
In danmachi as a vampire

Alex wakes up in an unknown place, with no memory of who he is and where he is, but he knows something, he has a thirst, a lot, and nothing will stop him until he is satisfied, while he satiates his thirst he realizes a small and important detail... ================================== Read the auxiliary chapters pls

Alexander_sama15 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chárter 13

Hey, should I keep writing like this or do you think it's better the way I did before?


Fels also didn't agree with leaving this new type of *Xenos* to their fate, since he knew that Freya, Loki, Hera and Zeus' families were looking for him, so it would be better for him to join the group, since they would die anyway if they found them, whether they were with him or not....

Alex was very undecided at this point, as he could either join the xenos and live in the dungeon with them, feeding on the monsters, or try to survive alone without relying on the help of the xenos or Ouranos and perhaps find a way to feed without having to kill someone.

Fels as if sensing Alex's dilemma, proposed something to him -why don't you come with us to meet the other Xenos so you can decide whether to join the group- Fels thought that Alex was in a dilemma because he didn't know if he would be accepted in the group and because he could bring trouble to the group.

Let immediately agree- great idea Mr. Fels, I'm sure if the others hear Mr. Alexander's situation they will understand-.

At that moment Alex didn't want to tarnish the little goblin expectation so he nodded his head unconsciously, and started to follow them....

~Change of scenery, 16th floor of the dungeon~.

After remembering how he had gotten here, he could only sigh in his head because he had practically decided to follow Let without a second thought after seeing how excited he looked, Alex simply turned off his thought process since he couldn't do anything now.

-I'll walk you guys over here -, Fels said suddenly making Let nod his head and Alex almost screamed -What!!!?!? -

Alex thought Fels would accompany them to the temporary Xenos base on the 18th floor to introduce him or something....

-because I have to inform Lord Ouranos of your existence as a new Xenos-, said Fels as he turned around ready to go back the way they had come, as a former sage he had never heard of a race called vampire, he wanted to go back as soon as possible and ask Ouranos if he knew anything or determine if it was a new race of monsters, which he doubted since Alex was very *unique* so to speak, or was Alex the only one there would be of his species? which he thought was very likely since Alex had mentioned along the way that he didn't remember who he was before waking up in a small room on the 4th floor, plus it seemed he didn't feed on monster cores like the other Xenos, but instead fed on blood (Alex told him that, since he left literally dozens of bloodless monster bodies with their cores on the 4th floor, along with the bloodless body of the adventurer he killed, so he guessed it wasn't something he could hide anymore).

-...- Alex could only remain silent after seeing Fels leave the way they had just come from, and when he was out of sight he turned his head towards Let, who started walking again and after following him a few steps he asked him why he hadn't accompanied them to the shelter.

-Mr. Alexan...- Alex interrupted Let as he was a bit annoyed that he called him that all the time and told him to just call him Alex.

-Well, Alex, you must understand that Sr.Fels has to inform Lord Ouranos about you so he knows that you are a Xenos and that you could join us-, Let said making Alex think, -maybe it won't be so bad if I join them, I mean, Let and the other Xenos are good people, but I don't know what they will think when they know that I prefer the blood of humans more than that of monsters...-

When he remembered the time he killed the adventurer and drank his blood, his body suddenly stopped and he couldn't help but want to get more, as Alex, although he didn't exactly remember the taste of the adventurer's blood (because he had lost control), he couldn't help but think that he wanted to taste that flavor again to taste it better.

Let stood looking at Alex as he suddenly stopped and was curious about the reason, but when he was about to ask he saw Alex's red eyes glowing dangerously, becoming more and more dangerous with each passing second.

-Mr. Alex!- shouted Let to Alex, making him come to his senses, and after shaking his head a couple of times, he turned to Let who asked him...

-Are you all right, Mr. Alex?-

-I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, let's hurry to the shelter so the other Xenos don't worry-.

Let knew that Alex avoided the question, but he didn't give it much importance and ignored it, but he was still a little worried about him.

After setting off again, Alex couldn't help but be irritated as if it wasn't for Let he would have lost control again just by remembering the blood of the adventurer he killed.

Shaking his head in his mind, he could only keep up with the small goblin in front of him.

After walking for a while longer, Alex suddenly felt a shiver on his back, and immediately grabbed Let by the collar of his armor and pulled him back, barely saving him from the arrow that was heading for his head.

Alex, without thinking twice, started running at full speed while carrying Let on his back, who was still processing what had just happened.

After a second he realized that somehow the group of adventurers that were chasing them had found the hidden path they used to move through the dungeon without the adventurers seeing them.

Let told Alex to put him down so he could run but Alex said something that made him grind his teeth in frustration....

-They are much faster than you, if I put you down they will kill you, let's keep running until they get tired of following us....-

(5 minutes later)

At the beginning Alex did not understand why every time a Arrow was directed towards him, it did not aim at a vital point, it only aimed at places like his legs looking to incapacitate him, but after running the first few minutes he realized why, those who were chasing him were looking to catch him, but not to kill him....

Alex felt that he was getting exhausted, and seeing that the pursuers were almost on his heels, he could only think of one idea to escape from this situation...

-Hey Let, I need you to answer me something? -said Alex with obvious tiredness in his voice as he looked at the T-junction in the distance.

Let nodded seriously, for after all, he owed Alex his life.

-Which is the farthest way we were going before they found us-, Let looked around a bit until he seemed to recognize where they were and said to Alex.

-The path on the right leads to the 16th floor exit and the one on the left to the 17th floor entrance, so the farthest would be the one on the right -Let said pointing to the two paths respectively, after hearing that, Alex said....

-Hey Let, let's make a *deal*-

Let was dismayed by what Alex was talking about in the middle of a chase, but before asking him what he was thinking, Alex told him the *deal*.

-You go left and I'll go right, I'll get their attention when we're at the crossroads, so you can escape- Alex had noticed Let's bewilderment at seeing the adventurers following them relentlessly, so he deduced that he hadn't realized at what level the Orario adventurers were chasing Alex, and that he just thought they were being followed by some kind of thieves or something similar.

So he decided not to risk Let's life for a problem he had to solve himself, so he proposed the *deal* so he could escape, as he didn't think the adventurers following him so far would stop following him for a while.

When Let heard the *deal*, from his point of view, Alex was proposing him to become the bait on purpose so he could escape, so he was going to deny it outright, but Alex didn't give him the chance and said....

-At this rate I'll get tired and we'll both die, if we want to have a chance to escape you'll have to let me be the decoy, don't worry, I'm faster when I don't have a little goblin on my back -joked Alex at the end adding that part on purpose so Let would think he was currently nothing but a burden and decided to let Alex be the bait.

After seeing Let nod his head a little, he could only sigh and say -so long, Let, don't go dying- and just at that moment he threw him to the left and stopping to shout at the top of his lungs


To then start running like never before in the direction of the 16th floor exit.

After seeing that he had managed to catch the attention of the whole group of adventurers, and that they had not noticed the small goblin that was hiding behind some rocks, he sketched a small smile that quickly disappeared when he felt a sharp pain in the only arm he had left.

And when his gaze fell on it, he found an arrow stuck perfectly in the upper part of his shoulder, Alex pulled the arrow out of his arm as soon as he saw it and kept running until he found some familiar stairs, and without hesitation he started to head for the 15th floor....
