
In Harry Potter as the Dark One

Vixenne Nocturna, a girl that once was an orphan in her past life, found herself one day dying peacefully in her sleep, expecting to finally be free of the miserable existence of life. Yet, instead of passing on, she found herself waking up within the embrace of the darkness. Offered a second chance by the Darkness, she was reborn in the world of Harry Potter as Kin to the Darkness, as The Dark One. A being that governs over all forms of darkness itself. She is neither good nor evil. She neither likes the golden trio nor the death eaters. Her actions are selfish, she cares only for herself. Follow her on this journey through the magical world, with her unique background. ------- Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter, this is just a fan-fiction, anything mentioned in the story that is inspired by the original work is owned by its respectful owners. I do not own the cover. #yuri #femalelead #systempanel #stronglead #noharem #luna #villain #antihero #voldemort #hybrid

ZeroX0666 · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 28 - New Pet

After much hesitation, she could see he had finally given in with a soft sigh to himself— that didn't escape her observant eyes and ears.

He nodded and spoke, confirming her suspicions.

"Ok, you may keep it but you will have to take care of it. Train it, treat it well, feed it, and so on. Ok— I will hold you responsible for everything it does?"

Naturally, she already planned to do that, it would be great training for when she intends to keep masses of creatures for her army in the future.

He most likely thought it would be a good opportunity to teach her how to take care of something, and responsibility.

Which he wasn't wrong— but he just wasn't right either.

With the smile on her face growing brighter she nodded and spoke with excitement.

"Of course, I can't wait."

While she was speaking it seemed the shopkeeper that was on shift had overheard the conversation and came with swiftness to take their money.

The shopkeeper was an old lady that seemed to be able to move much quicker than her age or looks would suggest possible— clearing her throat as she got closer.

"Hello, welcome. How can I help you today?"

The voice startled the girl because it came from right behind her yet she didn't hear the sound of anyone approaching.

Granted, she wasn't paying attention to the area around her, but it still goes to show that not everyone is as simple as they seemed in the magical world.

Even such an old lady.

Turning around she just had one thought in her mind as she looked up at the old lady. How good she would be as an assassin, or wondering if she was an assassin in her past or something.

Albus wasn't surprised in the slightest— one would suppose that living for as long as he had would have made him accustomed to such things— instead, he took the lead and started speaking.

"Hello, yes, I would like to purchase this animal for my granddaughter."

He said from under the cloak in an altered voice, so as to not reveal his identity— the voice was still much old like his own, playing into the whole Grandfather act he seemed to be going with.

'Granddaughter? Well, I guess that's the excuse he's going to use when in public, but it's quite funny. Being the daughter of Voldemort and the granddaughter of Albus.'

She thought to herself in an amused tone as he went about speaking to the sale's woman. Tuning out most of the conversation until the end, in which money was exchanged.

It seems the sale's person was really good at her job because she was able to make him purchase much more than just the animal under the excuse that it was necessary.

A cage to carry it around, food for it, a special cleaning brush, and medicine for it because it was still young, all adding up to a lot of money.

'I'm glad Albus is rich.'

She thought to herself as she was handed the cage with a smile— after which they went to leave the store before Albus was forced to buy something else.

As she walked out of the store she heard the voice of Albus at her side asking her a question, causing her to pause and think.

"So what are you going to name it?"

She almost forgot— how could she have bought the creature without even thinking about what to name it? A name was a vital part of training something to listen to you after all.

A few good names came to mind right away, but she could be quite sure what to name it unless she learned the gender of the creature.

That, or, she went with a gender-neutral name.

She decided to ask Albus since he may know the gender of the creature— and she wasn't really sure how to check the gender of a bird, to begin with.

"I'm not sure, I don't even know its gender."

She said, trying to lead him into telling her it.

"Ah, all Glimmer Ravens are females."

He explained as he had forgotten to tell her this little fact before.

Well, it made things easier for her, now that she knew the gender of the creature a name wasn't all that hard to come up with. But she found the fact interesting, as it would mean they reproduce asexually

"In that case, how about Nyx?"

She said, coming up with quite the cheesy but classic name for a dark raven.

The reason for the name was obvious, Nyx was the Greek Personification of the night, and the Glimmer Raven reminded her of the night sky, dark with sparkingly stars.

It suited the creature perfectly in her opinion— and it seemed Albus could agree to that as well.

Nodding his head to himself he spoke in an understanding tone.

"The Greek Personification of The Night, not a bad choice at all. It seems you've been reading through the books I brought for you."

She wasn't foolish enough to just come up with a Greek name without making sure he wouldn't find it odd— he had after all given her history books before that mentioned the name so she knew it would be fine.

But with that out of the way they went on to explore the alley further.