
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chárter 14


And when his gaze landed on it, he found an arrow stuck perfectly in the top of his shoulder, Alex pulled the arrow out of his arm as soon as he saw it and kept running until he came across a familiar staircase, and without hesitation started heading towards the 15.... floor.








~Scene change, 15th floor~

(5 minutes earlier)

/Pov nobody/

"hey Alfia did you find any clues about the *boy*?", asked Maxim to an expressionless Alfia, who if her twin sister saw her (Meteria), would ask her why she looks so upset....

Yes, Alfia was upset, very upset

Not because of the rumor that she had missed the *boy*, no, Alfia doesn't care about something like her fame.

She was upset because now, thanks to the *boy* having escaped, they had delayed the raid on the deep floors until they found him.

Alfia thought it had been her mistake since if she hadn't turned her head she wouldn't have lost sight of the *boy* and could have avoided all this.

The thing was, she blamed herself for delaying the raid.

Alfia wasn't upset about delaying the others, no, she was upset because thanks to her losing sight of the *boy* she became the indirect cause of stopping the raid.

Alfia as a proud woman, would not allow herself to be a *burden* to the two families.

That's why besides being annoyed, she wanted to be the one to find the *boy*, thanks to that, as soon as she found out about the change of plans, she headed to the dungeon to scan all the floors from 10 to 15 leaving the others to the other members of the Zeu and Hera familia.

But, he wasn't so lucky...

She hadn't found anything, not a single thing of the boy's, which only frustrated her more.

And when Maxim asked her if she had found anything about the *boy* she was about to throw it up in the air with her magic....

But she held back the impulse

for now...

SHe shook his head, sighing heavily in the process, to answer her question.

"Maybe it's on the lower floors, I don't think anyone found it, since we left the *assistant* guarding the entrance in case someone caught it before us."

As if Alfia had eaten a worm, her face soured noticeably.

"that scum only stayed to watch the women leave the dungeon, he's only in Zeus' familia because Zeus liked his kinky side, I'd like to erase that smirk he gets when he sees the women" Alfia thought dangerously in her mind.

Alfia was a person who hated perverted acts, and the *assistant* (Bell's father by the way), had tried more than once to spy on her and the other female members of the Hera familia in the bathroom, along with Zeus.

Zeus at least was a good god and Alfia recognized that, but the *helper* was on another level of scum, from Alfia's point of view and not only hers, but several others like Zald.

He was a disgusting, cowardly, weakling who belonged to the familia of Zeus.

Disgusting because he was a big pervert who saw all women with a disgusting smile.

Cowardly because he was always the first to run away from danger.

And weak because he was the weakest member of Zeus' familia, and even Finn could currently defeat him without much effort.

With all that on the table, Alfia felt a deep hatred for that *worm* that if it weren't for him being of the Zeus familia, she would have made mincemeat out of him the time he pretended to spy on her in the bathroom.

Alfia's train of thought was stopped by the sound of a person panting heavily in the distance (Alfia as a level 7, has an incredible sense of hearing).

Alfia rushed to the location of the sound, not because she wanted to help, no, she wanted to take out her growing anger on something, and she was going to use the *monster* following the poor *adventurer* running away from him, as a punching bag to calm her anger....







~Change of scene, somewhere on the 15th floor~.

Alex was exhausted, both physically and mentally, his feet wanted to give up a couple of minutes ago and he wanted to stop running after feeling a great pain in his back.

But he didn't stop

No matter how exhausted he was


no matter how much pain he felt

he didn't stop

Alex at this point was simply struggling not to fall unconscious from pain and exhaustion.

But he kept running

Without stopping

At this point stopping for Alex was equal to losing his life.

He didn't know what could happen to him if he let himself get caught.

They could experiment on him, kill him or even make him someone's slave.

So, despite everything....

He did not stop.

His desire to live was so great that at that moment he had the will to run away forever if necessary.

But he couldn't.


They would not let him

The end of Alex's eternal run was in the shape of an arrow....

Darkness came to Alex after he felt a pain in his left foot and his sight was filled with darkness as he fell unconscious to the ground from the blow....







The adventurers seeing that they had finally managed to catch the *monster* put on big smiles, but as they approached the *monster*, they felt an incredible pressure on them that made their bodies tremble....

And when they turned around they saw something that left them all in cold sweats on their backs....







/Pov Alfia/

My surprise was not small when I saw a boy panting heavily with hair as black as night along with a pair of blood red eyes, he was missing an arm and looked exhausted.

One of the adventurers following him shot an arrow with his bow and it struck the *boy's* left foot sending him crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

When I looked at the boy's back my anger exploded into a great bloodlust which I directed towards the adventurers approaching the boy.

The adventurers sensed my bloodlust and turned in my direction.

I saw the surprise and fear in their eyes when they saw me.

But I paid no attention

I for my part was approaching the boy to try to help him but one of the adventurers said something that infuriated me even more....

"re...remember that you can't ro...steal a...Mons...moster from another pa... Party" said one of the adventurers as he stammered in fear.

I felt one of my fists clench tightly....

I had heard that they called the *guy* a *monster*, and to some extent I thought he was one because of the way he acted when I found him about to kill those two adventurers the first time I saw him.

But at this moment he didn't look like a monster....

he looked like a desperate boy...

One who was looking to escape

Who was looking to live

He was just a boy...

A *special kid* who was looking to survive....

That's why I was upset when I got to the place where he was passed out, and saw that he had 9 arrowheads embedded in various parts of his back....

And that was not all, it seemed that he had also received several arrows in various parts of his arm and elbow, but only the holes where they had been were left, "he took out the arrows while escaping...", I thought in my mind.

Seeing this I could only feel respect and a little admiration for the boy.

With those kinds of wounds and with his power, if I were in his situation I don't think I would have escaped for so long.

With all those injuries and with his body exhausted to the limit he should have passed out long ago.

But they only managed to catch him because one of their arrows landed in his foot, otherwise it looked like he would keep running forever if necessary....


Sorry for the delay, I had several things to do and could only write when I got home.