

The reason he was here however was quite concerning to the girl.

Apparently, the Death Eaters wanted to— rescue— her from the capture of the government.

Which ultimately means they wanted to break her out from this place and take her to some weird hideout.

Which she absolutely didn't want.

Sure she could see the benefit of leaving this place— much like she could see the benefit of not leaving either.

Leaving this place would grant her a lot more freedom that she wouldn't have if she stayed here to constantly be monitored.

Allowing her to access some of the books of this world that she wished to read.

Such as spell books, history books, theories, and much more which could be useful in learning before attending Hogwarts.

It would also allow her to experiment more with her current abilities in order to try and get a better understanding of what the darkness ability would grant her.

However, with that came its downsides as well.

If she were to leave with the Death Eaters, the chances of her attending Hogwarts would drop to nearly none at all.

And while she didn't need to attend Hogwarts to get stronger, she did want to attend it in order to interfere with the main storyline in her favor.

Leaving would also make her an enemy of the Wizarding Government— putting her on a wanted, or at the very least, suspect list.

Which would make moving around the wizarding world of Britain a lot more difficult.

On the other hand, if she was to stay here and not go with the Death Eater, she would be limited in what she can do under the watch of the government.

But in turn, she wouldn't have any problematic trouble caused by being seen as evil. And she would be able to use this connection to try and get into Hogwarts somehow.

Her main goal right now was to get into Hogwarts— not because she wanted to join or meet the golden trio— but rather because by being able to interact with the main plotline she would gain the most benefits.

She especially wanted the philosopher's stone.

It was never really explained properly in the movies but from what they did say— it would be extremely useful for her in her growth.

Plus she was sure she could find other uses for it as well.

But that was for the future, when she could actually get to Hogwarts in order to take part in the storyline.

Right now she had other things to worry about.

Like trying to figure out a way to inform the Aurors of this before the Death Eaters break her out— but she had to do that without exposing herself either.

It was going to be bothersome— and take quite a bit of careful planning.

But she had already started to put the plan into action throughout the course of the month.

It was a simple plan really— for the first month leading up to the time of the breakout attempt she would pretend to be listening to what they are saying— learning.

Slowly she would repeat back words she said to them like she was starting to learn the meaning, building a bases for her education.

So far this had been going good— she had actually surprised them when she first started to say stuff. With her young yet rough voice seemingly surprised them.

But they grew more accustomed to it throughout the course of the weeks— they even started to actively teach her how to speak.

Bringing books and audio players for her to use to learn faster.

So the plan was going well.

And finally, today was the day in which she exposed the plan to the old man since he was coming today— it was quite literally now or never since it the happening in a few days.


The girl said to the old man as he entered the room— it had become a custom of them over the course of the month.

The old man thought it would help them get closer, maybe he was trying to prevent her from turning out like her father, and mother.

"Hello there, how's it going today? Having fun with that book I lent you?"

Asked the old man as he walked over to the bed she was laying on. To her side was a children's book the old man had given her in order to help her learn how to read.

She didn't need it since she could read better than it, but she read it anyways because she had an act to put up— plus she had nothing else to do.

Nodding her head she spoke in a simple tone— slowing it down like a child would when unsure of what word meant what.

After which she tilted her head and asked a simple question— a question that would ruin the plans that the Death Eaters worked so hard on.

"What are Death Eaters?"