
In DC with the Pet Pet Devil Fruit

//AN:- My return to writing some Mature Content. My other fics take precedence. Holl lands a Weeb's Wet Dream. He's In DC with the Pet Pet Fruit. A Devil Fruit that can enslave someone and control them. The Only Problem? Holl is Nuts! A Complete Psycho who kills just for fun! In his own words however, he's only mean to those who are mean to him. He has his sights on Enslaving everyone he can. Specifically, the DC women. *Villain MC. *NSFW. *Power Testing. 10+ advance chapters in my Patreon and Ko-Fi. Patreon.com/Saintbarbido. ko-fi.com/kulturedsaint.

Saintbarbido · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: Born On A Monday.

Advanced chapters in my Patreon and Ko-Fi.



A/N: I'll say this again. The MC, Holl is a Psycho. Call him stupid or dumb, I'm fine with that. But don't question his actions when he himself is Crazy.


(Holl's P.O.V)

I had to keep myself from being bored, so I dove into the practice even more.

Further experiments showed me I could make the strands thicker and heavier for attacks that could pack a punch.

Or thinner and sharper, for attacks that could slice apart almost anything. A few cacti hanging out by the road, just minding their business, had found that out the hard way.

A single sharp hair strand had sliced through the top halves easily by merely waving it through the window.

So no matter what Croc had in his arsenal, I was prepared.

The massive Reptilian Man struggled against the tendrils of hair around his body.

"Well well, Pet. This is surprising. So many want to see us part ways."

I chuckled, enjoying the mix of anger and terror in his eyes.

"Including you...but you forgot one thing..."

I brought him closer, left hand glowing with the power of the Pet Pet fruit.

"You can't escape me."

Eyes wide, he started shaking his head and mumbling through his closed mouth. I released the tendril around his jaw, allowing him to speak.

"You fuckimg Bastard! I'll rip you-"

The tendril coiled around his jaw once more.

I shook my head.

"Tut tut, calling each other names? I'm disappointed in you,Waylon."

The fury in his eyes increased, his body visibily trembling in anger.

"What? Seems like you have more to say..."

I told him, bringing him closer to me.

Then my nails slashed out, taking off his ear in one clean slice. Croc's face twisted in agony, red blood pouring down the side of his head and staining my hair.

His eyes redenned, tears welling up before he blinked them away. And then he was back to staring at me with murderous rage.

"That's payback for biting my ear off."

I smirked.

"You should be grateful I did it cleanly Waylon, you certainly didn't offer the same courtesy."

My words seemed to set him off even more.

With another flash of my sharpened nails, I sliced off his other ear. The pain hit him even more unexpectedly.

"And that's payback for..."

I trailed off with a shrug.

"Nothing. I just wanted to do it."

The way he was looking at me changed. Now his eyes reflected a familiar emotion, fear. Sweet sweet fear... Oh how I've missed seeing you in the eyes of my enemies...

And targets.

A perfect hand formed from my hair extended towards him, holding two things on its palms. His severed ears.

"I'll keep these as souvenir, maybe even use them to clone more of you. Croc Pets. Hope you don't mind."

I said, relishing the horror in his eyes.

"Huh? Why the horrified look? I thought I did you a favor? The only other option was to cut off your limbs or dick, maybe the balls. And while I'm an asshole that just seemed unreasonably cruel. However..."

His body trembled in terror as I tightened my hair around him. He was durable enough that his body could take it. It was mostly to inflict pain.

"I find myself at an impasse..."

I continued.

"Despite what you think...Croc, I Won't kill you. No no no. That would be a waste of such a strong pet."

The smile on my face disappeared.

"But what use is a strong pet that can't be trained?"

He visibly gulped.

My left hand rose up, the power of thpet pet fruit swirling around my palm.

I had tried to channel it through my hair during the experiments, but either my control wasn't there yet...or it couldn't be done.

I was banking on the former. Nothing was impossible.

Croc begun to struggle even more. But with the tight hold I had on him, there was no way he was getting away.

The Slave Collar wrapped around his neck easily.

A dizzy spell hit me out of nowhere, but I subtly wove my hair into a think stand behind me that held me up.

Seems like I couldn't use the Pet Pet Fruit's ability while I was weakened and hurt. It made sense, Devil Fruits were most likely powered by stamina.

Croc begun buckling even more, trying to get at me. He dislocated his left hand but still tried to get closer.

Desperation welled up in him. He knew one order and it was over for him.

Then I let him go.

He fell to the ground, landing on his knees and hands. For a second he blinked in confusion, then he dashed forward with hatred burning in his eyes.



The order halted him in his tracks. 2 inches from his tail plunging through my neck.

I brushed the limb away, walking forward before stopping beside him.

"I promised I won't kill you...but that doesn't mean you won't die today..."

Chuckling again... I gave him his last order and then walked off, leaving him stunned, rooted to one place.


Now then, I turned my gaze to the road.

It stretched out before me, a sign at the intersection showing some directions and the distance to the next City over.

Somerset was a few miles away to the right. Just 10 miles to Slaughter Swamp State park.

And Metropolis, Delaware was 56 miles to the left. The Big Blue Boy Scout's home. I have a bone to pick with him. But was it worth it? He could crush me like a bug as I was right now.

I heard the Swat Truck behind me roar to life. Then it cut down the right road, headed towards Somerset.


Now, what does a man have to do to hitch a ride?

(Half a day later)

(General P.O.V)

"How's he doing doctor?"

Dick asked.

Behind him was his younger adopted brother.

Tim was dressed in a leather jacket and sunglasses, almost the same clothes Dick was wearing.

Only the former's jacket was black to Dick's brown.

"He's...stable but his condition hasn't improved."

The doctor, a middle aged man with gray hair all over his head, informed him.

They were walking to a private ward. The one Bruce Wayne, billionaire and head of Wayne Enterprises was being kept under medical watch.

"The test results came back from Star labs. Whatever the joker exposed him to...its adapting to anything we give him. The next option is an experimental procedure using-"


Tim cut in.

The doctor stared at him in mild surprise.

"I'm kinda smart."

Tim shrugged.

"Ah yes."

The doctor nodded before proceeding om through the door.

Once the two were alone Dick stared at Tim, head cocked to the side.


The younger man said.

"It's fine. Let's just get through this and check on Barbara next." Dick sighed.

"We need to be out there searching for Maestro. Someone with his abilities is dangerous."

They pushed through the door and lying on the bed with all types of machines hooked to him was Bruce.

And seated on a chair next to the bed, a trail of drool falling down his chin, was a bespectacled man in a gray suit.


Nightwing raised an eye brow.

(Later on)

A police tape covered the entire length of the Swamp.

The whole marshlands were crawling with Gotham P.D and park rangers.

"It's unlike anything I've ever seen before."

Commissioner Gordon informed Batman(Nightwing) and Robin as he led them towards the crime scene.

"And trust me, I've seen a lot."

Most of the officers gave them a wide berth, though Batman could tell they didn't necessarily want them there. The hostility coming off them was telling enough.

"What's that smell?"

Robin asked, covering his hand with his mouth.

"Look down."

Batman disclosed.

Upon doing so, Robin was taken aback. Blood and bodily fluids pooled the already muddy and wet marshland.

Flies and other insects buzzed around, attracted by the scent of blood.

And then came the limbs.


Commissioner Gordon revealed.

"They tried to attack him but...he ripped them apart. Look at the tracks, he didn't even stop. Like his only goal was to keep on walking."

A few steps in and the corpses begun to appear. Several Crocodiles torn apart by what could only be an animal.

"Killer Croc did this?"

Robin muttered.

"As far as we could tell."

Commissioner Gordon said, eventually coming to a stop.

"But then Croc met his match."

On the ground before them...torn apart even more gruesomely than the Crocodiles, was Killer Croc. His body would have been unrecognizable if it wasn't for his scaly skin.

His head was crushed into pulp, brain juices amd blood leaking out. His hands and feet were ripped off his body and half of his Torso had been chomped on by huge teeth.


Batman stated.

Deep into the Marsh, a deep voice chanted,

"Born on a Monday...


Who can guess the Order Holl gave to Croc?