
In Danmachi with a Diablo III system

I don't know how to write I only started because of the lack of Diablo fanfics

Taco_Burrito_5711 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter one

As I woke up I was freaking out. After all it's not every day that you are in bed playing videogames one second, the next on rough stones in a dark alleyway. I decided to check my surroundings first and took a peak out of the alley and what I saw scared me. After all there aren't too many places with a massive stone like tower in the middle of a city.

After panicking for 10 minutes I decided to say something that usually works in every Isekai, "status", but nothing happened. 'Welp I'm fucked', I thought. Deciding to find the guild, I asked around, and searching for an hour, I ended up at the guild. As I walked inside my hair on my arms stood on end 'probably from the people around me being way stronger than I am'. I walked to the counter and seen a gorgeous woman with a head full of wavy red hair with some pointy fur covered ears poking out the top, "Excuse me do you have a list of familias?" I asked quietly. She pulled a book out and handed it to me, "thank you" I said, and wandered over to a random wall to browse through the book.

After looking through the book for hours and not finding Hestia I decided to look at my other options that I would like to have but unlikely to join or be useful to them, Loki, Miach, Hephaestus all for different reasons. Miach would be the easiest to join because of his kindhearted nature but I wouldn't be able to help much with the debt if it has already happened, Hephaestus probably wouldn't want someone who can't craft and would be too weak to protect the craftsmen, and Loki only does stuff that would be extremely fun, so unless he's got blessed by Fortuna, Tyche, or some other god/ goddess of luck it would be unlikely. So I returned the book and started wandering outside for some, and I was blessed it seemed, because after thirty minutes of wandering, I bumped into some members of the Loki familia, Ais was eating something fried, the twins were arguing, and I accidentally bumped into them. Possibly messing up my chances of joining the Loki familia....

(I might add more but I can not accidentally delete all my progress again by reloading the page because I forgot to save and remember all this so I'm going to publish this first to see how it looks and add more to this chapter if I need to)