
In Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s find himself in Douluo Dalu world and he became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that he could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, followed by the Naruto System. Since then, he has gone farther and farther on the road of greatness. ---------------------------------------------------- I am trying to stockpile a lot of chapters so starting releases will be slow and chapters will be divided into two but after some time I will upload regularly and full size chapters. You can support me on pateron - https://www.patreon.com/EdwardElite

EdwardElite · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs

Chapter 92 - My Hand Slipped

Bonus Chapter Milestones:-

300 Power Stones - 1 Chapter

400 Power Stones - 2 Chapters

500 Power Stones - 4 Chapters

700 Power Stones - 10 Chapters


These people, judging from their outfits, could be easily identified as spirit masters, and they should come from the same academy. The typical teacher probably brought his students to this Star Dou Great Forest to hunt down for spirit rings.

Shrek Academy did not have its school uniform, so Ye Zhiqiu and the others were dressed casually. This group of people was much more ostentatious and arrogant.

The owner of the restaurant was just an ordinary person, who came here to open a small hotel to make a little money. Seeing them coming in at this time, he hurriedly greeted them, nodding and bowing in indescribable politeness.

In Douluo Continent, the spirit master was considered noble. Ordinary people could only lay down their bodies in front of the spirit masters, especially in this kind of lawless zone, ordinary people had to behave with their tails between their legs. With so many soul masters coming in at once, this boss naturally didn't dare to be careless.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at them faintly, a little uncomfortable in his eyes. This plot was probably the one he remembered most clearly when he watched Douluo Dalu in his previous life. Only because the lead teacher of Canghui Academy, was also named Ye Zhiqiu, with the same name and surname as him. That was all for the same name and surname, why was your martial spirit a green turtle? Even if the spirit was a green tortoise, why did you wear a green turtle hat on your head when you open the spirit!

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't bear it anymore, don't you smear my name? Ye Zhiqiu was already thinking about how to make trouble.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun suddenly smiled wretchedly, patted Dai Mubai's shoulder next to him, and said: "Dai Er, can you see it? Do you think that the girl in their team is pretty good? These people should be from Canghui Academy? Let's...hehe..."

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes angrily, and said in a bad mood: "You fatty, don't you call me Dai Er, and do you want me to beat you? Believe it or not, I am not scum like you.  Pick up girls by yourself."

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the two of them with a bit of disgust. 'What are you thinking about, you really deserve to be beaten down.'

Since neither Dai Mubai nor Ma Hongjun meant to lower their voices, the spirit master's hearing was far better than ordinary people. The eight people in Canghui Academy who were not far from their desk naturally heard all of them, and they stared fiercely at this time.

"Will it be so good for us?" Tang San frowned.

Oscar slapped him on the shoulder and whispered: "Tang San this is actually part of the course arranged by the dean. The dean once said that spirit masters who dare not to cause trouble are not good soul masters. As the saying goes, those who do not dare to cause trouble are mediocre, this is also Shrek's school motto, get it!"

Tang San nodded slightly silently, as he didn't expect Shrek Academy to have this kind of school motto? This dean was too weird, he was indeed the dean of the Monster Academy.

On the other side, the middle-aged man who was obviously the leader of the eight people in Canghui College whispered a few words in a young man's ear. The young man nodded from time to time, with a confident smile on his mouth.

After that, he walked toward the table of Ye Zhiqiu and others without any rush, his face was full of arrogance, without any concealment. Looking at the route he took, his goal should be the unscrupulous Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai gave him a faint look, curled the corner of his mouth, revealing a look of disdain.

At this time, the waiter happened to serve Ye Zhiqiu's first dish at the table. The young man from Canghui Academy suddenly quickened his pace at this moment and hit him amidst the panicked exclamation of the waiter.

The strength of a spirit master was not something that an ordinary waiter can resist. The waiter was hit immediately and his body became unstable. The food in his hand also flew out and buckled at Dai Mubai, who was sitting at the outermost edge of the table.

Dai Mubai was about to take a shot, but Tang San who was sitting next to him took the lead, pressing his shoulder with one hand, and gently pushing the waiter with the other before he took hold of the plate in the air, Tang San used the Controlling Crane Catching Dragon technique with all his strength, and the soup of the dishes was sucked back into the plate by Tang San without dripping a single drop and placed the plate on the table lightly.

The waiter also immediately stabilized his body with Tang San's push. He knew he had messed up, he apologized, and then after thanking Tang San, he quickly stepped aside.

Tang San frowned and looked at the young man from Canghui Academy: "It's even."

Tang San didn't want to cause trouble. He always insisted that if someone didn't offend him then he won't offend them. And if anyone offend him, then he would kill him. Tang San knew that it was indeed his side just now who provoked the other party first, so even if the other party deliberately bumped into the waiter, he won't hold it accountable. This was Tang San way.

The youth of Canghui Academy was stunned when he saw Tang San's skill, but he quickly showed an unabashedly sly smile. After all, Tang San's group was too young, he didn't think these people were powerful.

"I'm sorry, my feet slipped a bit." The young man said so, but he continued to walk forward with a look of disdain, looking like he was going to pass by Dai Mubai.

When he walked behind Dai Mubai, the corner of the youth's mouth curled up and one of his feet quietly swept out at this moment and kicked the leg of a chair where Dai Mubai was sitting.

The chairs in the hotel were all simple wooden chairs with three legs. If one was kicked off, Dai Mubai would naturally not be able to sit firmly.

The young man's movements were very subtle, his upper body did not move, and his legs were fast. If you didn't pay special attention, it was difficult to spot his movements.

At the same time the youth kicked out, Dai Mubai sneered, and he also stuck his foot out, crossing the way that the youth must pass.

"Bang~" After a slightly muffled sound, the young man only felt like he had kicked an iron block, his calf became numb.

The next moment, before the youth could react, Dai Mubai's hand was already in front of his eyes and he was slapped, and he took the youth's right cheek directly.

After a crisp sound of "pop", the young man from Canghui Academy was suddenly slapped upside down by Dai Mubai's slap, and when he was in the air, he spat out a few teeth.

The young man's figure was also tall, but he was flipped 180 degrees in the air by Dai Mubai's slap, and after knocking down a table in the middle, he continued to fly towards the group of people in Canghui College.  It could be seen how strong Dai Mubai's slap was.

The middle-aged leading teacher from Canghui College had no time to think about it. He stood up in a hurry and raised his hands to stabilize the young man's body. The young man's right cheek was swollen at the moment, Lao Ga spat out a few teeth after stopping.

Dai Mubai's slapped, but he didn't exert all his strength. It was very likely that all the teeth on the right half of his face would be lost if he used all his strength. This scene made the team leader of Canghui Academy look pale.

Dai Mubai smiled indifferently, repeating the tone of the young man before, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, my hand slipped."


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For next chapter   :-


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Chapter 93 - I Am The Vice Dean

EdwardElitecreators' thoughts