
In Harry potter as Draco Malfoy

Abraham is a young man with a dangerous ambition; to achieve immortality and ultimate power by any means necessary. Little does he know, but his destiny goes far beyond his comprehension. An opportunity of a lifetime presents itself when he mysteriously transmigrates into the body of Draco Malfoy, one of Harry Potter's rivals, right as he was starting as a first-year student at Hogwarts castle. Unbeknownst to him, he slowly realizes that he has read the development of the whole Harry Potter series from start to finish in another life – giving him insight and knowledge of what will happen in each book as it occurs.

Ambrose_Lestrange · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: Transmigration

Abraham looked around and realized he was no longer in his own world. Everything seemed unfamiliar, yet strangely familiar. He would soon come to the realization that he had somehow been transported into the magical world of Harry Potter.

He had heard of it before, but only second hand through books or movies. It certainly wasn't something he'd ever imagined finding himself stumbling through, trying to make sense of the strange new surroundings and people he found himself amongst.

After some time he realized that he must have transmigrated into the body of Draco Malfoy. He remembered reading about him in one of the books months ago and almost laughed out loud at how ironic this situation was. The only thing that could possibly put a damper on his amusement was that no matter what Draco did, Harry always seemed to come out on top with few to no consequences for his actions.

This left Abraham with a great deal of anger from being in such an unfavourable position before even having any chance to prove himself as superior to Harry Potter. In order for him to get revenge for all those years Draco never seemed able to win against their mutual nemesis, Abraham knew he would need more power than what even his current magic capabilities allowed him. This was made even worse by the fact that while most other witches or wizards grew up with years of practice or training under their belt, here in another body Abraham had none of that luxury and nearly no idea what kind of magic even existed outside what little Harry used in the books! Knowing if wanted some kind measure of vengeance he would need a head start, Abrahama accepted this challenge wholeheartedly and began seeking out ways he could acquire more magical knowledge going forward so he could start becoming the powerful Lord Malfoy that such a hostile place probably demanded they have as its ruler.

With newfound determination Abraham focused on finding ways to gain access to secrets his old Draco self hadn't been privy too - things like forbidden spells or ancient magic known only from aged scrolls behind guarded doorways hidden away from prying eyes. His ultimate goal however was not just any form of secret knowledge but one surefire way for him attaining immortality and true invincibility over anyone who ever tried challenging him - thus rendering weaklings like Harry utterly powerless beneath him forevermore! As luck would have it after quite some time spent researching carefully within dusty libraries vaulting tall towers across lands far and wide Abraham finally discovered information pertaining exactly to such achievement - dark arcane myths concerning entities called Horcruxes cursed objects capable torn souls apart leaving fragments allegedly untouchable by death itself should suitable conditions be met in its creation process! Satisfied having made such a breakthrough it now just came down actually gathering everything needed for constructing such abomination though so many obstacles were no doubt still yet ahead.