
In Danmachi with a Diablo III system

I don't know how to write I only started because of the lack of Diablo fanfics

Taco_Burrito_5711 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 2

After bumping into the three girls and trying to apologize to them Finn appeared out of know where and said something about his thumb tingling, whatever that meant, and they started bringing me to the Twilight Manor. When they brought me inside and asked where Loki was I was both excited and terrified, excited because I might be joining, terrified because what if Loki asks questions about my past, which I could answer truthfully and be thought of as insane, or answer falsely and be thought to be a spy because of the God's ability to tell lies apart from the truth.

Finn knocked on a door and it opened, inside was obviously Loki, with her red hair and mischievous look in her red eyes, she asked Finn something and he whispered something back. Loki then asked, "do you want to join". "yes," I said, within minutes I was shirtless on my face.

Loki drips a drop of blood on my back and whispered, "what the hell is this?" pressed some paper to my back and copied my status to it and asked me, "why do you have skills already and what do they mean?"


Name: James

Familia: Loki







Sanctuarium porta (literally sanctuary gate)

Classis immuto (class change)

diablo systema (couldn't find a way to translate diablo to Latin(systema is system)

Spells: none

Development abilities: none


"Uhhhhhhh Nope, not a clue not even a little" I said to Loki after seeing my status has three skills already. Loki then pestered me to try one of them out, so I tried the one with a word in it the translates to safety and Said " sanctuarium Porta", and then there was a glowing blue oval appeared in front of me and then a grey and teal menu asked for my difficulty and gave me options.

'Torment, II, III, IV, V, VI, (greyed out after this) VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI. (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

I immediately tapped on the easiest difficulty because why would I go on anything above the easiest difficulty that is called torment. I got a prompt to choose a class, from very familiar classes



Primary attribute: strength

this stoic warrior uses tremendous physical strength to crush Foes.



Primary attribute: strength

Religious warrior committed to expunging evil from the world through discipline, honor, and unswerving vigilance.


Demon Hunter-

Primary attribute: dexterity

Ranged weaponry and shadow manipulation makes this vengeful hero an elusive stalker of demons.



Primary attribute: dexterity

a holy warrior who attacks faster than the eye can follow, disabling enemies with precision blows.


Necromancer- locked (because it's bullshit powerful)

Primary attribute: intelligence

A commander of the dead, this dark priest can summon a fearsome army or call upon the powers of blood and bone to achieve victory.


Witch doctor-

Primary attribute: intelligence

a manipulator of the forces of life and death, this shrewd castor wields the power of the spirits in astounding ways.



primary attribute: intelligence

A master of the temporal and elemental energies powering creation itself.


I tapped monk because I would just have to hit my enemies and I wasn't sure if I'd get instinctive knowledge on how to use magic, I don't know how to use bows, don't want to be a religious zealot, and don't want to lose my mind to rage if I can't help it, too bad necromancer was locked because I'd take that to hide behind the army of the dead.

I walked through the portal and was greeted with a cutscene that introduced my class to me about why I am on that quest.

( I can't write anymore today without my head hurting so I'm going to post this and play on my necromancer character to complete all the challenges I can.)