
In DC with the Pet Pet Devil Fruit

//AN:- My return to writing some Mature Content. My other fics take precedence. Holl lands a Weeb's Wet Dream. He's In DC with the Pet Pet Fruit. A Devil Fruit that can enslave someone and control them. The Only Problem? Holl is Nuts! A Complete Psycho who kills just for fun! In his own words however, he's only mean to those who are mean to him. He has his sights on Enslaving everyone he can. Specifically, the DC women. *Villain MC. *NSFW. *Power Testing. 10+ advance chapters in my Patreon and Ko-Fi. Patreon.com/Saintbarbido. ko-fi.com/kulturedsaint.

Saintbarbido · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 14: Monster Part 2.

Advanced chapters in Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.




Chapter 14: Monster Part 2.

(General P.O.V)

The steady beep of the blood pressure monitor droned on in the room, a rhythmic sound that matched Bruce Wayne's inhales and exhales.

"I can't stand that grin on your face."

The other occupant in the room said, referring to the wide crazed smirk on Bruce's face. His skin had grown slightly pale and sallow as well.

All in all, his condition hadn't improved in the slightest.

Seated on the chair next to the bed was Nightwing, Batman's cowl hanging off his neck.

"The doctor says you're stable but no medication has worked thus far. I'm worried."

He'd been visiting Batman for the last two days, ever since the 'Joker's Rampage' as the media was calling it.

"Things aren't good out there. People don't trust us as much anymore..."

He trailed off, his earpiece buzzing with an incoming transmission.

Clearing his throat, he tapped receive.


Nightwing listened for a bit before his face grew hard.

"I'll be there in a few."

He promised, cutting off the transmission.

With a sigh, the Boy-Wonder looked at his adopted father.

"The Gangs have been getting confident since the...incident. I have Stephanie and Tim keeping tabs on the big players though. So don't worry, we can handle it."

He blinked his tired eyes, tearing them away from the unnatural smile on Bruce's face.

Another sigh escaped him. A yawn following close behind. It was clear he hadn't been getting enough sleep. The bags under his bloodshot eyes was indication enough.

And despite being just as hardboiled as his adopted father, Dick's weakness was his family. He would do anything to protect them.

Which is why, the feeling of uselessness weighed down on his shoulders. He couldn't help Bruce through this, so he pushed himself extra hard.

He did what Bruce had trained them to do.

Had Barbara been there, she would have scolded him for stretching himself thin. And for not getting enough rest.

But there wasn't time for that.

The Joker was still out there and so was Maestro. The former was smart enough to lay low after the atrocity he had committed.

The latter on the other hand had left Gotham. He was most likely indirectly responsible for Killer Croc's brutal death too.

Nightwing thought it was for the best.

He didn't know what he would do to either of them if he caught them. They had tried to take away two of his most precious people.

He didn't think he could control himself.

Fighting crime non-stop was a way to cope. To unleash his anger in a controlled environment. Who cared if he punched out a robber's teeth?

Not to mention, with Batman out of commission, it fell upon him to handle the responsibility.

He reached for Bruce's hand, grasping his palm tightly with his fingers.

"Wake up...Dad. Please."

He pleaded not even noticing or caring that tears had started falling down his cheeks.

"We need you. I- need you."


Superboy finally arrived where the Supergirl vs Livewire fight was happening.

And just in time too, as a banged up car was flying in his general direction, headed towards a store front where some civilians were hiding.

Connor intercepted it easily, not the least bothered by the weight. He'd grown stronger over the years.

He lowered the car down, before placing it gently on the ground next to him.

Livewire was distracted with Supergirl, so Superboy took that chance and rushed forward, hand pulled back to deliver a powerful strike.

The two combatants noticed him as he was mere inches away from colliding with the Supervillainess.

Then Livewire fell into a pool of Shadows.

(Few blocks away from the Police Station)

Livewire stumbled out of a shadow frantically gazing around, still on edge. Her most recent memory was Superman junior about to punch her.


She muttered in confusion. Her surroundings had changed and she was now on a rooftop.

"There's no time."

A soft voice reached her ears.

Behind her, cloaked in shadows and darkness was Shade. And next to him, leaning on the side of a water tank on the roof, was Brick.

"Send me back!" Livewire demanded, stalking forward.

"I can take that little bitch and..."

"No, this was a rescue mission."

Shade refused, creating another portal, this one on the side of the wall.

"We're getting Deathstroke and leaving. Now."

Livewire narrowed her eyes at the portal creator. Sparks started dancing across her eyes.

"You don't tell me what to do."

She growled, low and menacing.

"No one tells me what to-"

"Oh wow, so this is Metropolis in the evening?"

An unfamiliar voice stated, cutting off Livewire's next words.

Following the voice, a bare foot leg emerged from the portal on the wall, right before the three Supervillain's eyes.

The three of them stepped back warily. The owner of the leg fully crossed over.

'He's tall,' That was the first thing Livewire thought.

The second thing she wondered about was his long hair. It danced in the breeze behind him, almost touching the ground.

He had a bandage around his shoulder and a part of his ear seemed to have been bitten off.

He was also...their rescue target.

Livewire stared at Shade from the corner of her eyes, something told her not tear her eyes off the target.

'Shade must have connected the portal to the police cell. This has made our work easier but...I can't shake off the feeling that something isn't right.'

She thought.

Sure enough, the portal was connected to a particular cell in the police station.

Holl's cell.

Speaking of him, Holl was in turn studying Livewire, Shade and Brick with sharp discerning eyes.

"You're with Slade right?"

He asked, a small smile on his face.

Livewire found herself nodding. She couldn't help it. This guy...was different from the normal crooks or goons she was used to.

She felt like she was trying to find common ground with a cold blooded monster.


Holl nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm lucky. I got a new useful pet and a few more options to pick from."

Livewire finally understood why the target of their rescue bothered her.

It was in his eyes. He would smile or muse thoughtfully but the way he looked at them never changed.

He stared at them as if they were prey.

"Gotta get the Portal creator first."

Holl muttered to himself, audible to the others.

Then he perked up as if he'd remembered something.

"Oi, Slade. Are you coming or what?"

He asked casually, looking at the portal behind him.

With the Monster's attention elsewhere,

Livewire's instincts screamed at her to run. To escape because something was wrong. Sparks appeared around her form.

All she had to do was tramsmit herself through the power lines and she could be on the other side of the city in a Flash.

Okay. It was decided.

She threw a look at Brick and Slade, finding them similarly on guard, though they didn't seem to know why.

Too bad she couldn't escape with them. This ability only worked on her. Okay, it's now or nev-


The target's voice reached her ears.

"You're thinking of doing something dumb, aren't ya?"

Her heart leaped to her throat.

She froze, not even daring to move.

His Eyes, they were staring straight at her, through her, looking right into the deepest rawest recess of her mind.

The place she hid her insecurities.

Livewire found herself frantically shaking her head in denial.

The monster, smiled instead.

"Slaade, why don't you show them why that's a bad idea?"

Livewire hadn't even noticed that Deathstroke had emerged through the portal.

"Deathstroke? What's going on?"

Brick, who was only now sensing that things were off, questioned.

"And what's that on your neck?"

Instead of answering, Deathstroke grabbed his gun, aimed it and pulled the trigger, promptly blowing Brick's brains across the roof. The sound was deafening and unexpected.


A scream tore out of Livewire. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Brick...was dead, his body laid out on the roof, blood already pooling around his corpse.

That had came out of nowhere. Who the fuck were they dealing with?

"That was so fucking cool."

Holl stated, clapping in glee.

"Now turn the gun towards the girl and shoot her if she doesn't tell me what makes her useful."

The order was delivered so casually again. How could anyone talk about death like that?


Livewire begun.

"Wrong answer."

Holl said, aiming a finger gun right at her face.

"Pew pew pew."

Another bullet left Slade's gun. Livewire's life flashed before her eyes. There was no way she was going to survive this.

Deathstroke's bullets were special. Hard enough to penetrate any energy barrier and with a wide range of effects.

A portal swirled into existence before her. The bullet entered it, disappearing in it's depths.

"Livewire! Snap out of it!"

Shade frantically yelled at her.

Livewire was rooted in the same spot. Death had come so close...

"The mission is FUBAR. Remember the briefing? The target has an ability to control people! He does it shooting out a sort of gel that wraps around their neck. Look at Slade, he has it. Meaning..."

"He's under my control."

Holl interjected with a grin.

"And so are you, portal guy."


Shade muttered in confusion.

"He- he got you."

Livewire told him, a shaky finger pointed at Shade's neck.

The latter stared down at himself- and balked.

Around his neck, was a green collar.

Shade looked up,

"You- you knew I would try to save her and took advantage of that brief moment to use your power on me?"

The portal creator questioned, already knowing the answer.

Holl's smile widened.

"Not really. I had every intention of killing her. I don't need powerful but untrainable pets. You actually saved her, so props to you my guy."

This guy...

'Fuck it.'

Livewire decided angrily.

A surge of electric energy covered her hands.

"You bastard! I'm taking you down!!!"

She yelled, uncaring of what would happen to her.

A huge blast of blue lightning was unleashed from her palms.


Holl called out.

A portal appeared before Livewire, swallowing the lightning.

Another portal manifested behind her, right next to her shoulder. A green substance shot out, wrapping around her neck and bringing her under Holl's control.

Livewire's attack ceased. She found her body rendered immobile.

"Now then."

Holl clapped his hands together.

"A few things to note."

He said, walking up to the two while stepping on Brick's dead body.

"Just like I told Slade. This is not slavery. It's...you guys helping me achieve my dreams, as my pets. Hahahaha."

The laughter that escaped him was slightly unhinged.

Then his tone turned serious.

"You are not to do me harm indirectly or directly. You are to ovey my orders without question. You are never to betray me, lie to me, or sell me out."

He addressed the two of them.

With each word, Livewire felt the commands take root. Her body locked up whenever she thought of harming him. Even if it was a single hair on his head.

"With that out of the way, let's go thank the person who sent you to bail me out. Maybe they can make a good and resourceful pet."

Holl said, happy that his plans to fuck up everything were going swimmingly.